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@MadScientist We have a situation here skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/37241/… with someone going completly off the rails.
@Magisch Thanks for bringing it to our attention. The flag system is perfect for that, because it alerts all the mods.
@Oddthinking I flagged too
@Magisch [Tips hat.]
I just thought dropping a ping in chat would make it faster since Mad Scientist was in the room atm and the user in question kept insulting people in comments
@ventsyv: A hat-tip from me too for a heroic edit on that cat answer. I was in two minds whether to keep it, but the comments made it clear that the sources didn't support the claims being quoted - I'd rather see another answer appear with the same references, that invert the intended meaning of the original answerer. Sorry for wasting your time.
@Magisch Cool. Thank you.
@Oddthinking It also popped up in the charcoal HQ (someone reported it to smoke detector) so one of the answers was abusive-deleted
Mentioning it for transparency, sometimes site mods don't like that a lot.
@Magisch Thanks. I have just been reading about Charcoal HQ. Nice.
8 hours later…

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