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@Zak Don't you need probes as well? Or do you check for military-built to exclude your target from having defences?
@skiwi Calculators like that already exist, would be nice to integrate those on top of the available player data. Should save the end-user a step.
Integrate ALL the things!
> 18.715 IPMs
Obsolete them ABMs.
1 hour later…
I have no idea what exactly is going on at Izar, but that was bound to happen ^^
First thing I notice is that there's a moon on 3:340:8
And 47 CRs
And that 975 IPM smashes my planet
You got ploffed.
This is a bit evil, I'm going to let him continue the two attacks in 10 mins, then he attacked 7 times and can ban him for bashing...
Make absolutely sure his case is indeed bashing before you report him though. The rules can be found in the footer.
7 times on one planet
> Probe attacks and interplanetary missile attacks do not count towards the bashing rule.
Also make sure your alliance doesn't happen to be at war.
Is there a way to turn off the damn moon video sound when you open a CR? ^^
Alliance at war... you'd figure they'd send a message around if we were at war
Oh smart guy, it's someone else who made these 2 hits
At least I can say that I have had death stares :P
That's how bad it was lol
Hmm... why is Metal Mine to 25 less expensive than Crystal Mine to 22? How does that make sense
Crystal mines already produce less than metal mines
@skiwi There's sound?
@Mast Yes... it's always on max volume, with that video
@skiwi You killed all 61 Deathstars? At least you went out with a bang.
@skiwi There's a video?
What sorcery are you talking about?
Perhaps my adblocker kills it.
My Adblocker doesn't... there's a video if a moon gets created every time
@Mast Uh no, I killed destroyers
Oh, right.
I first thought that too lol
I'm still used to seeing the surviving fleet to the right.
Here it's at the left.
Then I didn't see how it added up to just under 6M losses
lol... all this time my fleet escape ratio was at 5:1 instead of 3:1 on my moon since it was created
Check Japetus, pretty sure I pissed off Napster ^^
Sigh, another HEX maintenance
Is the SSH working as expected @skiwi ?
Haven't tested yet ^^
Will do in a bit
I need so many more LC, it's unbelievable
I can't comfortably do much with 60 LC
@Zak I suppose you're not around? TheOneSock has planets nearby you and might be interesting
And I just realize that I've been looking for targets to crash without having recs at home
Maybe it's time to be productive
@Mast I'm in your servers
Shooting around lasers and stuff
@Mast How do you update the server? Pull master, then build the WAR and move/rename it while stopping Tomcat and starting afterwards?
@skiwi I got the script posted here somewhere.
Pull, build, stop server, remove WAR + folder, copy WAR, start server.
You can stop and start the server with the commands in /opt/tomcat/bin or something similar.
Dec 30 '15 at 22:19, by Mast
cd ~/OLog
git pull skiwi develop
grails war
sh /opt/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh
rm -rf /opt/tomcat/webapps/OLog
cp build/libs/OLog-0.3-SNAPSHOT.war /opt/tomcat/webapps/OLog.war
sh /opt/tomcat/bin/startup.sh
Though that could be out of date ^^
^^ Okay
So it's this time again to figure out how I create a new release ^^
Just like the last time.
Trying to see what scope we should have for v0.4: I think the spy reports should get saved into the database, relevant planet updated; and the players/planets should be scanned daily via the XML API
It's not really an alpha release, or is it?
I want to put the project on the Origin forums asap, so that the key will be accepted as live key
That Gameforge Live behind HEX TCG, is that the same Gameforge behind OGame?
@skiwi Not yet.
@Mast Yes, though GF is just sponsoring the $100K tournament
It's some kind of deal where they hope to promote each other games'
@skiwi I think they're the whole company behind it.
Nope, HEX is developed by Cryptozoic Entertainment, who raised the funds via Kickstarter
Yea, but I suspect GF bought the thing somehow.
But hey, I'm paranoid.
You are paranoid
Oh, nobody fixed that bug? :( ^^
@skiwi Filter :)
Someone hasn't heard about debris fields?
function sanitizeNumbers(text) {
    return text.trim().replace(/\D/g, "");
This shouldn't break stuff
I should test it though I think..
I don't have anything with > 1K units anymore though
Who needs local tests anyway? We can do that in production
@skiwi Tell him ^^
[skiwi2/OGNext-Userscript] skiwi2 pushed commit 1a39f53b to develop: Fixed bug where thousand separators were not stripped when sending numbers, fixes #19.
@skiwi Not on your test account?
@Mast Should I?
@Mast No, not yet
I could test it, but I trust JS enough for this one
@skiwi Test accounts have infinite resources, right?
@Mast Nope, this just has x25 speed
@skiwi Can't be too hard to get 1k espionage probes.
My dev server throws a ton of errors though
Now if my localhost Tomcat one doesn't throw them, it's good
Because if dev doesn't work but production does there's no problem? :P
Yes :)
I'm not exactly sure how dev works, afaik it doesn't use PostgreSQL
LOL I clicked on the Facilities tab on my moon and errors printed in the log for five seconds straight
> 2016-01-28 15:34:50,327 ERROR http-apr-8080-exec-6 org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper - ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "table_moon_col_universe_id_col_moon_id_key"
Detail: Key (col_universe_id, col_moon_id)=(207, 33645549) already exists.
@skiwi Who needs tests if you have obvious failures like those to tell you it's wrong? ^^
Servers are coming back online. Auction house is still closed but tournaments are unlocked!
Must resist the urge...
I'm confused, what the error is telling me shouldn't be happening
@skiwi Are you sure it's correctly retrieving where the latest version stopped so it knows where to start again?
And another new error ^^
@Mast It should, I added some logging statements though, but made an error so now they are also throwing an exception
@skiwi How about a view like this for OGNext? Where the dish to the right is the graph.
And I found a new very interesting error
Your validation is screwed.
@Mast Not sure, could work?
I'm not a UX man.
Me neither ^^
I'm more worried about the fact that the userscript is ending data for a planet in Universe 136 (Japetus), and it is complaining in the error message about Universe 135 (Izar)
That's odd.
Either I made a mistake earlier, or the bugs reproduced while I didn't work on this project
> This also can happen to moons...

Appears to have something to do with the following error:

> Caused by: grails.validation.ValidationException: Validation Error(s) occurred during save():
- Field error in object 'com.ognext.Planet' on field 'locations': rejected value [[PlanetLocation(168, Coordinate(165, Universe(2, en, 135), 2, 153, 8), 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, 2016-01-28T14:53:17.420Z), PlanetLocation(null, Coordinate(161, Universe(2, en, 135), 2, 122, 12), 2016-01-28T14:53:17.420Z, 2016
My moon just got marked as deleted...
pastebin.com/TaL3GBdB this is the solution to everything, appereantly
> - - [28/Jan/2016:16:00:09 +0100] "POST /OGNext-0.3-SNAPSHOT/api/userscript/moonResourceBuildings HTTP/1.1" 200 38 - - [28/Jan/2016:16:00:09 +0100] "POST /OGNext-0.3-SNAPSHOT/api/userscript/moons HTTP/1.1" 200 38 - - [28/Jan/2016:16:00:09 +0100] "POST /OGNext-0.3-SNAPSHOT/api/userscript/planets HTTP/1.1" 500 1165
Seems to have happened around that time
@Mast How much space do you have available for OGNext logs? ^^
I have no clue on why this bug is here :)
I actually explicitly filter the planet/moon locations by universe, so that shouldn't be an issue
That board state ^^
@skiwi MM / CM start off with the same base production, and each Produce at Base*Level*1.1^Level. but, crucially, MM cost only increases at 50%/level whereas CM increases at 60%/level which means, by level 22, CM are twice as expensive as MM
@Mast Check for military and check for activity. That early in the game, activity is a Great indicator of who's online.
Correction: 4 times as expensive at level 22
so even MM 25 (=22 * 1.5^3 = 3.4 times) is still cheaper.
@skiwi What does df tell you? ^^
You can probably spare a couple GB.
@skiwi That's one ugly bear for a Dream Bear
@Zak If you're one of the first with fleet, definitely.
@Zak That's a bummer though
@Mast 213MB available?
@skiwi That's odd, where did the rest go?
Unless that is 213GB?
1 hour later…
Bold guess... @Zak got crystal you want to trade to metal?
'fraid not. I don't really have an excess of anything right now
@skiwi I think it is, can't imagine there's only 4MB on sdb, although I don't remember there being any sdb currently inserted into the server.
It does say 1K-blocks on the left somewhere
@skiwi Try df -h -k
@skiwi Among other things, yes.
Also, about board states:
@Mast Gives the same output
@skiwi -k should give units.
@Mast lol, so that's why my game is lagging!
How long have you been playing HEX already?
@skiwi That was about an hour into the game I think.
I survived the hit though, barely.
Died the next hit at -26 ^^
Not tanky enough...
What's that 1/1 in the left corner of your character?
Troop with Flight and I can't do anything against it :|
There are cards in my deck, but I don't have it at the moment
It also has Rage : 1...
@skiwi Not a clue.
And how did you get -9 attack?
He kinda lowered my attack
I don't know what happens if I attack with it :D
Certainly won't damage him
I'm dead next round if I don't draw anything
Or I need to bring 350K metal together to start Weapons 12..
But could also save the res and spread it to build 30 battleships tomorrow
If I start LB5 I'll have 1M of spare metal :/
@skiwi That's what, one of the first HD video cards produced?
@Mast Not that bad, but prettttty bad
I guess I'll have to go with producing battleships, it makes most sense with the res ratios I have
Put my account in v-mode till the weekend. Less distractions.
Then you must be pretty busy ^^
Though you play pretty casual, I can't afford to put it in vmode :/
Yea, I don't care about the stats much as long as I stick within top 200.
Perhaps there will be a time where I can play more active, but that time is not now.
Hmm, Red is Legendary?
Appereantly it is :o
1 hour later…
@skiwi That would be my guess, nice find.
Ironically I end up being 45K crystal short on LB5, and I queued 3 BS earlier
@skiwi That won't be the last time that happens to you.
It's worse if you accidentally spend your deut before FS and you don't happen to have enough.
Yes... that'd be painful
Or when attacking and your recs took so much deut the main fleet won't be flying.
@Mast ^^ Good
Ouch, getting 6 damage (from flying) per turn, I can't survive this forever :D
Oh wow, this is tricky, my troops got +1/+1 from a buff (every time you play a troop, the next one in your deck gets that), the enemy has a charge power of 2 that puts Defensive on your troop
You can remove Defensive by paying 2 and exhausting the card, but I just realized that it reverted the card and also removed the buff :/
I'm still hanging in there ^^
And he just played a 7/11... damn
That's probably the last image
4x speed for economy
1x speed for fleet
only 5 galaxies
+25 Fields
galaxies and solar systems will be circular
22.500 DM after account validation
> This universe IS NOT the new super special unique server for the 13th anniversary of OGame!
lol ^^
Those are odd settings...
Works for me. Can afford to be even less active
Can atually leave it an hour or 2 inbetween checking for incoing attacks
You going to start there?
I'm not sure, in any case not going to main it
I'm very tempted
At the least, It'll give me something to spend my weekend doing
Japetus is not enough?
Kallisto is a better name though
I'm not really sure though, though it is an interesting combination I want to test, raiding inactives should be very profitable (relative to flight speed)
Aye. definitely going to be a *much* more localised Uni
Hitting someone 100 systems away would take nearly 2 hours, one-way
@skiwi Probably.
@Zak 1x speed for fleet? Not interesting for Deathstars.
@skiwi Everything is a better name.
And yes, farm will be the name of the game.
Our developers are not allowed to commit to master. They push to a feature branch, the CI server then merges with master and runs tests. If they succeed, then changes are merged to master. So code with broken tests cannot be on master... — Boris the Spider yesterday
"Surely, by the time something gets committed to master, a developer has already run all the unit tests before and fixed any errors that might've occurred with their new code." What fantasy world do you live in? — jpmc26 yesterday
9 hours ago, by skiwi
Who needs local tests anyway? We can do that in production

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