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@motosubatsu the person was so eager to get to me prior to interview - emailing me promptly even at 7 am and now I didn’t hear anything
Even dropped email yesterday telling how interview went
@localhost wouldn't say that means anything at this stage - it would be pretty normal for things to go a bit quiet for a few days at least while they interview other candidates and evaluate their options
try not to dwell on it - you've done what you can and now it's up to them to decide where they want to go from here. Keep yourself busy with the job hunt and see what happens
They said I was only candidate at this point
@localhost The interview process for IT is BRUTAL, and the industry is no better. It's a principle reason I have not left my job. Don't take it personally. As Motosubatsu said, they want a self starter.
I am starting over and leaving behind legacy technologies, from where you could LITERALLY know everything, out into the world of today, and everything has changed. It's daunting. The thing to remember is that there are a wealth of free tutorial videos on how to code anything. Don't be intimidated by the code base, just focus on what you are responsible for. NOBODY can know everything.
BUT, you can find out anything.

"we don't want someone who will take up other developer time for 8 hours for 2 months to understand" = "We want you to do your own research and formulate intelligent questions". In this age, where most answers are at your fingertips, people will get annoyed when the answer is a 30 second google search away.
Back in the ancient days of books and when Google was just an idea some college kids had, the answer to most inquiries was "RTM", or "READ THE MANUAL". or, the less polite "RTFM". I'll leave it to your imagination what the "F" stands for.

The point is, the more work you put in to finding the answers yourself, the more people in general will want to help you.
That's what they mean by not taking up other developer's time. You should know enough to be able to get to work a while without interrupting anything.
There is a difference between asking "How do you do this" and "I am stuck, I have tried XYZ, gone online, and couldn't find any answers there, and checked some videos, I've gotten this far, I just need help to get past this.
`I displayed to them I do my own research and I am always invested in myself. so I know what u mean by interrupting anyone
The problem I see myself is i am left far behind but I m trying to catch up.
nor I can get hired as junior because they see huge yr of experience
one thing I will say about me I m so much distracted
every thought I will do, enery ding I will see, et

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