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@Twyxz Morning!!
Morning working people
@Twyxz so it's like 8AM in your timezone right now?
Morning everyone.
@SouravGhosh Howdy
@avazula Sure is
2 hours till you disappear in my time :)
Wow, you're so in the past pal
that may be a bit different today, I'm working remotely
a full hour in the past? :P
I'm so into the future badass face
IN 48 hours time you're going to be 6 hours behind me :)
Then i'll be in the future badass face
@Twyxz where are you going?
@Twyxz oh no! :(
Did @Twyxz disappear?
@Kepotx That man truly is magic
@Twyxz Doing good, how about you?
what would be really supernatural is that he won't answer because he actually works
guten morgen meine arbeit freunden
BTW @Twyxz, I had to disagree with your answer Approach to Performance Reviews to get accurate grades there
@motosubatsu Guten Morgen! Wie geht's?
Hong Kong :0
@SouravGhosh neither answer is wrong. Yours can be considered a waste of time and mine can be seen as counter productive
depends on the way of working in an organisation
@avazula I am indeed truly magic
@avazula Ich bin gut, danke, müde, aber der Kaffee macht seine Arbeit. Du?
@motosubatsu Ach, Ich auch brauche einen Kaffee
@avazula Kaffee ist das Leben!
@motosubatsu So wahr!
I think I have a new question for TWP
morning folks
morning folk
how r u @avazula
fine thanks. You?
@Kepotx I do occasionally work despite the rumours :)
@avazula great. with a inner me trying to make me feel bad about not having a job yet
but I tell him, we r working on it..
@Nofel my partner just went through 3 months of unemployment. Stay strong. It'll come :)
If I lose my consecutive logins I think I will actually cry. I think I actually will as well
@avazula yep, I see the void in my CV whereas that void is a big in IT web right now
@Twyxz are you a DB admin?
@avazula Noooope, why?
@Twyxz stay strong my Ford-driving friend. You can do this!
I m doing something aboiut it, if I can do it which I would. I m optimistic I will have endless possibilities given my cv.like we have a saying "Elephant has crossed the door but the tail is stuck"
@motosubatsu Why are you the most annoying person to grace this earth
@Twyxz idk, you talk about logins
I say grace I mean to exist.
@avazula I'm trying to get the fanatic badge :)
@Twyxz Years and years of practice
I'm sure it's a birth condition @motosubatsu
I'm over half way oh my. I can't lose it now
@Twyxz oh..
Guys if I disappear and never return it's because I've been a) killed by triads b) caught a disease that I refuse to get my blood taken for
Peace out
@Twyxz are those the only two possibilities?
I'd add "death by overnapping"
or, oversnacking?
bear attack?
@motosubatsu Probably
I'm preparing a bomb question for TWP
darn bears.. coming over here.. eating out dev apprentices
bomb in the sense that I'm not sure someone coul help
@avazula a literal bomb?
please don't call the mine-clearers services
@avazula damn.. I've been looking for an excuse to whip out Bomb-defusal for Dummies
sorry pal :p
I think I'll change my name on TWP
Bomb-defusal for dummies... The future is bright
If you wanna try to be TFGITW:
Q: Indicating to non-invited people I wasn't told to invite them without accusing my coworkers

avazulaI recently began a new project with new coworkers. The project being huge, it involves 100+ people whom I have to talk to and work with on a regular basis. I don't know everyone and everyone's role yet. 95% of my coworkers are abroad and I never saw them, and 90% I didn't have to work with them y...

what closing category would be appropriate?
@SouravGhosh for mine ? D:
@avazula Nopsie nopsie no. It's for the link I posted just before you. :)
bad timing haha
@avazula answered
whoa.. you changed name and avatar... too much change... can't cope... </freaks out>
@motosubatsu haha
Can we get this straight
what is your name? @avazula
I asked a couple of questions here which I wouldn't like my coworkers to find - I've had terrible issues with my manager since I gave her my resignation ...
@Twyxz my IRL name?
@avazula took me nine minutes to answer that.. what's wrong with me today :(
Yeah @avazula
@motosubatsu nothing, you're great :D
Hazel, Ava? The other name you used to use
@Twyxz those are the only two I ever used
Hazel being fresh new
@avazula flattery will get you everywhere
None of them are my real names
So where do the names come from @avazula :)
But I don't really go by my IRL name. Call me Ava and you'll be fine ;)
@avazula wait.. hold the damn phone.. you mean people don't use their real names as SE handles?
believe it or not, Twyxz is my real name!
Right @motosubatsu?
@Twyxz Well ... Ava is a first name I love and "Zula" is from a song title. I'm a music addict (can't go two days without listening to some) and that song really shook me when I discovered it so... here I am
and so is mine....and the gravatar also....
Hazel is a name I like too
I don't like my real name, I'm actually currently changing it
To Hazel or Ava?
Or neither o.o
yeah.. I mean I always used my real name and my passport pic for my avatar.. I just assumed everyone else did the same
(if you wanna know everything, I was born from a terrible father and when people use his name, I just don't understand they're talking to me. I'm asking for being legally allowed to wear my foster family's name)
but it takes 3+ years to even know whether the Justice Ministry will allow me to do so and now it's ruining my life plans
@Twyxz My real name is Marie
seems like I ruined the mood :p
@avazula not at all
what name are you looking to change it to? or is it just your surname you're going to change?
@motosubatsu only my surname
but honestly since I discovered SE I'm more comfortable with being called Ava haha
@avazula only about 4 people on SE know my real name.. if someone called me by it on here I'd probably have no idea that they were talking to me :D
Ugh. I need a vacation.
@avazula amen to that
@motosubatsu IM ONE
@motosubatsu Haven't had any since September, I'm starting to feel rusted
now I feel jealous @Twyxz
@avazula I'm not even sure he knows I'm one
He may have miscounted
He can't forget you
@avazula ouch.. December here (took a week off over Christmas), unfortunately it's probably going to be another 3-4 months before I can take anything off
I forget me sometimes
You're unforgettable (I won't say in which way though) :p
@motosubatsu Erh :(
@Twyxz oh crap.. I mean 5 people
j/k of course I hadn't forgotten you Twizzy-Whizzy :)
Well if it makes you guys feel better I'm away 3 times this year :)
See I told you he forgot me :P
Always read the full transcript before typing guys cmon you should know this by now O.O
@Twyxz yeah... you kinda walked into that one :)
@avazula tell me about it.. such is the life of a small business owner
@motosubatsu you're a boss
@avazula lol.. not as impressive as it sounds
and for some inexplicable reason my employee quite likes getting paid.. like every month
well I do think it's harder to be a small business owner that a corporate one
@motosubatsu That's madness!
Who do they think they are?!
@avazula being small means no real corporate BS to deal with.. but it also means taking the responsibility to heart. If I screw this up it's not just me that's going to be struggling to pay their bills!
@motosubatsu yea, I get that :/
oh no, I've been DVed :(
Folks, what do you think of this answer? Taking favor from the management while attending an interview
Any other angle / point of view you'd like to suggest?
how does it sound Hi Be..., Hope you are getting my message. I am keen to know what is going on with X Health because I been awaiting you reply since 22 March. I think a short reply would do.

Either they are or they are not interested in me. I do not like linger on for a longer period of time.
this recruiter sent me 3-4 jobs, and they r silent
I been following up but no reply. I wanna reply them about my fustration with them
Do you ever listen to advice? @Nofel
Literally everybody told you to just leave it
You'll express frustration and you'll have even less chance of them helping you
@SouravGhosh I think your answer is good
@Twyxz well the ruining my cv
How are they "ruining" your CV?
sending it out without my consent
Well why on earth would you apply to a recruitment agency
If you aren't wanting your CV sent out
I been told by a compnay, X recruiter send us ur cv why u reapplying
@Twyxz they ask for ur consent
before applying
Yet in your complaint you didn't mention that "you have been sending out my CV without my consent"
So which one is it? You want them to stop or you want them to do more and reply?
@Twyxz I do not want them to represent me anymore
even for jobs they applied for me on my behalf.
I want to revoke my candidancy
as for the advice @Twyxz yes I took it and apply to another recruiter
but this one needs a sorting out.
I even did technical test (waste of my time)
no reply
@Twyxz Cool
oh my days another recruiter replied me saying "do u have any example that I can put forward to the client" and when I emailed her with my cv saying, here is my cv and here is a cover letter summarizing my WordPress work.
she didn't ask me that in reply to show me my work
like have u even read?!
@avazula for your Q? I wouldn't worry about it.. some curmudgeons just DV on reflex
@motosubatsu lol. people
@avazula yup.. I like individuals but people suck
@Nofel You didn't mention revoking your agreement with the recruiter though. You were talking about them replying
@motosubatsu I'm person
How about that
@Twyxz that's okay.. you aren't people
sweet.. just 'capped thanks to a shedload of UVs to an answer from last year :)
How does that happen
another user edited their answer today - that bumps it to the stack's homepage
Goes to edit all his high rated answers
(bump bump bump)
@Twyxz when are you gonna change that profile pic color anyway?
@avazula Why? Do you not like it? :(
@Twyxz You said you'd change regularly to cover all existing colors in the RGB scope
So I'm waiting
good thing alpha is not supported
@avazula one a year, I live forever
@Twyxz Good luck with climate change
I'll probably need it at this rate @avazula
@avazula so, climate change is the only threat to Twyzx and/or the water cooler?
@Kepotx Overnapping is his biggest threat
It's not a nap if you don't wake up :)
oh BTW @Twyxz I started a real diet (I gained 30kg in 6 months because of bad medication, I lost 10 since but hit a threshold). I'm doing a IIFYM diet and so far the weight drops but I'm getting obsessed with calories because I hit none of my fat/carbs/proteins daily goals while I hit the calories threshold. That made me think of you the other day haha.
Joke aside, would you by any chance have any tips for me?
Just to be sure, the goal here is to gain weight, right?
Or lose
@Twyxz nope, lose it lol
Oh lose
yeah I got it after I re-read haha
You should probably focus on changing your diet to make sure that you hit your macros within your calorie threshold. Do you do any exercise?
@Twyxz I haven't in a while but I used to lift weights thrice a week. I'm considering running again (no gym nearby)
Body weight exercises would be fine also (when trying to lose weight). You should try hit your protein count as a must. The carbs and fats aren't too important as long as you get a good amount of calories daily
and you don't eat too many fats/carbs
I actually started again to run
@Twyxz Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Twyxz R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
In the UK we have something called swimming world, and basically you just eat as much as you want but you can only have a certain amount of "bad" foods
fun thing, as you have an absurd name, it fit the rest of the phrase
@avazula if you've recently reintroduced exercise or upped your exercise levels you might find that the "weight threshold" you've hit may be partly as a result of increasing muscle mass
@Kepotx That was so random :P
@Twyxz noted
@motosubatsu I have an inpedencemetric scale so I know it's not the reason why, but good point :)
The key goal of protein is to grow and repair muscles. Higher muscle mass and consistent diet/exercise mixed with protein will increase your metabolism which will aid you in losing weight massively.
@avazula ahh no worries.. not that then. Carry on :)
@motosubatsu I lose a bit of every category when I lose weight haha, fat, muscle and water. The only thing that I don't lose is bones for some reason
@avazula that's a good thing though.. loss of bone mass is worrying to say the least!
@motosubatsu I know, I was joking ;)
@avazula sorry.. sometimes humor just sails right past me!
no worries, I'm known for my lack of irony, I understand why people would assume I couldn't say ironic things ;)
@avazula what's so meta is that being known for a lack of irony results in the inherent irony that when you are ironic people miss it
idk honestly :p
someone just popping into TWC and looking at the star board is going to have an extremely messed up view of life in here :D
We all have messed up views of life in here
You say some strange things @motosubatsu
@Twyxz it's all part of the service
Thank god it's free @motosubatsu
@Twyxz who said it was free?
leaves immediately
Joe has that many badges, when he answers they don't even fit on one line
what's TWP policy regarding chatty / answering comments?
Sounds like y'all are so verbose haha
@avazula officially? same as the rest of the network - you aren't supposed to do it. unofficially it'll generally fly under the radar unless someone flags or it gets out of hand
check the last sentence
in this answer
@SouravGhosh you nailed it with that answer
@motosubatsu hehe, thanks :)
Found the source of my pain....
@JoeStrazzere I really need to learn your approach to things.
@StjepanBakrac - your should write an Answer, expressing your contrary opinion. Clearly, you have some mental toll experience you can draw from. I understand you don't think "deal with it" is the right answer. It will be interesting to read what you do think is the right answer. — Joe Strazzere 6 mins ago
@SouravGhosh The story of my life
@Twyxz How's that?
@RichardU my approach has always been to try to help others as much as I can. Nothing special.
@SouravGhosh She is right, listen to her
Regardless of whether she is or not
She is
@Twyxz Right, that's the essence
I practice the same
It makes life so much easier @SouravGhosh
Always, in an argument, if I'm wrong, I apologize, if she's wrong, I apologize again.
@JoeStrazzere Well, you are a good deal better at it than most of us.
rule #1: she is always right. rule #2: if she is wrong, slap yourself and read again rule #1
Life lessons as a male in a relationship with a female
@Twyxz I once went three days without saying a word to my GF. I hate to interrupt her.
@RichardU Weren't they one of the most three peaceful days of your life? :)
Seems like I come back at the perfect time
@avazula in which timezone? :P
@SouravGhosh all
@SouravGhosh if my SO got paid for every word, Bill Gates would be her errand boy
@avazula G'day to you.
@RichardU GAmen
gotta track down Nofel, to let him know I'm not having an heart attack, just messed up my elbow
A: Working with people that have different views in geopolitics

Richard UAs you've found, Taiwan is a VERY sensitive subject for China. The situation is both political and ethnic for the Chinese mainland, and very complicated. If you want to avoid the situation entirely, refer to your office in Taiwan by the name of the location within Taiwan, and don't refer to the...

{heavy sigh] ^^^ it's already collecting close votes, because "If I don't understand the situation, it must be off topic"
@RichardU while I agree with you.. I'm still going to give you an evil glare for mismatching brackets
Ah, but nothing beats this, @motosubatsu
dang... won't upload... trying again.
hey @RichardU
how r u
@Nofel not too bad, but found out why my arm hurts. It's like carpal tunnel, but at the elbow, it's called "Cubital tunnel syndrome". Hurts like hell.
3 hours later…
Lots of rude comments to Joe's answer here.... Cleanup on aisle 5
A: How do I deal with an unproductive colleague in a small company?

Joe Strazzere My manager realizes that my colleague isn't productive but he keeps trying to "make it work." What is the right way for me to deal with this situation, either by reconfiguring how I think about it or in how I interact with management about this? The right way for you to deal with...

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