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@MisterPositive Two down votes for me as well now.
@ArtOfCode It's no joke. A comment from a mod, saying what you said effectively killed any chance I had. People take mods seriously. The fact that I have gallows humor about it, notwithstanding. Now, what I've said all along is that as a mod, I would hold myself to a higher standard. I've moderated much rougher environments than SE and I know how to step back. But frankly, I'm not happy with the blatant character assassination I've been experiencing.
I'm one of the highest rep users here, and one of the very few to earn the "Legendary" badge. If all I did was snark all day, I would NEVER have achieved that. In fact, I rep capped again today. But what is being focussed on? Me venting my frustrations with some snarky comments in chat.
1 hour later…
Q: Closure and Possible Deletion: How can I tactfully write that I haven't received a reply?

Greek - Area 51 ProposalI've improved How can I tactfully write that I haven't received a reply?. Can it please be reopened? But why are there 2 votes for deletion?

2 hours later…
@ArtOfCode Furthermore, you are ranked #782 here, and I have been the #2 contributor for two years in a row, so spare me your sanctimony. You contribute nothing to this stack but you come in here just to cause trouble. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Now, please tell me who's fit to be a moderator, someone who comes into another stack to exercise a petty vendetta?
@motosubatsu You are doing pretty good on the questionnaire. I told you so!
May 11 at 14:38, by Masked Man
@motosubatsu Oh, you do.
I'm seriously considering leaving SE entirely.
@RichardU Don't do that. You're no quitter. You understand trolls enough to simply rise above them.
@Snow Oh, I'm just musing. It's irritating when they coordinate to invade another stack though.
Don't over-think stuff, leave all that crap to other people.
morning all
Good morning. Wonder what the day will bring.
@Snow well after yesterday I would suggest that we are due a day of sunshine, rainbows and friendly unicorns for all in order to provide some balance
And cupcakes. We all need cupcakes.
@Snow cupcakes would be good
I never really know how to eat cupcakes when they're covered in that frosting stuff.
@RichardU This isn't some co-ordinated attack on you. This is me having some concerns and raising them so that people can make what they will of them. This is how elections are supposed to work. Not being a prolific contributor does not exclude me from doing that or from voting.
Are we done with raising concerns?
@Snow You just have to go for it and clean up later.. that's what napkins are for.
1 hour later…
@DarkCygnus I am sorry for your loss.
@DarkCygnus I'm also sad to read of your loss. You're right that there's more important things than the internet. I wish you peaceful times for the coming days.
@ArtOfCode You abused your position as a mod to interfere in a mod election on a site where you have under 400 rep. You didn't "raise concerns", you made a proclamation and deliberately twisted my words. You did not ask a question you made a statement and you based it on nothing but your feels, and perhaps the fact that you don't like book titles in chat.
You put nothing of substance behind what you said, and then when called on it, you abused your position further by declaring that since you're a mod you can tell who's a good mod and who is not.
@ArtOfCode I call BS on this because you simply haven't had enough personal interraction with me to know a damn thing about me, nor do you care to because your mind is already made up.
Oh, yes, people will make what they will of your nonsense, and it will carry weight because you're a mod. Don't pretend that you're being noble or providing some service. We've had less than five engagements in the two years I've been here. You're nursing a grudge over a comment in chat. Lets not get into how you abuse your power in chat either.
**You didn't raise concerns, you twisted language. What I actually said is that as a mod, you have to hold yourself to a higher standard, and in my case that would be to drop the snark because it's one thing to joke around when you're just one of the guys, another when you're a mod because then that behavior signals to everyone else that this is a standard of behavior.
IF you were truly raising concerns, you would have asked me to expound on that with a question to follow up on that, not come right out and say that I shouldn't be a mod. That's not raising a concern, that's abusing your position and no matter what kind of bread you use to make it look fancy, a turd sandwich is still a turd sandwich.
@RichardU Pointing out you may not be ready to be a moderator based on your track record is raising concerns.
@doppelgreener pointing out concerns is not saying "you're not ready".
You know better than that.
No, you're right, I do know better than that -- I know saying you may not be ready is raising a concern.
That is a concern. It is being raised, by dint of bringing it up.
@RichardU is one among the most helpful people on this site.
So... lemme point something out. I put my thoughts in a comment on your nomination. Ignoring whether or not my thoughts are correct, you've responded to that comment by complaining here that I'm assassinating your character, that I'm abusing my power, and that I don't know what I'm talking about.
All of the above is factual.
Is that a response that is appropriate in a moderator?
14 hours ago, by ArtOfCode
@RichardU This... is what concerns me. Quite honestly, I'd love to see you come back to me having thought about my comment and come up with an intelligent response - either "you're right, this is what I'm going to do", or "you're wrong, and here's why I think that". Suggesting that you'd rather snark and joke about it instead is... not encouraging.
Now I don't dispute that you're an excellent contributor here. I've read enough of your answers to know that; you know what you're talking about and have a wonderfully clear way of putting it across.
You started the topic here.
But that's orthogonal to whether or not you'd make a good moderator.
@MaskedMan Actually, that's a reply to an earlier message.
I have seen it.
@ArtOfCode No, that's a reply to a comment on the board, where I said this belongs in the Q&A, but apparently yoou're not a good enough moderator to heed what Monica said. So, you bring it in here instead of election chat.
You said that he responded to your comment on his nomination by bringing it up here. That is not what happened at all.
15 hours ago, by Richard U
AAAAAAAAAND art of code just slammed me. LOL! I think I'm dead, Jim
That's not bringing it up here?
@ArtOfCode no, it's not. It was declaring that you killed my campaign.
...which is bringing it up here.
and you did, by making baseless accusations, and proclaiming them to be ruth
You raised your concerns on his nomination post, that's fine. That's how elections work here. There's also a chatroom for the moderator election where you can ask questions to the candidates. There was no reason to repeat your concerns over here.
Anyway..... you've had your pound of flesh, bullied someone without a diamand and will now you're going to walk away satisifed
...yup, that's totally what I'm doing.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
@ArtOfCode on the usside, this is the most you've ever participated at the workplace.
Let it go @RichardU.
Gotta love that tactic. Provoke someone until they've had enough, then try to claim the moral high ground.
@MaskedMan I intend to let it go indeed. Such smarmy, condescending..... ugh.
this is infuriating.
I must have been on target though. Funny, he didn't address a single concern I raised. My hypocrisy meter just went up like krakatoa.
But I'll let it be before he takes something I say, blows it out of proportion, presents it as a threat and has me banned.
I will just say this. If I become a mod on one site, and I see a "controversial" character nominating for mod on another site, I will post my concerns on their nomination post on that site and let the community do as they see fit. I wouldn't chase down that candidate into that site's chat room and go digging for their old posts that show them in a bad light.
@MaskedMan Will you bring it up in your own site chat and comment on it? How would you react when the person then responds in your site chat to you bringing it up? If you then reply to them and advance the conversation further yourself, how will you respond when they decide to engage with you and reply? Would you, and would you consider it unreasonable for them to do so?
It is unbecoming of a moderator to make it their life mission to prevent someone from getting elected. Let the regular users of that community deal with it.
@doppelgreener Once I have posted my concern on the nominating post, I don't see any point in bringing it up in another site's chat room.
@MaskedMan Something to think through in that direction of actions and how it relates to the events here.
@doppelgreener OK to answer the rest of your questions, if I am a mod and the candidate decides to bring my feedback into a chat room, I would disengage from the conflict. I would tell them to address my concerns on their nominating post so that others can also see their response. Then I wouldn't comment on it further. I certainly wouldn't go digging for their old posts on their other sites (especially those I don't visit often).
Just to be clear on this, although my responses are triggered by a certain conversation, my thoughts on the matter are pretty general and not directed to specific individuals. I apologize if I give that impression. I don't hold grudges against anyone.
@MaskedMan Candidates are encouraged to discuss things in chat - there's even a designated chatroom specifically for the purpose, although the main room can also serve as a place for that discussion (of course, the normal Be Nice and other policies still apply).
Anyway... this discussion may have reached the point where continuing it won't lead to anything productive.
@MaskedMan I was more thinking, what if you are the candidate, and you do bring it up in chat.
(because, in this case, it was the candidate who first brought it up in chat. then the person who left the criticism responded, concerned by the messages they observed. then the candidate responded further, and so on.)
@doppelgreener Even so, the guy who is already a moderator should do the right thing and deescalate the conflict. As it turns out, I am a candidate (though I haven't filed my nomination yet), so I was looking at it more from what I would do if I get elected.
Those are also reasonable choices if you were in the moderator's shoes. (Not the only choices, but reasonable.)
Anyway, I agree with that I ought to leave this be now.
Let's look at a different example. Let's say you abuse your boss in a fit of rage or emotional trauma. Should the boss abuse you back? No, that conduct would be unbecoming of the boss. He has already climbed one level up, so he should be held to a higher standard.
I guess we should leave it at that for now.
So: What do y'all think about the comments about the term "coming out" under this question?
I'm leaning towards just flagging all of them as no longer needed.
I agree, someone experienced some confusion about what that term means but it ought to be clear in context.
@Mithrandir I'd probably agree with that.. they certainly aren't something I'd consider rude or abusive but it's definitely going full-steam ahead down a tangent
I don't think the context of this "coming out" is anything related to the gender/sexuality aspect. I think it's just plain "I'm coming out with this news". Not everything an LGBT person says is revolving around their gender identity or sexuality. Sometimes they use normal words and sayings too.
@doppelgreener plenty has come out from this conversation. PLENTY.
Good morning all.
@MisterPositive well, it's morning, as to whether it's good remains to be seen.
Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?
Morning has broken, just like my heart
@Mithrandir I wish everyone a good morning, afternoon, or evening
I'm not wishing anyone a good morning. It's afternoon in my parts.
Third night in a row for insomnia.
That's why I added the commas, sir, to include everyone...
won't be long before I start hallucinating.
@RichardU That sucks sir...
What's up with the "sir"?
@MisterPositive Yeah, I get periods of it since 1987, when I lost 3 of my grandparents, and my nine year old cousin.
Snow is an elder, therefore he get's the "sir" title...
@Mithrandir HERE, people respect me, thus the Sir.
@Mithrandir How are you doing?
It must be near someone's birthday.
It's my birthday in a month's time.
I reach my half-century. A century ago, I'd be dead.
@RichardU I know the feeling well (Chronic insomnia sufferer since early childhood).. I usually make it 5-6 days before the hallucinations set in. The ones where I've been floating a foot or so above the top of my own head as I go about my day are super fun!
@Snow mine was a couple of weeks ago.. I'm now 37 going on 90
@motosubatsu I surely hope not.
@MisterPositive you hope I'm not 37 or that I'm going on 90? :)
@motosubatsu The second part. Either beats the alternative.
@motosubatsu 37? My God you're young.
@motosubatsu my personal best was about a month. Oh the fun things I was seeing. Also, someone whispering in my ear. Which was impressive as it was my deaf ear. This can be fun.
@MisterPositive just a slightly tongue in cheek reference to my osteoarthritis - it's practically unheard of in someone my age :)
Still, it's better than the neuropathy. Attention kiddies, make sure you keep your blood sugar under control. When it hits the neuropathy stage, it feels like you're being set on fire.
@Snow flattery will get you everywhere :)
@MaskedMan Hello sir. How are you doing?
@Snow to some that's not young at all
@RichardU I hate the auditory ones.. I find them much harder to ignore since mine lean towards sounds of distress from loved ones, dead people saying things or other worrying things
@motosubatsu the ONLY thing that let me ignore it was the fact that it was in my left ear, which is impossible as I am profoundly deaf.
@Mithrandir Age is a relative thing, right?
Then again, I don't get the fun voices that say KILL!!! KILL I usually get news and weather
@MisterPositive and a chronic disease or stress can move you up on the scale. My body is closer to 60 something than my chronological age.
@RichardU True.
@RichardU pretty much the case with me.. my neck should be well into collecting it's pension by now
@MisterPositive I recommend homelessness, medical neglect, and malicious actions by third parties. Get's you old real quickly. The only thing I missed was drug abuse.
However, legal drugs....
Well, time for me to go do some thinking about some options.
I'm not happy with a few people right now. Not happy with a few people
@RichardU I am going to skip the homelessness if at all possible.
Taking some time out for a day or two won't make anything here worse. It'll also perhaps make you feel a little better. not that I want to be preachy at all or telling you what to do. Just a thought from a concerned friend.
@RichardU Taking a break is not a bad idea sir. Stepping away from the keyboard might help.
@MisterPositive I might be stepping away from more than that. I can't believe the nastiness and the sheer volume of people getting in digs over some imagined offense. Eventually, It may get to a point where I no longer care
See ya later folks. anything else I post won't be of much value. I'm not used to this level of vitriol. In fact, that's why I like SE, or rather why I did like it.

Too bad Enderland quit.
I think this is goodbye. I don't know for how long. Good luck with everything, I'm done.
@RichardU while I don't want to trivialize how you're feeling right now I think it would be a shame if you left the stack entirely over the events of the last few days I think far more people here value you then the other way around.
@RichardU Take good care of yourself.
@RichardU Yes, take care of yourself first. This is just the virtual world, the real world is way more important.
@MisterPositive I am doing great sir. Thanks for asking. How are you?
@MaskedMan I am doing well sir. Are you actually going to nominate your self or just answer the questions? ;-)
@MisterPositive Yeah, sorry about that.
@DavidK Yes, I did want to post my nomination, but due to my tendency of writing long winded answers, it got too late by the time I finished posting this. Then I had a long day in the office today, so couldn't do it. I will post my nomination hopefully by tomorrow, but certainly before the deadline. Thanks for reminding me. — Masked Man 1 hour ago
I got assigned a critical customer reported bug first thing in the morning, so I spent a couple of hours convincing some guys to put my other tasks on hold. Then I figured out the problem was the input from another, so I spent another hour explaining it to them. Their "fix" which didn't work, then they gave me another fix. It took me ages to get their fix work with mine, so I just left the office.
As a result, I am too tired to write my nomination post today, will have a shot at it tomorrow. Not that it matters much anyway.
@MaskedMan That's OK. You may want to go for a short nomination post and build on it later.
@doppelgreener I see that you are a moderator on another site. Do you think it makes a difference? Posting a half-ready post now and improving it later as against posting it later when ready?
There's no rush from what I see. There's still 6 more days in the nomination phase.
See revision #1.
And note that he won the election.
@MaskedMan It's fine to just post something short and iterate on it later. Mithrandir posted a great example of that.
Most people post a short nomination then update it later, at least in response to what they see in other nominations.
Interesting. That serves as enough of a motivation. Thanks. :)
I am in the middle of posting a meta answer, will finish that and get back to this later.
Sounds great. 👍
Huh. So I wrote any submitted my nomination and just found that I was only 1 character short of the limit. While writing it, I had no idea there was a limit.
It's a rather short limit, too.
@Snow I typed mine up on notepad, completely unaware there was a limit and ended up over 2k chars over.. that took some trimming!
probably no surprise as anyone who has seen any of my answers knows that I can be a bit..erm..*verbose*
Yes, but you're verbose in a good way. I've seen to many rambling questions and answers that never really get to the point.
@Snow thanks.. and you're spot on about the rambles to nowhere they are irritating. I sometimes worry that my verbosity doesn't serve well in the TL;DR culture that seems to have developed on the internet over the years but it's not like it keeps me up at night
I'm generally happy with a concise introduction that summarizes the content and then leads into more detail. Properly worded, the dreaded and somewhat patronizing "TL;DR" notice can be dispensed with.
@Snow it always amuses/irritates me on forums when I see people who respond to a long OP with literally "TL;DR" - given that the time taken to post that generally equates to or even exceeds the time required to read the post they are complaining about
I find it amusing when the TL;DR is longer than the rest of the post. :-)
@MaskedMan Ada Lovelace was famous for the footnotes in her academic papers being longer in total than the content of the papers themselves.
@motosubatsu I did the same thing, and was way over the limit initially.
I am awaiting the mauling after I answered a transgender question. Somehow I doubt that common sense will be an acceptable answer.
@Snow Where? That place we shall not name?
@MisterPositive No, not that.
Q: Is it reasonable to ask how the company/group is about trans folks?

ZyerahI'm soon to be a college grad, and I'm reaching the point where I'm starting to get offer(s). I'm transgender, and will be transitioning wherever I end up working. This transition will be obvious. My body and appearance are going to become increasingly feminine over a matter of months, and at som...

No, there's a newer question.
@Snow i suggested an edit to correct/improve some language you used in it.
@Snow you nailed it with the first line
@doppelgreener I'm happy with the wording that I used.
@Snow I would suggest also checking if there's LGBT-in-the-workplace support/advocacy organisations you can reach out to for advice on the matter.
@Snow it's problematic wording.
@doppelgreener What part?
@MisterPositive For context on that here's the revision I proposed, since it highlights the parts. Para 2: the person has considered themselves female for years by this point, it is only the way she is being recognised in your workplace that is changing. Formally it's more or less a transition point where their correct gender identity is established in the company and they may begin presenting in accordance with that identity.
Para 3: the "one day this, the next day that" can be more clearly stated that prior to that point, they are using facilities corresponding to their original gender presentation at the company. Once the transition is announced, they will begin using different facilities. It helps to ground that change in the transition point.
(it also helps to avoid the wording used because it sounds somewhat like a trans person will swap back and forth between utilities on different days. a small wording adjustment there helps us be more clear about what's going on there.)
Para 4: their gender identity has not changed. Their gender identity is just being correctly introduced to the team for the first time. So it is not a change in gender, it is a change in how people recognise their gender identity, and a change in gender presentation.
If we're explaining what's going on to a potential LGBTQ employer, it behooves us to be accurate in those regards, since otherwise major misconceptions about how this process works can arise from the original wording.
I don't agree. Using more complicated wording just confuses things in my opinion. In enforcing these wordings, people get intimidated by any potential offense they might make and therefore make things worse. My post brings this down to the basics. The end advice is simple - ask the affected person what they feel comfortable with.
This wording may be a bit more complicated -- I'd say more nuanced in this case -- but the original wording isn't adequate for explaining what's going on.
It is also misrepresenting what goes on quite badly in that second paragraph.
It represents that the person has decided that same day their new gender identity, instead of recognising they've had that gender identity for ages and are now introducing it to the office.
That matters quite a lot for a potential employer handling this effectively.
(see "what made you change your mind?" potentially getting asked as if this is suddenly a completely new decision on the part of the trans employee)
I know you're not meaning to misrepresent anything, and you're aiming to be accurate whilst also keeping things simple & straightforward.
@apaul Hello sir.
@doppelgreener BTW thanks for explaining your position. I appreciate you responding to me.
@MisterPositive 👍 happy to explain
I'm nonbinary myself, and in a position where I can understand some of these gender issues on a personal level without being someone who is inclined to seek transition. I've also got multiple trans friends and have worked for a company with defined LGBT handling procedures.
So I'm one of the people with some insight into this but who isn't exhausted from having to deal with misunderstandings all the time already. :p
Which means I should probably explain and share what I can when it's appropriate and timely.
@doppelgreener I am admittedly ignorant on the subject, so I tread carefully on this and related topics. ( Like what is nonbinary? )
Nobinary is not fitting into the binary definition of male | female with no other options and no overlap, from what I understand
@doppelgreener It sounds like you're in the ideal position to provide your own answer to that question using your own experience.
@Mithrandir Thanks for the input, it is much appreciated.
@MisterPositive There's people who identify as male, and people who identify as female, and then there's those who may identify as both or neither — this last group as an umbrella can be described as nonbinary.
@Snow Yeah, I'm trying to evaluate whether I can do that, too.
@doppelgreener understood, makes sense. Is that the same as gender neutral?
@MisterPositive nope
@doppelgreener LOL. I need a cheat sheet so I know the basics of what each phrase means.
Gender neutral isn't something people identify as. Instead you'd have a gender neutral bathroom, so that women or men or anyone can use it. This resolves issues trans people often face about restrooms.
A person may identify as male, female, agender ("I don't have a gender", longer explanation of that here: chaoslife.findchaos.com/agender-agenda), bigender or genderfluid (meaning their identity fluctuates), or some other stuff.
Agender is the NULL value for gender.
@doppelgreener Gotcha
I feel better now.
Gotta love anti-anxiety medicine
I'm going to see the election through, then decide if I want to stay.
@RichardU Glad to see you back sir. For a moment, I feared it would turn out much worse.
@MaskedMan It very nearly was. But I promise I won't rage quit. If I do quit, I'll give a few weeks notice. I am, however very disappointed.
^ The last "real life" example appeared particularly appropriate this time. :(
@RichardU You can always retire in restricted mode. That way, you will probably feel pretty good. :)
I don't recall ever seeing more people in this chat room than right now.
Anyone who goes into retirement in restricted mode has to give me cookies as royalty. ;)
@MaskedMan You got your shipment, right??
I haven't got my cookies from enderland yet. :|
Things sure seem to have exploded while I was away doing other things. I realize the conversation has moved on but I have several things to say, mainly but not only to @RichardU, and I think it's still important to say them. Prepare for a wall of text.
Some of the comments posted on Richard's nomination yesterday were inappropriate and have now been removed. That does not mean that the concerns were invalid. Those comments were removed because they were not constructive; constructively-presented comments expressing the same concerns would have remained. Do not interpret the removal of the comments as anything more than dealing with rudeness.
@MonicaCellio Hello there!
All users here have a voice. It is up to each of us to decide how much weight to give to any particular voice, but arguments based on how much reputation somebody has are not helpful. It is not "abuse" for a user who's also a moderator somewhere else to participate. SE allows anybody with 150 rep to vote; ask yourself why they do that. High rep doesn't necessarily mean entirely-constructive participation, either.
You know how, in the workplace, if you're looking for a promotion you're usually expected to perform at the higher level first? That is, managers expect you to show that you're ready for more responsibility before they give it to you. It is not unreasonable for voters here to expect the same of moderator candidates. A promise to change a behavior is weaker and less convincing than actually changing the behavior.
While some people troll by leaving negative feedback on candidates, not everybody who leaves negative feedback is trolling. Try to avoid dismissing all negative feedback as trolling or coordinated persecution without looking at the issues being brought up. Some issues might be bogus but some are real. And "this comment (or chat message) killed my chances" is exaggeration and blame-shifting. You're better than that.
Richard, you do have a pattern of borderline and sometimes over-the-border behavior in chat. I hope you will decide to improve that behavior regardless of the outcome of this election.
I do not want to see you leave the site. I would be delighted to see you work on your chat activity the way you worked on comments after we talked about that. There will be rough edges, as there are with comments, so it will require effort and attention. The payoff is that we raise the level of constructiveness on the site and you have a stronger candidacy next time.
But don't do it for the diamond; do it because it's the right thing to do.
I see there have been some complaints here (including from @MaskedMan) about my comment directing discussions to the election chat room. There are 46 deleted comments on that post, a lot of it back-and-forth discussion. Chat is better for that. That doesn't mean "don't comment on the post at all"; it means choose the right tool for the job. You can comment summarizing a concern and point to chat for details.
Speaking of which, there is a special chat room specifically for discussion about the election. We're having this discussion in the general chat room; shall we relocate?
@MonicaCellio I don't seem to recall specifically complaining about your comment. Could you please tell me what you are referring to?
Actually, I don't even know which one of your comment you are referring to.
@MaskedMan I think I misinterpreted something I read in a large volume of chat messages this morning. I apologize. I'm referring to the comment I left on Richard's nomination (in response to a series of comments from someone else) directing people to the chat room.
@MonicaCellio No problem. :) I found that a bit odd to read because I myself directed some people to the other chat room at one point. Anyway, no big deal. Reading this chat transcript can be hard, especially when things get heated up a bit. :)
I think we should (finally) stop talking about the election over here, and go over to the other room. Oh, and let's not talk about other topics there!
@MaskedMan also because of the tiny images on short messages and (often) truncated names. I sometimes have trouble seeing who's who in chat. I tried to be careful in assembling that pile o' words, but I got that part wrong.
@MonicaCellio Never mind, I didn't get offended or anything like this. I am also undergoing therapy to deal with some of my multiple personality orders, by the way, so I am now much more calm in dealing with unexpected situations. :)
By the way, what's the proper way to deal with off-topic discussion in the moderator election chat room? There were a significant number of comments on ... uhm, let me just say, unrelated topics there, which kinda overshadows the relevant discussion.
@MaskedMan do you have a personality you can outsource "deal with this argument" to? :-)
@MonicaCellio I will take what you're saying to heart because you've always been honest and fair. I'm not in disagreement with much. In the election chat, I have commented EXTENSIVLEY. That said, not only were the comments inappropriate, they were personal attacks. Some of them by a person who literally sifted through months of posts to catch four off color ones, and a mod who got his knicker in a knot over literary references.
@MaskedMan I'll take a look. Moderators can move messages from one room to another.
@MonicaCellio Yeah, I think I have someone like that. :)
@RichardU the personal attacks were inappropriate, yes. Because it's an election I asked for CM oversight before I started pruning comments, but they did get dealt with, and the person who persisted in leaving problematic comments won't be doing that for the rest of the election.
For right or for wrong, this nastiness stung quite a bit and I am going to seriously consider things and make a decision in a couple of weeks. The fact that not one positive thing can be asked, or even a question that I could answer was put on ther, instead of a long list of accusations, most of which were of the "Do you still beat your wife" variety, has me a bit shaken up
@MonicaCellio thank you. This has really upset me, more than I thought. I'm not going to rage quit, but I am seriously going to rethink how or if I wish to go forward.
@MonicaCellio You are the most reasonable person I've ever encountered and please understand that none of my feelings are directed towards you. I have every respect for you, and always have.
@RichardU I'm sorry. It's never comfortable to be on the receiving end of personal attacks and vitriol. And being a "public figure" attracts it by dint of just plain encountering more people. And elections sometimes bring out the worse in people, online and in the physical world. :-(
@RichardU thank you.
Hail oh great one
Our soon to be new mod, how are you @ChrisE?
< insert eyeroll here />
@ChrisE Glad to see you here sir.
Let's talk about @ChrisE for a change. :D
@RichardU That's right, go ahead and jinx it.
The good news is that the rest of the candidates should have a lovely time.
@ChrisE Oh, I'm drawing all the negativity so far away from you, I'll soon start arcing when I walk near metal.
I got my first challenge-ish question about 30 minutes ago
What was it? "So do you like chocolate or vanilla pudding"?
boxers or briefs. :) (j/k)
@RichardU Looks like this was a case of Be Careful What You Wish For. You have my sympathies. It is commendable you are still in the game after being put through all this.
May 7 at 12:42, by Richard U
The cries of "Oh god not him!" will be entertaining to hear.
I'm listening to my massive spotify playlist (84 hours) and I'm wondering how in the heck Tom's Diner got on it. It's the most inane song ever written except for Revolution 9.
Most inane song ever? I don't know man, youtube goes pretty deep. :)
I like songs that have a story.
sorry, but this is the ultimate song with a story. The song is a story.
And if that isn't enough, here is a story about the song that is a story
Mind. Blown.
1 hour later…
@RichardU You shouuldn't have gone. Yeah, the attacks were harsh (and unwarranted) but there are actually 2 people below you. And it's not like it's even a vote.
Weird pattern of behavior, only 6 questions in 3 years, all are closed, some have unusually heavy edits, and they all read like auto-generated text. Plus their biography is strange
Just from a brief read through their actions I lean towards thinking they're a bit of a goofball and not entirely fluent in English, but still human.
@motosubatsu To clarify the comment I just left on your candidacy: I believe you have what it takes to take on a mod role (all but one of the 6 candidates do imo) but I think you should address the low moderation score. If you have previous moderation experience on other sites that would be helpful to add.
@MackM The thing that caught my attention was edits to this question that seem to have changed the meaning, a long long time after it was originally asked (and edited several times): workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/69814/…
@NecPlusUltra There has been a withdrawl, there are only 5 candidates now.
@dwizum It appears that this user came back to the site to reactivate old questions now that his Area51 proposal was relaunched... I've flagged it for review, in future you can just flag one of his posts (though checking with chat is always an option of course).
That user used to be called "Canada Area 51 proposal" I think, no?
@joe He was yes. It appears to be a habit.
@MackM I see. That's unfortunate. To pre-empt any possible confusion: I was referring to the 4/40 candidate who objectively lacks the experience and site contributions to be a serious "contender for the throne".
@NecPlusUltra The throne seems to have thorns to go along with it.
The mod election over at Parenting.SE was so peaceful.
@AnneDaunted Is anything related to parenting actually peaceful?
@dwizum Mod elections apparently yes ;-) But that's maybe the only thing
@AnneDaunted Maybe I'm jaded, I had assumed you were being sarcastic!
@dwizum No, I really was not being sarcastic. Ask Joe.
1 hour later…
@AnneDaunted Our election was definitely peaceful... we had several great candidates and no controversy whatsoever :) But we're a much smaller site than TWP...
and I can definitely imagine times in our site's life that an election would have been more ... interesting.

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