Thanks to comments, I've edited and improved the closed questions beneath. Can they please be reopened? I welcome recommendations for more improvement! Thanks.
How do I tactfully tell someone that someone else continually provides wrong information?
How can I tactfully insist on communicating wi...
Richard's Rule number #34 is in play: Watch what others accuse you of doing or being, ind doing so, they name their own crimes
@Snow Oh, I'm not down-hearted at all. Just a bit disappointed in one of the people. I had tried to be friendly and understanding to that one, but he seems intent on going full-on blinded by hate towards me. As I said, it's good to know.
I have to get up in four hours, and the killer insomnia strikes again.
I am not so sure it is a good idea to bring up a candidate's contributions on other sites.
Would we consider the candidate's "positive" contributions on other sites if they weren't making particularly good contributions here? I pretty much doubt it, so why should the "negative" contributions elsewhere be used to bring a candidate down?
Oh I see you have been making great contributions to Pets.SE for 5 years and have a good standing there, but you joined Workplace.SE just last week, so here you go, you are good to be our moderator. Nah, don't think so.
At this point, Chris E is undoubtedly the frontrunner. However, I was disappointed to see no comments at all on his nomination. So this nomination phase is focussed more on "How can we bring these guys down" rather than "How can we encourage more people to vote for the best guy".
We should use our energies to spread more positivity than negativity. We are more or less a group of unpaid volunteers who are working together to help people. Somehow when good things are done, we just take them for granted, but when bad things happen, we have to announce it to the whole world. This is probably not the best way to improve things.
@MaskedMan my brother, God rest his soul, used to tell me. "You just bang your head against the wall until the wall comes down." We need to stop saying "ouch" so much.
Well, it's 2:30 in the AM here, and I need to get up at six.... so, I'm going to try to sleep... again.
@Snow you mean about applying for both roles? yeah I'm not really a fan of applying for multiple roles in general, I think it either gets confusing (where the person recruiting for each role is different) or if the same it sort of carries a faint whiff of desperation
@Snow this is probably an example where it makes more sense to me then it does normally but I still tend to err on the side of caution
on a topic shift.. wth was going on with some of the bitchy comments on Richard's nomination? feels like "Be Nice" got tossed out of the nearest window!
I think people are taking advantage of the fact that there's no flagging mechanism on the election page. Any serious voters should really have the maturity/experience to simply ignore the noise and not be led by it. I suspect that haters will attempt to intimidate a candidate into standing down.
@Snow yeah or.. as you say because there's no flagging there use it as an opportunity for a cheap shot that would get deleted pretty sharpish anywhere else
Thanks Richard, I appreciate that. Hopefully those comments will be pruned at some point.
Nice answers from you as well, nothing that I strongly (or even wealky) disagree with there. I purposely didn't read your answers before submitting my own. I'm sure that later candidates might act differently and seek to take the best of other people's work.
@motosubatsu either way I win. If I win, I win, and if I lose, the haters have exposed themselves with their character assassinations. Ironically, these are some of the very people who are most vocal about there being too much hate and nastiness.
@Snow It's fascinating to people-watch this though.
See, the people ranting the most don't really think I'd be a bad moderator, they don't like what they think I believe. If you look on the questions page, one of them wants me to go back and delete everything he doesn't like.
There is literally no answer I could give. Oh, and it's also not about me, it's about ideology.
@RichardU I think you've misunderstood, I was challenging your statement. I wasn't exactly against you but some of the things posted by the other user seemed offensive and while browsing through some of your answers they just seemed off. I linked one I read.
@lix no, this stack has had problems in the past with low-rep users. Most often in the 100-200 pt range.
Especially once a question made it to hacker news
But thank you for bringing that to my attention, perhaps we are a bit TOO wary of low rep users
In all fairness however, @lix anyone with a rep of over 20k here has literally put years into this site, so while I wouldn't say superior, I would say that we have more invested.
You don't have to keep pinging me :-), I just think that kind of attitude will push away users who may genuinely want to find a home on this stack. Do you specifically know why apaul has it in for you?
@RichardU thanks :) I thought yours were pretty damn great too.. I deliberately didn't read yours and Snow's posts before I wrote mine so as not be influenced. Loved your answer to #2
@MisterPositive your writing is fine IMO.. mine took me fraking ages because when I wrote it initially it was 2000+ characters over the limit. Took me forever to trim it enough to fit! :D
I'm going to remove my comments as for the most part after doing more digging your answers are generally sensible and well informed and I don't really intend to join the crowd throwing you to the wolves.
@MisterPositive Shintoism recognizes some 800,000 deities. I'm wondering how many I must have offended to wind up with that wolf's teeth buried so deeply in my neck.
@Snow I should just shove my head into my oven (preheated to 400 degrees) it would be quicker. Who knows, after a fashion, I may even come to enjoy it.
@lix same as @Snow and @RichardU for me. I find by not having distractions such as friends, loved ones or hobbies I can remain laser-focused on posting answers mere minutes after @Snow posts much the same thing
If anyone answers with "Ask your manager", then you're copying Mr Positive. If anyway says "HR is not your friend", then you're copying Richard. Simple as that.
also I hope you refer to the UK version of Life on Mars the weird offspring of an acid trip and a train wreck that was the US version doesn't bear thinking about
@Snow good shouts.. may i humbly suggest adding "Red Dwarf" to the list
@Snow Trivia about Fawlty Towers. Graham Chapman had given an interview right before John Cleese left where he mentioned that he was gay. An angry viewer wrote in saying that one of them had done that, but she didn't know who. Eric Idle wrote back saying "we found out who it was, and we killed them" Graham wondered if she ever took a head count and noticed John was missing.
@motosubatsu yes, as legend goes, a man was leaving an area with a wheelbarrow with some red herring in it. did it repeatedly and they thought he was stealing fish. He was stealing wheelbarrows.
Can this Question be saved? I edited it, but it still seems to broad
I spend four years in a multinational organisation as an engineer, mostly in process engineering and food technology.
I have decided to follow my passion and change my career to software engineering at a different company. I have been continuously maintaining and improving my SE skills so this ...
@lix Yeah, I do read the manga. I don't like it that much though. Compared to Akatsuki, this new group of villains Kara or whoever they are seem pretty mediocre.
Do any of you remember like 2 months ago when I talked about that headhunter company that was sending me opportunities even though I clicked the unsubscribe link several times AND sent multiple replies with subject Unsubscribe?
They sent me another mail today
So I looked up their public info email and sent them a clear mail that states I've tried to unsubscribe multiple times and that this was the final time I sent them the mail, and at the same time requesting the removal of my personal data in accordance with the EU right to be forgotten and the GDPR
I had a lot of problems with a headhunter company a few years ago, they kept calling my mobile at 10pm(!!!)
As well as emailing
Took me a lot of efforts and CCs to CEO/CFO/anyone else in management to get them to stop
I don't get it, because the service they did originally was actually pretty good (I didn't end up getting a job through them, but that wasn't their fault), but due to this nonsense I will not be likely to ever use them again in the future
We've had similar "mandatory data removal" laws in the Netherlands for as long as I can recall @Nzall; but usually companies don't really act on requests. I'm skeptical it will be different with GDPR
@MisterPositive Not my intent. :) I didn't read any answers or even pre-read the questions. I didn't want to over-think it. Also, you have to remember, I did the electiion last year too so this isn't new. There were different questions but not really.
@ChrisE you're going to get voted in, it's just a matter of which of the remaining ones (excluding me) get in. I won't because I'm being targeted and there's enough mud being slung to make sure I don't get in.
@lix the answer needs to be as long as it needs to be. Don't second guess yourself. For some reason, the answers I've written while irritated, which I thought would get voted into oblivion have been some of my highest rated.
Just answer honestly and to the best of your ability, and you'll do fine.
Remember I told you my mother was ill? I wanted to share with you that she passed away this Sunday. I know some of you have had your losses recently, and even though we are virtual peers I like the chats we have here.
For such reasons, is that I won't be running for the mod spot although I said I was planning to. Bu hey, we got already many great candidates :)
AAAAAAAAAND art of code just slammed me. LOL! I think I'm dead, Jim
oh, must... resist... the... urge... to... snark.
@MisterPositive yeah, it looks like it's going to be Chris and Snow. Two great additions. I'm thinking of just dropping out. I'm starting to remember why I stopped being a mod
@RichardU This... is what concerns me. Quite honestly, I'd love to see you come back to me having thought about my comment and come up with an intelligent response - either "you're right, this is what I'm going to do", or "you're wrong, and here's why I think that". Suggesting that you'd rather snark and joke about it instead is... not encouraging.
For instance, last year I got 6 upvotes and no dowvotes in the questions. Lilienthal got 8 up and 4 down votes and then went on to beat me by a 2:1 ratio. So as Yogi Berra liked to say, "It's not over until it's over"
In connection with the moderator elections, we are holding a Q&A thread for the candidates. Questions collected from an earlier thread have been compiled into this one, which shall now serve as the space for the candidates to provide their answers. There was a multiway tie for the last few questi...
@ChrisE mine hasn't been bad, but I would wager my two down votes are from that community....I forgot virtually anyone can vote in our moderator election...