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It seems to be latest fashion around here to plaster "is it ethical" to any trivial and mundane issues. A couple of such questions hitting the HNQ certainly seem to have helped.
A: What's with all the questions involving tears?

Masked Man - 仮面の男Someone who cried a lot made it to HNQ, and scored a lot of points. Then a lot of other people started crying too in the hope of making some easy points. Don't read too much into it.

10 hours later…
Wow, my sidebar has 4 TWP hot questions right now
@MaskedMan-仮面の男 "Is it unethical to ask questions with is it unethical in the title?"
7 questions with "un/ethical" in the title at the moment on the front page
2 hours later…
@angarg12 Funny thing is I was just about making a meta post with a similar title. :)
RIP chat
Oh wait
It lives

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