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@gnat I believe that SO did have such a hot question once, and there was much gnashing of teeth. Conclusion? Closed.
2 hours later…
Q: How long should I put into Programming and learning programming languages

GenesisI really want to know how much time a week, a day or a year I have to put in to progress at a fast, steady rate, I really want to learn C# and other languages, but I end up doing some then I end up wasting time on forums and playing games, I feel as if there is not enough time in a day to do ever...

^^^ Do any programmers know the answer?
There's way too many variables involved to give a proper answer. How good is good enough? How efficient is the asker in learning and practicing? Is this experience personal, academic, or professional? etc.
Q: How should I approach my boss after offending him?

EllesaI made a small joke which offended my manager. It wasn't racist, sexist or anything of the sort. Here's what it was. My manager is the head of an extracurricular club at work. Since it's the start of the year, he asked his team (us) to sign up for the club and to help him out. We willingly supp...

I'm going to let you folks take a look at this before I do anything. It feels super opinion-based. There's one great answer, but the others, I'm not so sure.
It doesn't seem out of place among questions here.
3 hours later…
If any 10kers would like to go through this list and see if there's anything of value, we can look at editing and undeleting any questions or answers that may benefit from a second chance.
See "Recent occurrences"
1 hour later…
yeah that croissants question seemed to scare the hell outta them back then
...sort of ironic to see objections against too much attention to the meta question which is, in turn, related to questions receiving too much attention from collider — gnat Jul 30 '13 at 11:10
Though, I didn't notice any moves to change the formula after it, they likely were hoping it's a hundred year flood. Per my observations, they started experimenting soon after some mediocre PHP question magically stuck at the top of hot list. IIRC I saw a comment at MSO or in Tavern that Jeff tweeted about it quite sarcastically...
Q: Need an array-like structure in PHP with minimal memory usage

Alexander Tobias HeinrichIn my PHP script I need to create an array of >600k integers. Unfortunately my webservers memory_limit is set to 32M so when initializing the array the script aborts with message Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 71 bytes) in /home/www/myaccount/...

Q: What changed in the Hot Questions sidebar algorithm?

UndoI've recently noticed that the hot questions list is now different almost every time I look at it. It used to be static - I.e. I could browse around for half an hour and the items on it would be minimally changed. Was the algorithm changed? In what way?

...speaking of which, I really wonder why SO questions like stackoverflow.com/questions/22031207/… or stackoverflow.com/questions/22033415/… get so little upvotes. At Workplace, voting seems to be so much more generous...
FWIW, here's timeline 1) PHP question sticks - Jan 24-29 2) Anatomy question, Tim admits "it's something that we should probably address" - Jan 27...
3) point that reordering has no performance cost brought to Tim's attention - Jan 27 4) "shuffle" testing begins - Feb 1
@gnat Well let's keep the upvote train rolling
@jmort253 I think it is worth keeping open, the question as phrased is quite subjective, but i think at its core its a good question that will apply to a lot of people who mistakenly insult someone through a harmless joke at work,
4 hours later…
Good morning!
good morning @hugorocha
2 hours later…
Hi Nick, welcome to the Workplace. Since we're a Q&A site, not a forum for discussion, I cut out unnecessary parts of your post. Our site is for asking definitive questions about navigating the professional workplace, so side anecdotes about how you coveted a chair, for instance, are largely unnecessary here. For more information about how our site works, please see How to Ask and about. Hope this helps. — jmort253 26 secs ago
Why is it that I can understand how to program, but figuring out how to set up the environment to do it is more complicated?
Screw you *nix and your stupid command line and non-user friendly environment.
go to official site, get instructions, instructions fail
search for error message, find several different places offering several different solutions (SO is one of them)
none of them work
@jmort253 oh gosh that question is going places that we don't wnat to go
@enderland Yeh, I cleaned it up as best I could.
@jmac linux is fun!
(snort, snort) wipes nose
@enderland No, it's not.
I like unix
way more fun than windoz dev that's for sure
-bash: phantomjs: command not found
Q: Phantomjs not working

user730569I followed these instructions (except for copying the executable to my PATH because I cannot seem to find it and it does not seem necessary). Then I made a file called image_render.js in my public javascripts directory with console.log('Hello, world!'); phantom.exit(); inside it, saved it, an...

A: Phantomjs not working

icktoofayThe PATH really is the important part. You can skip it, however, if you specify the absolute path. Try something like this: /path/to/phantomjs render_image.js ...but that can get tiring. For a quick way to add it to your PATH, from the directory of the phantomjs executable, symbolically link i...

So I do this.
Same behavior.
Definitely have the program linked to my bin, but it doesn't want to execute.
I used what little *nix smarts I had to ls -al and make sure the permissions were set to allow it to execute (they are)
@jmac, what platform? ubuntu, Mint, CentOS?
Mac OS.
Oh... ok... So a BSD-derivative then :)
No idea what that makes it. It's bloody unix without the friendly confines of a proper UI
If you have brew or macports installed, you can get "locate"
Don't even get me started with homebrew
and then run "locate phantomjs" to find where it's located... assuming you don't know where it's located.
the second solution I found told me to install that
so I did
But it ain't working either.
I would cd right into that folder
I know where the file is. I am in the directory.
then run ls -lta to list files w/permissions
It is the proper side. It has the proper permissions. It's linked to my $PATH or whatnot
post the permissions here
Are you using node to run the Js file?
-rwxr-xr-x 1 secretstuffhere staff 9595511 Sep 6 09:05 phantomjs
I guess I'm not familiar with phantomjs.... I thought phantom.js :)
I have the executable in a normal folder
and I can run it from that folder
But inside terminal, it isn't working (I need to run it from the command line feeding it a file)
echo $PATH
I would make sure the path is set (I know you set it, but maybe you opened a new terminal and it isn't set globally)
You can also try ./phantomjs hello.js # or whatever the name of the JS file is you're running
@jmca what does which phantomjs return?
does your shell even recognize it?
I am really really really dumb. I didn't properly link it to path. I had a typo.
Excellent :)
how do I remove a sudo linked path thingy?
rm phantomjs from my /usr/local/bin doesn't work
sudo rm phantomjs
user image
Thank you. Okay, take two.
My kingdom for all of your brains.
It worked
somehow, magically, it worked
It only took two beers and an hour and a half, and now I get to learn to how to actually use it.
Randall Munroe is awesome.
Is there an mso post about the fact that the flags indicator is there even though a user has already taken action on all of the existing flags
oh my god, it's actually working!
It is going through webpages automagically!
my code is totally screwed because I don't know javascript, but I can decidedly call this progress.
@jmort253 I would have protected it if i had the ability...
I totally forgot how awful VIM was.
@jmac it's one of thos ethings which is great when you get it
I used emacs when I worked on *nix back in the day.
@Chad this drives me NUTS
I don't mind win7 to work on
but I'd never want to do dev work on it
@Chad Yes. Let me find it.
Q: Should I tell my co-workers that branch manager uses drugs (crack) at the office?

NastyNickI worked in New York City at a mid-sized brokerage house. The place was open round the clock so if you needed, you can practically live there - included shower, changing rooms etc. The managing director was a great guy who has the one office with the boardroom taking up the remaining available sp...

I think that should be closed before it attracts anymore bad answers that make it impossible to fix it
@Chad This seems to match it (click me)
@Chad I just find the irony delicious. "I come in on a Friday or Saturday night after bar hopping alone at maybe 2-3am" Alcohol, of course, is okay. Crack? No way!
in other news, just used cygwin to delete something windows explorer wouldn't delete
"Unix" ftw!
@jmort253 if you want to axe this comment it'd probably be good, it's a bit "opinion away!" workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/19761/…
and that question does NOT need more incentive to be that way
why c00l SO questions get so little upvotes compared to ours? stackoverflow.com/questions/22036885/…
@gnat I think someone needs to make a page where that we can put a SO url in as part of the query string and the page will lemming upvote the question and all the answers for us :p

 The Water Cooler

General chit-chat for workplace.stackexchange.com. Feel free t...
Anyone know sybase?
@enderland Been there that place sucks!
@enderland why i dont have a problem running VS2012 on win 7
@Chad if you're doing windows ONLY it's not bad ;) try doing multiplatform stuff...
@enderland why would i want to :p
Q: About job titles

user3159483I just want to ask what the difference between these terms in regards to jobs: Software Developer Software Engineer Software programmer Software Analyst Any other IT job terms that you can explain Please answer in simpler words and please be descriptive. Thanks in advance. Google didn't help...

I do not get the problem with this question. There are standard job descriptions why can we not give an objective answer based on this?
@Chad In my opinion, while there may be standards, real world application of at least the first three varies vastly, intersects randomly or is generally replaced with one another.
Making this a guessing game or opinion based
@CMW Everything here is opinion based. But we can objectively answer that
I was going to steal the close reason by @gnat with the link to the guessing game article
I guess I just disagree its not aguessing game because there are standard job functions of the roles. While it may vary at a given place there are standards
@Chad That's probably true
on the other hand, people might vote it down for asking for an open-ended list of job definitions
just guessing though
I think that some people power trip because they can cast a close vote on a question they can not answer. Then others pile on because they are lemmings... but that is just my opinion
I was guessing about the downvotes, which are more than close votes
That said I do not think the question is good enough to upvote but doesnt deserve -4 either
-5 by now
scratch that, someone upvoted
or retracted their downvote
I did get rid of #5 that was far to openended
if that was the problem maybe it will revers
A: How can I write a good custom close message?

gnatWhat is the name of this thing "What is the name of this thing" questions are off-topic. These are poor questions for the same reasons that "identify this obscure TV show, film or book by its characters or story" are bad questions: you can't Google them, they aren't practical in any way, they...

author of the reason is Robert Harvey, I only reuse it :)
@Chad I used to think like you... until I passed over 10 or 20 or 30 questions of that kind at Programmers. Amount of crap answers these attract is... incredible. And, worst of all, lots of answerers are inventive enough to make their crap look legitimate... you feel the crap, you sense how it stinks, but you can't put a finger to flag for deletion. Downvotes don't help, either - it goes to hot list 'cuz everyone's curious and sympathy upvotes bump crap back to zero score
@gnat I get that it does not belong on programmers.... but that is kind of why we made this site to handle those types of questions
@Chad yeah let's see if it could fly here. Worst thing about these games are variations. Lazy suckers come in, say wow this is upvoted, I want like that, take a popular "mix", add their own little ingredient and ask "Now, what is the name for that?" and so on, one by one, until your head explodes. Job functions can combine the same way by the way, so there's potentially infinite field for this stuff
this maybe deserves dedicated meta discussion
@gnat I think that is different. We do not want to play name that job but I think help me understand standard industry jargon should be ok
Instead of flagging questions as asking for opinions we should be able to flag answers as nothing more than opinion
@Chad that's your opinion after all.... :)
The FAQ mentioned on meta, is that the help center?
@enderland Ima flag you :p
@CMW yeah
@Chad Can we add stuff to it?
I'm asking because I didn't find the 'back it up and don't repeat others' bit in it
@CMW I think in some limited ways...
Yeah I dont think there is a way we can add that unfortunately
It was discussed before
ah, ok. unfortunate
yeah, I found the discussion
which is marked feature-complete
that's what confused me
@Chad whatever you do, consider whether you want to deal with combinatorics or not. 3 job roles => 6 combinations, are you taking this to look for jargon? 4 roles => 24 combinations, how about this? 5 => 120, 6 => 720. And there are variations within. Oh my job is like in that question, but a little less of DBA and a little more of a cook, how is it called?
@Chad just vote down and comment: Without an explanation, this answer may become useless in case if someone else posts an opposite opinion. For example, if someone posts a claim like "<invert their opinion to opposite here, it's easy>", how would this answer help reader to pick of two opposing opinions? Consider [edit]ing it into a better shape, to meet How to Answer quality standards. ([edit] will magically expand in comments)...
...then watch other voting it down further, and after a while flag for VLQ (unless they improve)
@gnat I would rather be able to flag them and have them deleted
@gnat Problem is people agree with the opinion and upvote...
@Chad I see. That would be an interesting experiment
even though it sucks as an answer
@Chad that's fairly innovative, I need some time to chew it up
at the first sight, this might work
need to give it a bit more thought
lol we just got the opposite of the dont brainsize me bro question
can't recall this ever been raised at SO/MSO, but that's understandable. They all into SO kind stuff and don't know anything else, and as SO, with concrete implementation questions, pure opinions are easy to qualify as not an answer. Our site is different...
@Chad consider opening meta discussion for opinion-answer flags - at our meta, not at MSO, there they only understand stuff that is relevant for SO...
A: 2014 SO Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

gnatWhat is the Goal of “Hot Network Questions”? what the heck we are actually trying to achieve... The list of questions from a variety of sites is in a great location screen-wise, it is readily accessible and does get a lot of eyes on it. But as with any marketing, the goal isn't just to g...

if it flies I'll likely steal it for Programmers, too :)
@gnat OK I will
@Chad thanks! that's a bit too big to fit into chat discussion format, meta seems more appropriate to discuss this
How to respond when someone I manage speaks and explains with a condescending tone? - Roundhouse Left! Thunder punch! Thunder punch!
lol sorry having that kind of day
@gnat See that answer you just flagged would be a perfect example of something that would benefit from an opinion only flag :)
@Chad yup I also was thinking of it when flagging. Great minds think alike :)
wonder how many deleted answers are there now, since I lost the 10K-abilities after graduation
Right after graduation I gained a couple hundred from old questions... but slowed down since... was hoping io was going to be able to ride my old work to 20k but that might be awhile
Q: Prevent specific sites from being overrepresented in the hot questions list

Mad ScientistSome sites appear far more often in the hot questions list than other sites. I don't have any hard data on that, as that kind of data is just not publicly available, but I'm pretty sure my subjective impression on that is reasonably accurate. Those sites don't appear more often because they are ...

WTF, we're still overrepresented
shuffling shmuffling
their friggin tricks with hot list don't work, because they simply decline to make it right
okay I'll add that answer with Ride The Lemmings Recipe
fuckers still think they'll make SO safe at the expense of smaller sites, I'll do my best to prove them wrong
The truth is the SO Guys think they are more important than the rest of the SE and that our problems over there are irrelevant and SE is wasting resources that could be better spent on SO. — Chad Feb 10 at 21:55
If we only had a chat room where people could come to post their chatty comments instead of leaving them as comments or answers to a quesiton
@Chad I don't disagree lol
like this one:
@enderland - This is a rant pretending to be disguised as a question... I doubt the OP is expecting any answer besides you are right that sucks your manager sucks and you should quit — Chad 1 min ago
what a jerk that guy is :p
just burned a ton of rep downvoting answers on the flagged list
A: How long should one wait to see if they got the job?

itcouldevenbeaboatThe longer a company drags their feet, the less likely you are to get the job. After 2-3 days, you should effectively begin acting as though you will not be offered the job. They may come back sometime after that with an offer, but it is not likely.

... why? This really doesn't explain "why" to anything it says. — enderland 37 secs ago
Hi, I edited this slightly to make it a bit better fit for the site. If I changed your intent too much, feel free to edit and add additional information. Great topic and welcome to the Workplace! — enderland 5 secs ago
Q: Should I tell my co-workers that branch manager uses drugs (crack) at the office?

NastyNickI worked in New York City at a mid-sized brokerage house. The place was open round the clock so if you needed, you can practically live there - included shower, changing rooms etc. The managing director was a great guy who has the one office with the boardroom taking up the remaining available sp...

threw protection on tehre, two downvoted answers already
I wish we could have gotten the normal question closed in time to edit it before it get worthless answers

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