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A: When asked 'How can I foo the bar?' is 'Don't foo the bar' an appropriate answer?

CMWFirst off: I don't think that particular answer is a good one for the Don't foo the bar category and should be down-voted, though not necessarily closed. Don't foo the bar! An answer that just says that, is generally not an answer to me, since it does in fact not answer the question. When is n...

5 hours later…
great experiment! To help in testing, I plan to visit Stack Overflow questions in the hot list and actively vote up posts I like. This way will let SE team study how effective it works against "lemming effect" using familiar material (instead of obscure questions at smaller sites like Programmers, Workplace, Math, Code Golf, UX) — gnat 1 min ago
[laughing an evil laughter]
5 hours later…
Does anyone know really basic jquery and can tutor me for a bit sometime in the next 3-4 hours?
if so, I'd be ever-grateful.
this SO question can make a tough test for a hot list shuffle experiment! stackoverflow.com/questions/21546793/… - 10+ answers in two hours, wow. Almost like at Workplace, only less of upvotes
1 hour later…
jquery, I despise you.
A: The Many Memes of Meta

TheTXIMeme: jQuery Originator: Unknown (possibly Ólafur Waage) Cultural Height: TBD Background: A Stack Overflow-centric meme, jQuery began its career early on as the answer to beat for any question that even remotely referenced JavaScript. Its popularity became so great that eventually jQuery becam...

2 hours later…
Who's spamming not an answer flags again?
@YannisRizos I gave up flagging
@RhysW what's the best way to iterate through a query result and call stored procedures on each row of a query result?
@YannisRizos oh, that has to be a byproduct of the current round of answers cleanup...
A: Cleaning Up Bad Answers on Popular Questions

jmacHow can I encourage a culture of punctuality in a software company? Created: Apr 12 '12 at 17:34 Score: +72 Views: 19,143 Answers: 23 Initial Score: 5 Initial Score: 43 Initial Score: 110 Initial Score: 90 Initial Score: 21 Initial Score: 19 Initial Score: 9 Initial Score: 13 Initial Score...

what I love about Workplace, is that community is passionate about answer quality matters (mis-flagging indicates this passion). In comparison, at Programmers an "answer" like that can get a warm welcome:
A: What's the opposite of parallel/concurrent execution?

ChrisPerhaps "serial" or "sequential".

21 upvotes, give me a break
perhaps is not an answer — gnat 1 min ago
@enderland cursors is my immediate thought
Q: How to "iterate" through a SQL result in stored procedure but avoid using a cursor?

enderlandI am fairly new to doing more involved SQL work. My goal is to email using the results of a query to drive email creation. I intend to create a stored procedure and schedule this twice a week (there will be at most 20 emails, this will not be heavy email load) on SQL Server 2008. SELECT Project...

the interwebs tell me cursors are bad :P
3 hours later…
Finally, 1000 close votes, I should now be the first person on the site to have a gold badge for closing :D and it only took 1 year 3 months
@YannisRizos Somebody is going to lose flag weight today.
4 hours later…
@RhysW Perhaps if someone were around to help me I would be kinder to jquery. I sort of got it working, but then ran in to other troubles because the site was poorly designed. Hrmph.
@YannisRizos Your concept of spam seems to coincide with some users' concept of quality. I thought it was just me, but clearly not -- a lot of the answers on the post @gnat linked have multiple 'not an answer' flags when I reviewed them last.

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