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12:16 PM
How good are the job prospects for 3D printing or additive manufacturing...
For a PhD in USA?
12:42 PM
@user586228 Sorry, I truly have no idea.
1:17 PM
@Kilisi I actually got a "no" from HR about the plague doctor mask. Yes, I did in fact ask. (The guy has a good sense of humor and has known me for years)
3 hours later…
3:52 PM
@Old_Lamplighter thats because it's European fashion, you need to go with the USA one above, or I think the black one like a rubbish bag is in vogue in the US as well
4:16 PM
@Kilisi The honest answer I got was that no eye coverings were allowed.
4:33 PM
Does eye power matter much for jobs in USA after PhD?
@user586228 I'm not sure I understand that question
Does the eysight power (-8) on both the eyes matter for jobs
Will having thick glasses hinder my chance of getting jobs?
That is what I am asking.
@user586228 Yes, just like anything else. It depends on who you are interviewing with. I am autistic, that hinders me, as does my bad hearing. Some people won't hire you because you're too tall, too young, too old, too fat, too thing, or any other of a plethora of reasons. Don't pay it too much mind. Think of it as them filtering themselves out from your search, and move on to an employer who isn't shallow

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