@Dawny33 A few people from the US weighed in that they do. I personally wouldn't see it happening in my location, but that's because tuition is only 500EUR a year so many have an education and few need to spread out their studies. Those that want to continue their education are expected to take evening classes if they want to continue their education (or work part-time).
Regardless, the OP's question is more specific as he wants to be hired in a part-time position with the employer sponsoring his education, which I just don't ever see happening, especially in the UK, especially in this economy.
@Pequod Keep in mind that this chat is public, persistent and largely follows the same standards as the main site. Consider dropping the "bae" and "xo", especially on the Workplace. ;)
If it was me, then I'd have serious reservations abt _partaaying_ with you :P
On a serious note, this chat is for discussing the site and related topics, so let's refrain from off-topic stuff as much as possible :)
@Lilienthal Same in India too. Employers aren't very keen to sponsor education for the reasons mentioned in my answer (very less and sometime no ROI). Lucky Americans!
@Dawny33 It's fine to be off-topic here, that's what chat's for. I also don't mind actual chat or stuff that's unrelated to the site but I do object to silly internet lingo.
The Workplace is about professional behaviour and I'd like the chat to remain professional as well.
@Pequod well, you need to know what is meant, and with 150,000 people in my company across 80-odd countries, something like bae is never going to work. I have no idea what it means, and my first language is English. I assume it is a term of endearment?
now that you mention it I'm not sure what it means either, I think I heard it mentioned in the context of Bieber once or twice but no one I know actually uses it seriously
Science Fiction & Fantasy's fourth moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 2 new moderators are:
They'll be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes!
@Ixrec I assume it is context that counts in this case. Multiple use of any word, for the purpose of trying to annoy folks could be seen as offensive I guess. (although I'd just kick in that circumstance)
@Ixrec Well, I moderate 7 sites so there's those, and some of the chatrooms are the associated mod rooms, and then I'm interested in quite a few things
Hello, i'm Sheldon Cooper and this is, Fun with Flags.
Today we are going to talk about the Stack Exchange Chat Flag. this flag isn't a flag in the traditional sense but rather a function use on the internet network knows as Stack Exchange. this particular flag is that of their chat rooms.
The idea behind this flag is to help get rid of undesirable posts such spam and offensive behavior however they have an undesirable side effect. because Stack Exchange is a community driven network other users are used to help deal with flags however when a flag is raised every is notified about it, eve…
@Dawny33 one thing to keep in mind is that if you are flagging less obvious things to put a custom message in the flag, the chat flag review system is... less than awesome and it can be harder to see why things are bad (some thigns are obvious, many are not)
@enderland I like the system we have at CodeReview. There are no topicality limits, but if a few people get into a substantial discussion over something Off-Topic, they're encouraged to take it to our overflow room, and all Off-Topic conversation is put on hold whenever site-business comes up.
Is it okay to decline a programming assignment (more like a project which'd take time) after a phone interview, citing that I can't spend on that as it would affect my work?
I have found people feel uncomfortable with having to solve an entire programming assignment, which suck up their after-work time. So, is it okay? How'd the recruiter feel?
@Dawny33 Depends on the experience level of the role he's hiring for, the candidate's experience and work history, rapport, experience of the recruiter/hiring manager, complexity of the assignment, ...