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Q: How to find an employer that will support part-time study?

MorrisI am a Software Engineer with around 5 years of professional experience and a B.Sc. in Information Systems located in Berlin/Germany. In the U.K. (preferably Greater London), how do I find an employer that matches the following description: offers shorter working hours sees the benefit in an ...

Are there any companies which do this?
My company sponsor my Lynda, Coursera and PluralSight. But, professional edu.? I don't think so :)
10 hours later…
@Dawny33 Yes. In the US most companies will do this if you have been with them for a year or more.
Q: Low Quality Tag Workplace Rythm - Removal Sugestion

PeponeBy chance I noticed this rather odd Tag Workplace Rhythm. I don't think this a useful tag its certainly not a term I have ever heard used in the workplace. http://workplace.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/workplace-rhythm

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