Well, I like the fact that we're spreading, and maybe we got a little visibility among you fellow players, which is never bad. But I guess one would expect to find talk about (electronic) tabletop RPGs there. I found it completely by chance.
(also, it's so rare having videogamers actually talk about tabletop rpgs in RPG.SE... lots of "help me with this cRPG" there :p
I think the reason that it ended up here was because after I asked someone a question about DMing in the Bridge, @Yuuki and a few other people said that they wanted to start a group and play
sniped lol
So it's kinda related in the sense it is RPG stuff, but it's more Bridge people decided to do a thing, so we made the room here.
Trying to find a complete set of 3.5 books on the cheap is hard :/
I "have" one, but only the PHB is actually mine and I'd like to have an extra one of those as well for others to use during the game. No one else has books, unfortunately.
Amazon I can probably get a complete set for around say 45 bucks
surprisingly more expensive on Ebay
like $51 + $25 shipping for the cheapest set I found.
But no, if I have to pay half of my order's cost again in shipping, no deal