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@IvoFlipse Hey there
Hellow :)
God I have to install Lyx (so I can write LaTex documents)
But it kept popping up dozens of dialogs for each package
Are you running Windows?
only now realized I could just tell it to install everything
I prefer MikTeX personally
Even though I'm primarily a MacOS person
Well my client made the choice for me
I see
But honestly, I don't really care/mind yet
I've never used LaTeX before
It's nice
I really like
Had to use in in grad school extensively
They've asked me to help add references to the manual of their upcoming software
Since I've read nearly every article about pressure measurements up to ~2010/2011
Just finished programming assignment 6 for algorithms
Ah, very good
with some optimization, I had a blazingly fast version of Papadimitriu's
Hope you didn't get bitten by creating the graph the right way
Some guy suggested preprocessing the input
:O your skills > my skills
No, it's literally this guy on the forum who made all the differenfce
Apparently there were only <100 variables that were usually relevant
If you preprocess the input, you'll be able to pull them out
Oh, I'm very satisfied = )
Hehe, well done
I apparently had a simple working solution, but didn't create the graph the right way
@IvoFlipse Yeah, I read a little bit about that algorithm
I didn't get completely why it was supposed to work, so I didn't spend much time on in
The local search solution was actually really easy to code
It's just picking random values in for loops and some bookkeeping
Its really simple, but I had to add edges like so:
    G.add_edge(-x, y)
    G.add_edge(-y, x)
The bottom one, just means that the inverse is also true, which increases the likelihood of you finding an error in the logic
I didn't add that first -, which is REALLY odd
Because the minus (negation whatever) is supposed to be in the data itself :S
But after that, you find the strongly connected components, like we did last year
Which just tells us with which vertices each vertex is connected
I remembered how I solved that problem and decided not to go that route
We store this is a hashtable/dictionary for fast look up
Hehe, I used a library :P
I was solving it recursively (looking for leaders and what not), and kept getting stack overflows
So I could just check for each vertex what its strongly connected component was
And see if the negation of each vertex was also present in the SCC
I didn't feel like rewriting my code, so I rebooted into my Linux distro which gave me just enough stack space to run the program
I figured I shouldn't test my luck with SCC because of that
Yeah, that programming exercise was painful
I got bitten by mutable data structures :P
Or rather that it wasn't clear whether Python was using a copy of the graph/explored set or the original
Yeah, I forced myself to write everything in C for both parts of the class
except a few things that only made sense to do in Matlab
or another higher level language
I wish I could do that :P
I certainly couldn't when I started
That was my exercise platform
Now I'm much better at it
Btw here's a course that seems to challenge the difficulty of PGM somewhat: alex.smola.org/teaching/berkeley2012/syllabus.html
I wish there was a MOOC based on that
3 hours later…
@GauravJain I've had to learn that stuff through painful trial and error
@IvoFlipse ouch ... same and until I found this ...
I can highly recommend IPython
oh I agree with you
python = perl + R :)
I normally used spyder, to have Python be like Matlab
i am moving my entire code to python now ...
Exactly, I'm watching the video's for Data Analysis, which is in R
i am taking that course ... its really good course
My eyes just bleed at some of the code :P
Yeah, I thought it was just a rehash of the previous course
but luckily its proving to mix theory and practice somewhat
and my god does he have long video's
i agree its ridiculously easy in python
Anway, IPython rocks, because you can rerun parts of your code and keep images inline
oh he has
i have to watch it 1.5x
can`t watch 2.0 x and 1.0 is too slow
I'm typing along with his video's, so I'm really not even listening
I mean, the stuff is pretty straightforward
ipython ... never heard if it
had it been a blog post or a book, I wouldn't need the video's
Really useful when demonstrating some code, you can easily share the code and have people run it line by line or block by block
I've seen everybody use it in the PyCon video's
yeah ... this looks cool
Basically you create a server (either locally or a real one), then you run kernels on it (which is just your script)
But it clearly scales to much more complicated stuff
well most of our code is still in perl and R and its a legacy so I can not change much ... but i have move most of my code to python
It has a lot of tools built-in, so its easy to use for scientific programming
i`ll read about it more and use it soon
@GauravJain You could write regression tests
thats really cool
so howz life ...
Life is good, though the coming month I won't be programming as much as I would like to, but such is life
And yours?
Hmm I didn't know about GridSpec
Any new Nature publications? ;)
tough ... we are moving to a new building next month .. and I have many projects that I want to finish soon ... publish some paper as a lot of people are working on and I don`t want to loose our edge on that
hahaha not so far ... but lets see
yeah that GridSpec is pretty cool
you were all along right ... python is good :D
Oh and the origin for imshow is really important
I got bitten by it, because all my measurements were displayed upside down
Because I didn't know what left or right was, I didn't know that beforehand
@GauravJain I'm very happy I picked Python myself
Bill goes to a library and asks for a book ” Psycho, The Rapist”.
The librarian searched for hours… comes back slaps Bill
She says ” Idiot! The book is called Psychotherapist”
Though apparently my client thinks that makes me 'not a real programmer'
@IvoFlipse well it was a wise decision :)
Mostly driven by the fact that Matlab costed $$$
But compared to Matlab, Python is a breath of fresh air
Even though Matlab has excellent docs
@you can`t get stuck in 1970`s programming scenario ... things have changed and came really far ... need to use all the new programming tools to make life easier and faster throughput
I'm not really bothered by it, I can do plenty of useful stuff with my 'fake programming language'
I agree ... i havn`t use matlab that much ... but still python does the same job ... and its FREE ... i don`t have money to buy matlab ... so i used octave .. but still
hehehe python: the real fake programming language

 Fake Programmers

The room for elite Super Users who realize they know nothing a...
<- proud Fake Programmer :P
A: How can I speed up an animation?

Ivo FlipseI found Joe Kington's answer that mentioned using Glumpy instead. At first I couldn't get it to work on my own data, but with some help on chat we managed to figure out how to adapt one of the Matplotlib examples that come with Glumpy to work on my data. import numpy, glumpy from glumpy.pylab im...

I just need to figure out how to fix this thing (again)
I need to embed that Window into a wxPython window, but the backends don't seem to match :\
And I don't really like PyQt that much
this is cool
I have it working in my PyQt app, but I'd prefer to be able to use it with any backend
@GauravJain Why the hurry to finish them soon btw? Worried someone else will publish something similar?
6 hours later…
yeah something like that :)

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