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@Phonon I found a little help with my blocklog function, to make it do what I mentioned last time (AKA make it use the right factor values)
turned out my MMC and Gibbs functions were working just fine
which just goes to show how messed up the assignment is
@IvoFlipse Yeah, I've been there, too.
@Phonon I'm trying to do the accompanying quiz
but it seems I'm missing some steps to get it running properly
Let’s run an experiment using our Gibbs sampling method. As before, use the toy image network and set the on-diagonal weight of the pairwise factor (in ConstructToyNetwork.m) to be 1.0 and the off-diagonal weight to be 0.1. Now run Gibbs sampling a few times, first initializing the state to be all 1’s and then initializing the state to be all 2’s. What effect does the initial assignment have on the accuracy of Gibbs sampling? Why does this effect occur?
I'm getting: Undefined function 'ComputeExactMarginalsBP' for input arguments of type 'struct'.
You need to take that from your Week 4
@IvoFlipse I just added my Week 4 folder to the path, and everything worked fine.
Ah crap, the error is that it can't find it instead of that its not working...
@IvoFlipse Whenever you get undefined function, that's what it means.
What the hell I have no idea how to interpret those figures :P
> Undefined function 'scomponents' for input arguments of type 'double'.
How awkward, what function is that anyway
d'oh its strongly connected components, I wrote that in algo-class
ah, those are in gaimc, which I reckon I haven't added to the path
@IvoFlipse Yeah, that's right. Don't know why they're in a different directory.
@IvoFlipse Your results look right, although mine didn't look anything like that.
@IvoFlipse What are those the results of?
@IvoFlipse What was your network?
@Phonon TestToy
something going haywire I suppose
@Phonon no clue :P
I'm running it again to finish off the quiz
then I can move on to week 6 \o/
@IvoFlipse Oh, I see. With which method was that?
@Phonon TestToy I believe
@IvoFlipseOh, I see it says Gibbs
@IvoFlipse Cool.
yup, which also happens to run forever
@IvoFlipse Yes, same for me.
Now I completed all functions and they seem to be working, so it might give different results this time
some of the graphs looked rather weird last time
Not sure what it means either :P
@IvoFlipse Yeah, some of mine looked very similar.
lol after some guessing I managed to get 32/32 :P
I'm a pro at guessing multiple choice
@Phonon @IvoFlipse Morning all!
hi @Mohammad
@Mohammad Hey
@IvoFlipse I wish I could say the same = )
@IvoFlipse How do you say good morning in Dutch? Guten Morgen? Thats German no?
@Mohammad That's German yeah, its Goedemorgen in Dutch
which looks pretty similar I'd say
@IvoFlipse Hehe yup
@Mohammad Except you should really be asking how do you say good evening? instead = )
@Phonon I was just thinking that hehe
@Phonon @IvoFlipse Goetentag?
goed = good, morgen = morning, avond = evening, middag = afternoon (mid = half)
@IvoFlipse I know the German evening is 'tag' so suspected it was similar :P
no, tag = dag = day
abend = avond = evening
as you can see, we're like a mix between German and English
@IvoFlipse Yikes. Im more rusty than I imagined. Either that or I was telling all those Germans good morning around 10pm. lool.
morgen = morning
so you were saying good day, which you can say all day, every day
@IvoFlipse Ah, day as in 'day', not necessarily day time.
@Mohammad well you can abuse the ambiguity to your advantage :P
@IvoFlipse Hehe, true.
@IvoFlipse I like how you demonstrate language mixing geographically.
I could mix in France too, because we use words like paraplu, affaire, après-ski or bagage which are all French
@Phonon @IvoFlipse On a train ride once from Holland to Germany, after 5 or so hours on the train the operator announced we had finally arrived in "Deutchland", and as kid I wondered why we were still in Holland since they speak Dutch there. 0_0 lol
@IvoFlipse Jeremy Clarkson one said that Belgium is a country that was put on the map specifically so that the Germans and the English had some place settle their differences. = )
@Mohammad That's rather unlikely, the distance from Amsterdam to our border is like 100 km :P
@IvoFlipse We were going to Hanover
@Mohammad Then it might be possible, horrible connections
@Phonon Its true :P
I live near a WW2 memorial graveyard :\
we had some important battles in this area
|combatant1= Poland Dutch Resistance |combatant2= Germaansche SS in Nederland |commander1= Bernard Montgomery Lewis H. Brereton Miles Dempsey Frederick Browning |commander2= Gerd von Rundstedt Walter Model Kurt Student Wilhelm Bittrich Gustav-Adolf von Zangen Friedrich Kussin |strength1=41,628 airborne troops |strength2=Unknown |casualties1= b15,326–17,200 casualties88 tanks144 transport aircraft |casualties2=bincomplete estimates:6,315–13,300 casualties |notes=aMore detailed information regarding the outcome of this operation can be found in the 'Aftermath' section. bMore detailed...
@IvoFlipse @Phonon Friends tell me Belgium is 'surprisingly' sectarian, there is lots of linguistic/cultural segmentations
That bottom red arrows stops right at the village I currently live
Sort of like Quebec in Canada
@IvoFlipse Holy cow dude!
@Mohammad Don't get me started, I lived there for 2 years (and still work there)
@IvoFlipse I guess the entire Europe is riddled with historic battlefields.
They have a federal government (even though they have 6 million inhabitants or what not)
@Phonon That's just because we have people who could write history when it was made, America didn't :P
@Mohammad Then they have goverments for the Dutch north, the French south, a small German province in the east and Brussels itself too
@IvoFlipse lol wow.
@IvoFlipse As Eddy Izzard one famously said in Dressed to Kill, "As you can tell, I am from Europe... where history comes from."
Those are all split into smaller provincial governments too, which makes you wonder what they need the second layer for
@Phonon The Chinese beg to differ :P
@IvoFlipse lol
@Mohammad Its even so bad that the Flemish and Wallonian parts have separate rules for a whole bunch of things, which makes doing business across regions 'interesting'
@IvoFlipse I once met a (I think Dutch) girl who was ranting and raving about 'Flamish' or something.
@IvoFlipse Thats it! Flemmish! Yes she would not stop ranting about them, whoever they are
like a Flemish company can't get Brussels funding when they collaborate with a university from Brussels
@Mohammad They're the Dutch who were stupid enough to remain behind when the Spanish came
@IvoFlipse LOOOL
We like to make jokes that the people in Belgium are 'dumb/stupid', they call us "cheese-paring" (thank you google translate)
that last word is obviously quite fitting, given everybody thinks all we eat is cheese
which is silly, we don't just eat cheese
we put it on our bread instead ^^
@IvoFlipse Oh man, these Jeremy Clarkson quotes just keep popping up in my head = )
@Phonon That's because they're true :P
@Phonon The man seems like he knew what he was talking about! :)
Well after 18+ seasons of Top Gear, you have to shoot episodes elsewhere right?
@IvoFlipse I have no problem with anything listed on that site lol. = )
@IvoFlipse But I doubt I would date the girl in the picture.
@Phonon Neither would I, I wouldn't want to be found dead near anyone wearing those clothes
@IvoFlipse I hesitate to click on that link while at work... 0_0
The only good thing about her is that she drinks nice beer :P
@Phonon As something that would be nice for various DSP concepts
@Phonon The animation, etc
@Mohammad Wait, what does it do exactly?
@Mohammad Nice one
@Mohammad Oh, it's just an animation. Got it.
@Mohammad Yeah, that's really nice
Pfff my brain is fried, I can't even think of what to do in the first exercise of PA6
@IvoFlipse I'll be starting that tonight
They go like: here's a formula, good luck programming it out
uhhh... ok?
And the input format still makes no sense to me, but that's probably because I never got it to begin with :P
@IvoFlipse It's jstu a factor product
@IvoFlipse \delta is decision factor
U is utility function
and the rest are your bayesian factors
D is the set of all parents of your decision function
well decision factor if its 1 or should I just take the product and make that remove anything where the decision was 0?
@IvoFlipse I believe it's the likelihood of you making a certain decision based on other factors, i.e. your parents in the bayesian net
what are those var's because there are only 10 factors in I.RandomFactors
so how can they point to values larger than 10
I haven't gotten to the exercises yet, but I believe that in this case D = I.DecisionFactors.var
@IvoFlipse LOL. I actually guessed the name decision factor
> Yup, SimpleCalcExpectedUtility calculates expected utility for a given set of factors; in particular, for a fixed decision factor. In the case of FullI the decision factor is given to you in the input as Sriram stated. Indeed 9 is the decision variable and 11 is the test result variable, so for example the first line means that "if test result (var 11) is 1, then going by the current decision rule, the probability of making decision 1 (i.e. var 9 = 1) is 1.000000".
Don't worry about the expected utility being negative: this is completely fine (and expected); all it means is that given the current decision rule, the expected value of the utility we will end up with is negative. It doesn't tell you anything about whether and in what cases it is in our interest to have surgery, or whether the given decision rule is optimal or not.
All that SimpleCalcExpectedUtility can tell you is "if you were to go with this fixed decision rule, this is the expected value of your utility that would result." Selecting the best decision rule is done by another function (OptimizeMEU). Hope that helps a bit with the intuition :)
I hate how these variables are so non-descriptive, how on earth was I supposed to know that the 9 was the decision and 11 its result?
@Phonon Would a question on best DSP unis be kosher you think?
7 hours later…
@Mohammad I don't think it would be a good question. Even though it may be in general, not on this site. You can try academia.stackexchange.com. I'm sure it will be a much better fit for them.

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