Well the problem with the deadlines is that they're the reason most courses have such a strict time schedule, else they could let you start whenever you want to
Though with Udacity they basically reboot every 8 weeks, I think that's working out pretty well
@IvoFlipse I did the PGM non-programming homework last night, Wasn't too bad. I loved the and for lectures on Turbo Codes. I was looking into that stuff for work, not ever 6 months ago.
@Mohammad It'll be more like: A powerful space-wizard lives in a space tower on a space station. He has an alien-technology heat-seeking blaster gun and a mighty sword. Question: Why the f___ does he need the sword if he has the blaster gun?
@Phonon @IvoFlipse They should just merge all fields into the context of sci-fi. "If a photon torpedo is approaching you at 60% the speed of light and the gain on your kalman tracking filter is 12dB, what are your changes of survival? Show a probabilistic graph explaining your reasoning".
@Phonon @IvoFlipse I just got an email from my old uni's CS dept about an NLP course and some others... tsk tsk... they have no idea how destroyed they are going to be very very soon lol
@Phonon Ah! Yeah, it was next to some police station I think
@Phonon I actually got lost in that area once, very long (and funny) story ...involving a severe allergic reaction to a cat and a ...questionable motel... 0_0