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@Phonon @IvoFlipse Hey all!
@Phonon @IvoFlipse So guys, since we are going to be in ML/CV, lets figure out chat room for those. Put it together with PGM or seperate?
@Mohammad We'll keep it together.
@Mohammad I need to figure out a way to rename the room = )
@Phonon Hehe yup
@Phonon "21st Century Learning" hehe
room topic changed to Coursera.org study group: Study Group for Probabilistic Graphical Models, Machine Learning and Conputer vision online classes (no tags)
room topic changed to Coursera.org study group: Study Group for Probabilistic Graphical Models, Machine Learning and Computer Vision online classes (no tags)
room topic changed to Coursera.org study group (XXI Lentury Learning): Study Group for Probabilistic Graphical Models, Machine Learning and Computer Vision online classes (no tags)
...or something like that
room topic changed to Coursera.org study group (XXI Century Learning): Study Group for Probabilistic Graphical Models, Machine Learning and Computer Vision online classes (no tags)
@Phonon I was 0_o and this close || to googling "Lentury" lol
Can't spell today
@Phonon Hehe, I have those days
@Mohammad So I'll finally come back to my DSP time-alignment algorithms at work in a week or so. Been working on some tangent things. I haven't read all the papers you linked me to yet, but I'll start reading them next week, and hopefully give you some feedback
@Phonon No worries, I have been dealing with ... tangential... things as well. I know the feeling. Last night I put together a time delay estimation algo real quick for this question - (dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/1949/…), Tell me what you think.
@IvoFlipse Did you win the lottery??
No that the room name changed
I'm working on NLP at the moment, had a score of 0.869, but forgot to commit intermittently, then when I came back from grocery shopping I had made some changes I didn't know how to revert and my score dropped again :(
@IvoFlipse Hehe yup, figured we are going to have at least 2 classes in common among ourselves
@Mohammad Yeah, I don't know how I'm going to pull all three classes
@Mohammad Should be fun.
@Mohammad Intense, that is.
@Phonon Yeah. They should made a class called "How to decide and plan which classes to take"
@Mohammad Don't know about a class, but I'm glad they offer these again and again.
@Mohammad So I can come back to some of them later
@Phonon Yeah, Im really glad ML is being offered again, even though I already sat through all the lectures in 1-week sitting. Helps to go through it again
@Mohammad Nice.
@Mohammad I haven't seen those yet.
@Mohammad I hope they won't be as time-consuming as PGM. That class takes ~15 hours a week for me.
@Phonon Yeah, ML I know is not going to be nearly as time consuming as PGM. Not sure about CV though
Yeah, I have to get started on PGM for next week, but getting a good NLP score is taking longer than planned :(
@IvoFlipse Is NLP as time consuming as PGM?
no, but I like this exercise :P
PGM is just way more complicated
I'll take NLP when it's offered again then
We have to program a Maximum Entrophy Markov Model (well only a part of it)
to find names of persons in a body of text
based on features like whether a word has a capital, is preceded by something etc
@Phonon @IvoFlipse You know this is what I love about those classes, they are all so inter-related but its not obvious. Which is why I try and 'take' classes that I have absolutely no interest in, (like NLP), because one lecture at one point hits on markov processes and I learn from that, and apply the same Tool somewhere else. Its so awesome.
Yeah I used QuickSort in CS101 and Levenstein distance from NLP too
and NLP is a gentle introduction into a lot of probability stuff
and its way more practical: count number of occurrences of X and Y, add and divide blabla
better than a wall of LaTeX
"Wall of Latex". LOL. nice.
@IvoFlipse Surely, you mean wall of LaTeX
That's what I said
Any suggestions for features that make a word unlikely to be a name?
@IvoFlipse Not an NLP person, but do you have features that make a word likely to be a verb? Then inverse that and it CAN be a name...
I just browsed through all words starting with a Capital
think I should change tactics
currently I just check for features and add a tag for that
but it should be conditional
if something is a weekday, month, country etc it is NOT a person
if it contains more than two from [ ' . - ] then its probably not a (normal) name but an abbreviation or a company name
all caps is not done
it shouldn't contain + $ € or any numbers
So only if it passes ALL those tests, then perhaps it could be a name
@IvoFlipse Also I mean are you only assuming Western names? Because so many names can have ' and - in them as well if not Western
yes its pretty western only
but we get to be a bunch of n00bs :P
I don't have arabian names in my training set
Yeah Arabic names can have higher likelihood of having dashes and apostrophes
Although I supposed they are pretty well isolated, like -bin- means 'son of'
So dashes there
well if I had more time, I could encode the most common elements
it wouldn't like something like O'Learry-Smith either
but being strict weeds out false positives more than false negatives
Hehe yeah Irish names can be problematic too
Wow, I just have two functions and they weed out a whole lot of bad combo's
def allcaps(word):
    if word.isupper() or word[1:2].isupper():
        return False
    return True

def checkChars(word):
    for letter in word:
        if letter in [u"\u0024", u"\u20AC", u"\xA3", '+'] or letter.isdigit():
            return False
    return True
that second function checks for $ € and pound sign
I should download a list with all the names of all countries, that should help weed out a lot
damn I really should use regular expressions to match parts of words :(
@yoda Welcome! Did you get lost? = )
@yoda lol my program wouldn't find that one :P
@Phonon not as lost as datageist :P
@yoda I see = )
but yeah, I do drop in every day to look around... sometimes without logging in
It surely feels like I come here just to ban people :P
@yoda That's what Fitness feels like to me
@yoda I meant the room, not the site. I know you're around. I feel the force.
@Phonon oh that... the subject caught my attention =)
@yoda I assume you know about the free courses and what not?
I annoyed him about it :P
@IvoFlipse I should have known that = )
yeah, @IvoFlipse wouldn't let go of me unless I signed up for it.. :P I'm sure there's a pyramid scam in there somewhere that he benefits =)
@yoda No, he's just very-very lonely. = )
@Phonon Indeed I am ;P
@yoda So what are you taking?
shhh... @ivo is still here ;)
Ahhh, I see
2 hours later…
@Phonon Hey man. I am also starting to look at onset detection based on how they do it for musical signals.

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