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The server! Is it feeling better now?
"Is it feeling better now?" I laughed way too hard at that.
Morning everyone :)
3 hours later…
is it bad that the thing in the next version of FTB I'm most excited about is the new MFR toys?
heya M'vy
new MFR?
@Jochem I'm SO excited about that as well :D
@M'vy there's some cool stuff like mining lasers that will, as far as I can tell, pull up blocks with silk touch. You can then feed them to a block that uses mob essence to Fortune I-III those blocks for extra ore
but mostly I want PRC's :o
@Jochem Kinda even better, it generates those ores out of thin air (You put it above bedrock and it "mines below" it)
@KevinvanderVelden oh wow, that's even more awesome
So you don't ever really have to move it? I was already planning out a way to move the Fortune block thingy without losing too much mob essence
And you can put focus objects on it you can get more of a type
Indeed, just add power :) - Many many power
that must mean it costs an insane amount of power though X_X
Uses about 413k EU per block
Also it'll give AE quartz :)
that's not too bad, depending on your power setup
hm, one block ever 2 minutes 40 seconds at 128EU/t
Which is easy to get
a stack of blocks every 2 hours 52 minutes
and yeah, 128eu/t is nothing with powerconverters
I figure the focus blocks will make it use more power / work slower
Same speed, just change the distribution of blocks :)
And same power according to the link
huh, funky
also kinda cool that you can get nether quartz without farming the nether
I hate farming the nether
And its pretty much limited only to how fast you can input the power :)
it's just tedious, and there's too much air to make a quarry really that worthwhile
I figure this'll mean that next modpack, I'll be setting up a system to dump excess power into these mining lasers
for extra challenge maybe even figure out if it's possible to make it automatically change focus based on which item you have less of
Hmm should be possible
You can hook up computers to your AE system :)
Or turtles.. assuming computers but dont know how well that'd work :)
you can always use rednet to control turtles...
otherwise, some system with RP2 (eloraam is apparently still working on the 1.6 version) and comparitors / level emitters
I meant interfacing the computer with the AE system, there's several API calls that require an inventory so I'm not sure it'd work with a computer.
And jeah, changing the focus part is trivial
Is that in the current version, AE / computercraft interactivity? I didn't know there was an AE api
Not sure if its in the one we use, dont think it is. Definitely in the beta packs.
aw crap, only 152 :(
damnit, got stuck reading the miscperipherals page and now I have all these ideas X_X
I've got so many plans for 1.6 =p
I'm gonna start with MFR this time :) -- Few buildcraft/whatever things to macerate and generate power
hm ... the server seems to timeout very often
MatterFab online!
cool, grats :)
I will be able to upgrade my panels
if server wants it
I finally set up two row of 8 magmatic engine + 1 magma crucible running on netherhack
I should rebuild my power supply, I'm wasting so much steam =/
using a 4 height xycraft tank with one high output for excess lava
can't find the time it takes to melt this
and Timeout!
Uuhm :|
hehe DSU FTW
Hey @Night
Holy block lag, Batman!
lag? I timed out
Not sure of it but I tend to TO when I use wireless ME
might just be a coincidence
What's with all the timeouts this morning?
it's like this since 4h
@Night you did not restore public water
I hope no one hooked up something critical to it ^^
Installed a backup one
If someone else can put an aqueous accu to a tesseract. This one seems to be drained quite fast
2 hours later…
I've got uuh, a few xychorium water sources hooked up to public water now :)
Should be fine =p
if anyone is missing a green sapphire pick mining turtle in the nether, I've found it.
oh yeah, don't use the railgun in the nether, that was it...
@Jochem Right, dont click on unloaded GT blocks either.
'Ello again!
Hey Night
We should have the test server up soon. I suspect @M'vy will love it, since it's in Germany.
@M'vy Whoops, I didn't think we were the only ones contributing to it :S
well that probably should lessen the latency
@Jigokuniku well I didn't seem to get water out of it. So made a new one
Me and Jochem will love it to, dutch ^^
I really hope that no one was using public water for a boiler. If they were, they'll probably find a nasty surprise. :(
Jeah, which is why I had my boilers on public water for like 5 minutes before deciding "No, bad idea :|"
BTW that would be irresponsible to do this
So, is anyone still interested in testing?
The new server should be starting momentarily.
@NightExcessive sure
@M'vy One moment
Is the old server offline while the test one is up?
Just derpy I think?
@gnovice why would it be?
@M'vy I couldn't log in at all. Thought maybe it was taken down for some reason, but I'm in now.
@gnovice just lags
Jeah 6 nether stars :D
and you say this just llike that?
Stupid Rackspace. Its upload is pegged at 16.8KB/s >:(
cc @TimStone
Or they're experiencing large amounts of loss: fox.gy/fnSpaH6KH1x.png
I only needed to get 1, I made 5 others from it =p
And only because splash potions stack at 16 max
I wouldn't mind testing either, just give me the address when you're ready :)
2:40 PM - Dori: their international peering
2:40 PM - Dori: is the worst thing i ever had to see
I feel like we need a "go away Rackspace" sign
what is the maximum size for advanced monitors? >_> or does someone have a colored sheep farm?
It'd be pretty easy to set one up with MFR :)
There's a rancher that autosheers =p
@Jochem You can change wool color with a minium stone
Just right click. It doesn't even use any durability
oh, in world? cool
then we should totally build that sign out of colored wool
also... facepalm... I just built two macerators instead of one by accident
You could literally just put up a wall of white wool and "paint" it with the stone.
@KevinvanderVelden Perfect!
server go boom?
Server go restart =p
oh ok
@Jochem I think that's my turtle... is it next to some ore?
It's mine
@jeffreylin_ yeah, it's staring at some cinnabar ore
do you know where it is, or do you want me to grab it for you? I made a waypoint next to it
@KevinvanderVelden I hope you let him dance.
He is :)
Well not the official dance cause he has movement left =p
@KevinvanderVelden that poor turtle is skewered on that laser beam!
No no, he's getting charged :)
2 hours later…
Does anyone know of a cracked server and its password?
@J.Walker You asked this yesterday and were told you weren't going to get an answer here. What makes you think you will get one today?
well I googled it like u said and i found some cracked servers but they need passwords...
And I don't know what kind of password they need.
@J.Walker you will have to google more. We're not going to answer any questions here about cracked servers.
Why not? is it against some cude?
I mean code.
is there some forum I can ask it on?
Are there servers that don't require passwords?
Well, I have a second question that has nothing to do with cracked servers or anything...
I think.
Cracked servers are a legal grey area. You're not technically allowed to run a server without paying for it, even though notch says he'd rather you steal minecraft and pay for it later, than not play it at all. That makes it a subject that we won't help you with. I'm not going to discuss with you whether it should be allowed or not, I'm just telling you, you're not getting any help here for cracked servers.
What's a hamachi?
Or is that also a legal grey area
Hamachi is a piece of software that lets you play multiplayer games with people over the internet, while the game thinks you're playing on a local network.
I gotta run, ttyl
PSA: Running /f on the server crashes your client.
Test server is up: Don't ruin anything, please, as we can't easily make backups at the moment and it adds more work for us if you do.
It already feels significantly faster than the current server.
@NightExcessive Ultimate?
cc @ThomasMcDonald
@jeffreylin_ Yes.
And what are we supposed to do there? Test what, exactly?
@jeffreylin_ Try to make it lag to death. We're having moderate amounts of trouble making it lag.
In any way we see fit?
@jeffreylin_ Actually, sure. I'll just restore the world again later.
If so, get me WorldEdit laughs evilly
We're about to nuke people's houses for science!

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