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@fredley So, a no go on the restart? Will this involve the sort of world-edit investigation that the last freeze-up did?
@gnovice why would that have done something bad? It transfers energies to the REC.
After all this is resolved, could we backup this world and try another one to be sure that it is the world, not the server?
@jeffreylin_ After reading up some more on the wikis, I'm thinking my wooden conductive pipe probably didn't cause the problem. It was somewhat coincidental though that the crash happened very soon after I placed it.
Well, the most logical thing to do would be to get a list of who was on and what everyone was doing.
The very basic guide to MystCraft:

You put the modifying page before the feature, so for example, Red before Sky Color would give you a red sky.

You need certain pages to be stable. You must have the Biome modifier and an equal number of biomes to go with it. You need the terrain generator (void, flat, ect.), Sun, Moon, Stars and the positions and length of time, weather, lighting, then your other features like tendrils and, if possible, a clear modifier at the end.

Certain features won't work in certain environments. For example, on a single biome flat Mushroom Island, Villages, Nether
@gnovice I think so
Aah not again =p Time to upload it somewhere ><?
MCEdit timmmmmmmme!!
what was I doing BTW
crafting thing in the chemical machine I ugess
1 hour later…
BTW I put some CF foam wall recently
5 hours later…
@fredley @NightExcessive @RonanForman I think I know the source of the world crash. I had been trying to place a wooden conductive pipe next to a redstone energy cell, but it was also next to a diesel generator. I didn't think it would try to connect to it, since it outputs EU, not MJ, but this thread suggests it is a known source of problems: forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/…
/ban gnovice
@gnovice Can you fix it? I will I need to MCedit?
@RonanForman This is an MCEdit job
@gnovice Coords?
Also I can't connect to the server, what's the port again?
@RonanForman 1822 I think
@RonanForman Around -320, -610. The offending wooden conductive pipe is probably in the chunk just to the northwest of where those coords are.
we need a text based MC edit
mcedit locate wooden_conductive_pipe -320 -610 | xargs mcedit delete
@M'vy Well even if we could just run it we could use filters to do the editing.
This map is huge.
best thing would be to edit by region
not sure MC edit can edit region?
@RonanForman you might be able to just download the region file @gnovice's base is in, and paste that over the existing map download (which you might still have?)
cause it seems to be easy to find said region
@Jochem good point
I think the server should regenerate that region if you just delete it from disk. You could try that to see if the problem is actually with @gnovice's base
seems MC edit can only open world
Okay so if I put this in a new world...
@RonanForman do you still have the download from the previous world crash? I imagine a new world wouldn't reference the region file, so it wouldn't show up... you could try pre-generating that region locally, either by just going there in creative, or generating chunks in mcedit
Seems to work.
You in a redrock biome @gnovice?
@RonanForman Yep
Red rock
@RonanForman What's goin on in that picture?
@gnovice It's removed all modded blocks and hasn't recalcuated lighting. That's not a modded client.
I'll need some directions @gnovice. Walk me to the pipe.
@RonanForman Directions without modded blocks as landmarks?
@gnovice No, I've got it in MCedit, I can tell what a block is.
@RonanForman OK. The coordinates are centered on a staircase. There's a layer with machines, a little farm, bunches of chests, probably below height 70. Go northwest from there. There will be a redstone energy cell, the wooden pipe to the left, and a diesel generator to the left of that.
What's the ID of a diesel generator?
hm wikia don't have this
I'm starting up FTB
@RonanForman Not sure, but there will be 4 of them close together if that helps.
BTW I think the id may vary between servers
THat may be why there is none on wikis
@RonanForman 702:33 on my backup copy of the server world
@M'vy it can differs per pack and per version, but I'm using the same client I use to connect to the server, on a backup of the server world, so it should be accurate
@gnovice Is it near a tinker table?
@RonanForman yeah, the pipe will be around 10 blocks east and 5 north of the tinker table.
I can't tell which way is east.
@RonanForman I think east is positive x, north is negative z, but don't quote me on that.
@gnovice That puts me at the blast furnace.
@gnovice east is positive x, yes
@RonanForman If it's the industrial blast furnace, go further in positive x. If it's the railcraft one, you went south instead of north.
The diesel generator is multiblock right?
@RonanForman No, just one block, but there are 4 of them close together.
Dammit! I've found a redstone cell with an electric engine attached. What I think is a pipe to the left, but then a multiblock.
@RonanForman That's right. The thing to the left IS the pipe that needs to be deleted.
Well I've got a backup, so lets try this.
I think greg does blocks weird then. Like everythings a multiblock, but of size 1x1.
@RonanForman he does do weird stuff, look at all those broken machines when you just load in.
@RonanForman Possibly. There is usually a lag to load the textures for his blocks, and the default texture looks like the multiblock casings.
@gnovice Its actually so the server doesnt waste time to load things to specific when you just need terrain
So I don't know how to start the server.
locate -i *start* ?
@KevinvanderVelden Where do I run that?
I dunno, is it a *nix shell? That just finds anything with the name start in it =p
ping @fredley ?
No idea what the server is set up like, just guessing randomly =p
@M'vy He's just left work probably.
lemme check ultimate folder
history | grep java might find something, if it's linux
ServerStart.sh ?
in ultimate folder?
or just plain history
i don't know if they used an init scriipt or something to daemonize it
history is uuh pretty long generally =p
yeah, but chronological
the server gets restarted often enough that it'd show up
history | tail -n50
That shouldnt flood the screen =p
and most distros I know cap it at 1000, so it's long for people, not long for computers :)
@M'vy Yes, in mine there is a shell called that.
That I use to run.
I believe Night or someone else tweaked the server pretty far
So it might be called differently =p
I know @NightExcessive created the current structure.
@KevinvanderVelden Yea, I think he worked with the startup scripts.
Found the script.
@gnovice I thought you got rid of your conductive pipes. :P
Hmm... I might have figured out what's throttling the server. I recommend that everyone who owns a pump to change it to an advanced pump for less lag. The reason behind this is that the Adv. pump removes all the lava whereas the BC pump removes only the source blocks = MOAR calculations = :( server.
According to a recent post on Arqade.
@jeffreylin_ The thing is, if there's something that's causing server lag (or crash, or chunk reset) when used the way it's intended, then what should change is hardware or the mod's code. Not the behavior of the players.
However, if it's something stupid, like you've cause an infinite loop between 2 ME drives, that's different.
@Coronus I was in the process of doing so, but noticed my electrical engine backing up with power. I thought maybe it still needed a wooden conductive pipe output, and was trying that out when Bad Things happened. Turns out there's a known problem with engines feeding directly into energy cells, they just need one length of conduit first.
@gnovice actually, two. One for power output and one for input
I hate BC pipes.
@jeffreylin_ Ah, yes. Forgot about that detail.
... LASER FLASHLIGHT gizmodo.com/…
why but o.o
@KevinvanderVelden because LAZORS!!!
@KevinvanderVelden Thing looks like a friggin light saber!
And then you put a FLASHLIGHT on it
Okay... dispite just updating, my client is out of date.
> This needs to be a light saber attachment.
I'm getting "You are not whitelisted on this server"
I'm getting an out of date error =/
Afk for dinner :)
Maybe I started the wrong server.
Yeah, oops.
slow clap
did you start the old server? :)
lol :) Makes sense that you guys are out of date and I'm not whitelisted then :D
In my defence, the old one is called FTB, which also applies to this one.
@Jochem Welcome to the Future!
@RonanForman I don't blame you. If I saw that, I'd assume the same thing.
@Coronus are there flying cars yet?
seems alive
They're also "falling cars"
@Coronus ah, so I assume the Mythbusters became supreme overlords :D hides from the explosions
@RonanForman you should rename the files so that you don't do the same thing next time.
@jeffreylin_ I could do, but that'd be the sensible thing.
@RonanForman :D
@RonanForman That would be too simple. I think you should name it something complex. Better yet, write a script that names it something random every few days.
@Coronus Ha!
hum. I need iridium to make a better blast furnace.
Any idea of where I can find some?
or create some?
@M'vy Bees!
I guess the same goes for gunpowder
@M'vy Sheldonite from the End (need a jetpack to collect), centrifuge platinum dust, or make iridium from UU matter.
@gnovice sheldonite might be the best option
Since I need some to build my matter fab...
@M'vy It definitely is, that's why I listed it first. ;)
@M'vy What do you need the iridium for? Advanced casings? Cause you can get by with just platinum ingots to make those.
ho I see
assembling machine
Also, you can max your furnace without advanced casings.
@gnovice that's why I need some
@M'vy have you tried coils?
I suggest upgrading your furnace with Kanthal and Nichrome heating coils. Much cheaper than advanced casings.
How does this work? cause my blast furnace is already hooked up with power ME and pipes.
So if this implies to put things on the side of the block... it might no work really well
You make 4 Kanthal and 4 Nichrome heating coils, then right click the furnace block with each stack in hand. They give a total boost of 1000K.
My blast furnace can handle tungstensteel (the max) and it still has 10 of the basic casings in the multi-block structure.
There is a problem with the books
2 hours later…
"M'vy: Laaa-aaag"
My pc: Disconnect
Server is unloading chunks I'm in!
That's new
Its not for me =p
Right-clicked a Greg machine :(
@M'vy What is going on ??!?
idk lag
2 hours later…
@gnovice Borrowing your grinder.
@jeffreylin_ Not a problem. Have at it.

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