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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

So are we officially on ultimate now?
@Unionhawk Yes but the server is not configured right yet
@RonanForman You're getting the error right?
@fredley Ah. All right then. I'm getting a weird ID mismatch error
I removed GT from my client modpack, still same error
@fredley I'm getting an error.
@RonanForman ID mismatches?
@fredley No, I must have my mods set up wrong. I don't use the launcher.
Requires sledgehammer debbuging
@RonanForman Oh
Why not?
Logging in with the launcher.
@fredley I like MultiMC.
Will there be any needed client config changes?
@Unionhawk Hopefully not.
Hm, I think I will be able to upgrade my Jetpack soon BTW
I'm getting probably the same error fredley's getting. ID conflicts with IC2 related things, specifically reactor related things
Stupid greg tech.
We could leave it in if it wasn't for it ruining bees.
And just in a minute, the conflicted ID will let you wear coaldust and iron ingots! While you will have to burn jetpacks to cook uranium
@RonanForman I'm comparing conf files, I may be some time...
The server is using IC2 nuclear stuff but the client is using GregTech.
@RonanForman Yeah
I assumed in the case of ID mismatches it'd use the server's ones.
@RonanForman I think it's trying to figure out plutonium, thorium, and the other neutron reflectors
@RonanForman What, specifically, was it doing to the bees?
Another attempt
server coming up
@Coronus Cutting their outputs to 1/4.
Damn, no luck
Given that seemingly we can't have an ultimate server without GT, can't you settle for harder bees?
I mean, is it really going to hold you back that much?
@RonanForman Oh, I see it now. 25% chance to get 1 unit to 100% chance to get 1/4 unit.
harder bees?
@Coronus Is that always the percentage?
I didn't notice he'd upped the percentage too.
bees have output?
I don't get it
@M'vy What do you think they're used for?
Idk, for me bees are flying around and making honey
I'm looking ftbwiki,org, and I only see differences in the metal combs.
well some of them at least
But I don't know how complete it is.
Hang on, I'll check to see what the percentage is in NEI
It's 100% for a tiny pile.
All it does is it's taking the current 25% chance, and making it 25% of a pile of dust instead
Okay, it adds another step, which is typical greg tech, but it's okay.
@Unionhawk @RonanForman GT is now enabled, Easy mode config installed
Diamond comb is 15% for Diamond -> 100% chance of 1/4 diamond.
Server comin' up
Well two steps, f*cking greg tech.
Let's get readddyyyy tooooo
Well... you know what...
@RonanForman Yes. Fuck Greg, and his tech.
@fredley No, no, no. Just the tech.
Server is up!
Actually, I might have to build a implosion compressor. Fucking Gregtech.
@fredley You haven't changed all the recipes.
You can't make massFabs only the greg tech matter fabricator.
@RonanForman Have I not? I installed teh quick-config easy gt pack
@RonanForman Client config might cause different recipes to appear
@Unionhawk Oh yeah, it is enabled.
@RonanForman I can
@fredley I was looking at the recipe, can you see it in NEI?
@RonanForman Oh, no
Confirmed: Cannot craft
That thaumcraft thing we saw right there? Had a portal gun. Yup :P I has the portal gun luck, apparently
I've found like, 4 of them in my FTB career
you can find these?
There's a very rare chance for them to appear in dungeon chests, yes
Welcome to this Apperture science dungeon, feel free to dispose of all patented material in there. Have fun.
I actually just found like 5-6 portal guns today alone
@Jigokuniku Were you running around in a flat age with thaumcraft dungeons everywhere?
@Unionhawk Preeeeeetty much.
@Jigokuniku Yeeeeah, that's why :P
@RonanForman so what's status?
I completed my record collection in that age. It was awesome.
@fredley Updated my config, trying now.
Hum I need to quickly update my house... as books can't take rain
We nearly have too, @Unionhawk. Night made us a nice turtle jukebox to randomly swap em out.
@Unionhawk Where's this? Sounds like I may want to visit it.
Holy shit
Flying is not enabled on this server?
30+ Nukes...
I'm still laughing over that one
Like the world just lost all its ground?
No, you got launched at such a velocity from the nukes, the server thought you were hacking
Same for me
What. Are you guys. Doing.
@Coronus I literally nuked the server
@fredley Oh, is that all? Carry on.
Does NEI tell you which bees make the combs?
@Coronus No it does not.
disconnect.spam? seriously?
@M'vy Lol
Goddammit @fredley blew up the server. Literally.
But the bees are ok, right?
What the hell. Greg tech isn't even listening to the config anymore.
@RonanForman Screw Greg Tech
classical. You don't want my default config? screw you I won't use yours
@M'vy Again.
As usual.
ah these mods
So clearly more tests are required if we're to go about having an ultimate w/ Easy Greg server then...
@Unionhawk I think @fredley tested the nukes.
@Coronus Yes, we have established that without any kind of /killallitems command, 30 nukes will literally cause the server to blow up
@Unionhawk Next, we test catsplosions.
And then, after that, we can place secret rooms blocks next to Xycraft blocks! Because that always ends well too
@Unionhawk secret rooms is off
@fredley Oh thank the jesus.
Who needs a secret room, when you can make a very public room that people can't enter anyway?
Do we get to play with depleted-uranium creepers?
military enriched uranium Ghasts? All the fun things?
[Patriots anti missiles?
Anti-atomic bunkers could be nice too
Especially considering the recent events
I say we return to the DW20 pack, this clearly isn't working.
@RonanForman Agreed. Nothing's changed, just fire it up.
You can't even bloody craft an iron block.
Actually, I'll do it
DW20 is up
You know we could just make everyone remove gregtech themselves.
@RonanForman I tried removing from client, didn't fix
@fredley Shucks,.
@RonanForman We could just get everyone to add Bibliocraft
@fredley We could do this.
so switch back
@M'vy Yup
Can someone catch me up on what happened?
@jeffreylin_ So we are in the process of switching to Ultimate, I do not know the status of this switch
@Unionhawk By the transcript, it seems like something horrible happened and @fredley went berserk and nuked the server.
@jeffreylin_ Yes. Well, not the map, it was a test map. But yes, that happened.
@Unionhawk Ah, that makes more sense.
And apparently if I'm reading correctly we've switched back?
@Unionhawk That's what it seems like.
The situation is very fluid /cnndefense
Anyway, thaks for help on the quarry guys
2 hours later…
So how is everything holding up? Back to normal?
@Unionhawk Yes, the test was not successful, due to Greg
Who's Greg?
@Coronus Don't know, but he makes tech, and we don't like it
@fredley Oh. I hate that guy.
Greg makes tech that is hard to build, and we want him to give us the easier schematics. However, he is being stubborn and won't give it to us.
@RavenDreamer HAI!
oh ok be that way then
@jeffreylin_ No, I suspect that when we try to pull the technological advances from his universe to ours, it produces very unstable results since the laws of pixelics differ so greatly between dimensions.
@jeffreylin_ It no work.
It allows you to make EU from the enderdragon egg and generate a crapload of flux in the process.
@Coronus Oh.
Oh the minium stone is multy usage!!!!!
Damn me...
@M'vy :)
way to go
You're referring to the fact that it does not disappear for thousands of uses?
dissappear for thoushand seconds
who made loops?
@M'vy loops?
in my pipes
@M'vy I've not seen your pipes. Where is your house, btw?
on sand
There is a link in the portal now
Click: Le bocal
You'll end up at my door
I read looping pipe door
hum the jetpack on MPS seems strange
@M'vy mps?
I loose height when i go forward, but not the other directions
modular power suit
the key for flight control is Z what the??!
I got an AZERTY keyboard man!!
Hey, now. Don't blame the keyboard.
I want to change the binding :S
Flight Control: Tries to keep you steady in midair. Acts as a proxy for creative flight. Press 'Z' to go down (currently hardcoded).
Tough luck
Well I can change my keymap
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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