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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@Coronus is astonished.
@jeffreylin_ :O
Anyway, what did you have when you died?
@jeffreylin_ Are you talking to me?
Don't worry about it. The server saved all of her stuff.
Did you get the goggles back?
@Coronus Yes, but I don't really need them
@jeffreylin_ Still, she didn't want to keep something of yours. What were they?
Goggles of revealing
@fredley Hey do you happen to have any ebony saplings we might be able to borrow? We need the black wood to match our basalt base, and I could replace the saplings once I get a sustainable source for us ^^
3 hours later…
@Jigokuniku Yes, but I need to make sure I keep enough pure bred saplings in my collection. I'll sort you out a set later today
@JiaWeiYang Hello!
@fredley Sounds good. I'd appreciate it ^^
it is verry quite here
Yeah... not a lot of people around this time of day
@JiaWeiYang It's not as quiet as it was a few months ago, it's actually relatively active these days
@fredley Do we have any time planned for switching to Ultimate?
@NightExcessive Nope, but if loads of people want to make the switch we can do so whenever.
@fredley I'd love to do it as soon as possible. Ultimate was much less buggy for me than Direwolf20 has been.
@NightExcessive Right. @RonanForman what do you reckon?
Hum. Induction heater is broken?
Hiya BTW
Extractor too
@M'vy Has it got a redstone signal? Needs one to stay on.
@M'vy Something up with the solar panel? Is there energy in the MFSU?
it has the lever
@M'vy Odd. Is the red 'power' indicator on in the machine GUI?
neither the macerator nor the extractor has it
But the compressor does
@M'vy Odd.
@M'vy Any cable missing?
can't tell
Recycler seems find too
damn, crash again...
The machine room has an MV solar.. How did the power go out?
There seem too be things under the machine
MV-Trasnformer under the MFSU
LV-Trans under the compressor
Then glass tubes
It's glass fiber tubes
@M'vy Yeh, these are needed to convert the power down to the right voltage. Make sure all the glass cables are there. Then try breaking (with an electric wrench) the machines and replacing them.
@fredley Do you mind if we use your preformatter?
hm I bug when I get back to my house with the book
@NightExcessive For formatting thingys for the Molecular Fab? Sure, go ahead
I'd rather you didn't do masses of crafting with my Fab though, as some resources (believe it or not) are low.
@fredley Nono, the ME Preformatter
@NightExcessive That's what I meant, the off-network block for making crafting recipe things
@fredley The Preformatter is the one that sets what can be stored in a storage thing.
@NightExcessive Yeah, of course you can use it
@fredley Thanks!
Does anyone know how to get Dark Iron Ingots?
seems power is back
I just charged my wrench
@NightExcessive Yes!
What you do is make some Iron blocks, and set them on fire with a wrath igniter.
Do this in a safe place
Wrath fire is extremely destructive
If you burn the server down I will not be happy!
My recommendation: Start the wrath fire in a bedrock pit made by a quarry.
For reference, this is roughly the area of effect of wrath fire:
This could go terribly wrong!
@NightExcessive At the very least, do it a long way from the village. Do it in a desert for glass-based fun
@fredley Indeed. Some random desert thousands of blocks away.
@NightExcessive Yes.
why does it keeps crashing!
@M'vy What does 'it' refer to?
@M'vy I've been on this whole time... Dunno.
@M'vy Because it's Java?
Almost each time I try to get back to my place by link
then I crash
@fredley Created a single player creative world to test. Holy crap.
@NightExcessive Yeah...
@M'vy Oh, what's the error? Client crash or server kick?
client crash
@M'vy Check your java version?
What's the crash report look like? Memory or something?
I updated recently, but I will again
@fredley Turned an entire beach into glass. Still going.
@fredley At least lighting the glass turns it back into sand.
@NightExcessive So like I said, take care :-P
Full java reinstallation
@M'vy Are you on an x64 machine? If so remember you need x86 and x64 java
Yes I am
I used their downloader
will see
Anybody have lags?
@M'vy Not particularly.
ok, 64bits java download coming
It's acting odd again
Removed it does not change.
But, recharging smtgh in the MFSU is working
like if redstone current was updated by this
@M'vy Hmmm. There's not any weird redstone emitting stuff around is there?
@M'vy I'll take a look later
I'm trying to replace the MFSU to see if it's beter
Can I ask a total noob minecraft 'server' question?
@mdSeuss Go ahead!
I know about running servers (I have static IP addresses at home) but I know nothing about minecraft. Is it worthwhile to run your own minecraft server? Are there parts of minecraft that can only be enjoyed with paid accounts? Or are paid accounts just to get access to professionally hosted servers with the same server code?
I might have repaired it
@mdSeuss You have to pay for a mojang account to play Minecraft
Once you have an account, you can play on any public server
You can also play locally offline (you still need an account to do this)
Note: this is a one-off payment, you never need to pay a subscription
Awesome, NOW I understand. Thank you very much!
Server crashed?
@M'vy Not crash, lagged
Prety hard lag
@M'vy I caused it to generate a bunch of chunks.
Generating chunks does cause massive lag
Warn people, or ideally do it when they're no there
Ok, I'm slowly rebuilding my stuff
@M'vy Rebuilding? You lose stuff?
@M'vy :(
@M'vy At least TC research is persistent!
1 hour later…
ARGHARGH need powwwer!
These solar generator are slow :S
I'd be faster to mine with a bare hand
@fredley you might want to take a look to magma crucible and the liquid transposer
I tried to figure it out, but could not find anyway to get the magma from the former to the latter and into cans last night
@M'vy Eh?
@M'vy Oh, I'll take you through it later
The TE configuration is a bit strange at first
@M'vy Welcome to FTB!
@M'vy To charge quickly, place things in MFSU in the workshop
I think there is still some leftover in the liquid tansposer (75mb)
@fredley trying to make a redstone cell
But I need to empty the crucible (and transposer?)
So as I can put redstone into my frmae
@M'vy You want to fill the transposer with redstone, it must be on input mode (click the bucket)
There must be no other liquids in it otherwise it can't fill
Yes I figured that out, but how can I reset them?
Is it safe to remove both without risking flooding the room with I don't know : lava?
@M'vy You won't flood, but you'll lose the liquid
I removed the liquid trans, then put it back, the crucible automatically filled it
\o/ thx
@M'vy np
I put a chest in the community room, I put the portable tanks in there
@M'vy They are handy
It's a bit hard to explain how they work, but you can dump excess liquid in them while you're using another
I was being sure they were'nt messing up the config
@M'vy They won't affect it
Ok, now I need to power my redstone cell
@M'vy Buildcraft energy, which comes from engines
Usually a redstone energy cell is quite a way up the tech tree :-P
We can update to Ultimate now if we want.
Hm, actually I hoped to power an engine with that
@RonanForman I don't mind. Solars is the only change right?
well that's a problem, I can't know by the name what they are use for
@RonanForman Wait an hour or two until I'm online?
@M'vy Engines are powered by other things, biogas, fuel, EU, and generate Buildcraft Energy (MJ)
@fredley Sure thing.
@M'vy The cell stores MJ, acting as a battery
Bascially my pb is: I need to power my quarry with sufficient outpu
I put an electrical engine with a solar panel, but it was working too slow
@M'vy Easy ways to generate fuel for engines early on: electrical (from solars), hobbyist steam engine (requires topping up with coal and water), biogas or peat
@M'vy Yeah, electrical is good for low power things. You can upgrade them with tubes to increase EU consumption and energy output, but that requires more EU input too
I almost forgot Greg tech nerfs bees, hopefully it's a config.
@RonanForman Booo GregTech. Boooooo.
Hum biogas engine seems fait
maybe Ill need a second one though
Plus I run on water so :S
@M'vy fait?
@M'vy Yeah. Need to make and store the biogas, so it needs some infrastructure.
Would have tried to squeeze some seed, but the sueezer seems occupied
@M'vy Yeah, seeds from the community farm seem a good way to go
In the end you'll want something more automated, like a tree farm -> saplings
In the end, I hope I'll have enough solar power to be autonomous
@M'vy Solar is not enough on its own (also: I struggle crafting HV solars, they are crazy expense balls!)
I found 3 radiocative ore, but I don't think I can go nuclera right now :P
@M'vy No, I haven't even gone nuclear yet
Although I may, given the power requirements of my ore processing at the moment
I don't think the biogas engine accepts portable water tanks as input?
Which feed the best modpack does this server run?
@M'vy No, they only work with TE machines
@JLaBella Direwolf20, but I think we're switching to Ultimate tonight
@fredley Can't find a config for the bees.
@RonanForman I don't care :-P
What is Ultimate?
@Coronus Ultimate pack. It has more cool mods
@fredley Well if I can't fix it we're not having gregtech.
@fredley I ask because I don't see that listed where I see DW20 pack.
@RonanForman Agreed
@RonanForman We don't want it anyway I thought?
@Coronus We list ourselves as DW20, it doesn't work the other way around!
@fredley It adds some useful things, and I've got everything bad but the bees removed.
@RonanForman Ok. I don't really mind if it's not there. What does it add?
@fredley Mainly mod cross recipes, like ways to macerate rp gem ores and things.
@RonanForman Eh, don't really mind that much
@NightExcessive You want to help out too? Don't know if your scripts will need any modification for Ultimate. I'm guessing not but worth checking
@fredley It probably won't require modification. I'm going to bed fairly soon, though.
@NightExcessive Ok. If it doesn't work we'll just have to deal with a laggy server for a bit :-P
Oh, so this is immediate!
@fredley No, sorry. I was looking for what the Ultimate pack is, a reference.
@Coronus Yeah. You shouldn't notice any change except more delicious recipes in NEI and different solars
@Coronus Oh. It's on the FTB site.
@fredley And possibly less bugginess!
@NightExcessive We can only hope!
@fredley So I'll be doing more @_@ and trying to figure out what to build. ^_^
@Coronus Haha, it's ok, Ultimate will be new to all of us!
@fredley Anything changing on the bee front? I was going to start going with those little guys.
@Coronus I don't think so, will double check.
@Coronus Nope, I'm making sure greg tech doesn't touch them. If I can't I'll remove greg tech.
@RonanForman This worth checking out? forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/…
@fredley I don't see any mention of the issue.
@RonanForman It says stuff about gregtech and bees
Hum timeout?
@fredley The issue is that greg tech makes bees produce tiny piles for things rather than what they should make.
@RonanForman Oh. Just make more bees.
/Run them longer
@RonanForman I do believe that removing GregTech would require anyone who wants to play on the server to also remove it. This may be a bad idea on an already sparsely populated server.
@NightExcessive I don't think so, you can have mods that a server doesn't have.
# change beekeeping modes here. possible values EASY, NORMAL, HARD, HARDCORE, INSANE. mods may add additional modes.
@fredley That changes mutation chance.
Anyways, I'm off to bed. Good night all.
@NightExcessive g'Night
Additive macerating.
@fredley Before I forget, I need ownership here.
@RonanForman Ownership?
@fredley Room ownership.
Hey all
I'm fairly sure @fredley just left, but I'm gonna ask anyway :) Can I get whitelisted on the server?
My minecraft account is "tbyourdoom"
@KevinvanderVelden I think they're doing some work on the server now. They were talking about it. cc @RonanForman
Aah, well no hurry ofcourse :)
(besides, dinners just ready over here =p)
@Coronus Not yet, fredley's just left from work.
@KevinvanderVelden Done.
Thanks :)
now I just need to know the server ip/hostname :)
(also, which pack it's running)
afk :)
Well, it's at mine.stackgaming.com currently running Direwolf20.
I've read the rules, skipped the direwolf20 bit :)
@RonanForman Lets do this thang
@fredley Welcome home.
I've backed up the entire ftb directory
*Am backing up
@KevinvanderVelden We'll be updating to Ultimate pack soon, so don't get too excited
Oke, i typically play Ultimate, but that was mostly because direwolf20 wouldn't install right the first time
@KevinvanderVelden Fair enough
Our server will be very DW20-centric until a few of use figure out the new mods anyway, and all the chunks loaded so far will be 'DW20' chunks
and I'm also the insane type of person that watches direwolf20's series so :)
updating client.
@RonanForman I'll try bringing it up without copying over world data, then try with
@KevinvanderVelden It didn't install for me right the first time, either.
@fredley Okay, just copied the backeruper over.
And suddenly the chat comes to life :P
Coming up
So what is the point of this migration? more stuff? less stuff?
@M'vy More Machines!
Many machines on Ix. New... machines.
@M'vy More stuff, it's also the most 'official' ftb pack
Also it has Bibliocraft <3
I think I am most excited about bibliocraft
The Best of Minecraft Tech Mods
Awww shit!
lol. More to my point, look at the comparison doc.
I just noticed ultimate doesn't have misc peripherals.
Just needs conf updates
Oh :(
@RonanForman I have all the books I need anyway
Yes it does?
unless i'm reading it wrong
line 32
Why is it red? Does that mean not 1.5?
world ID are mismatching! Tha lit'le tricky !
@M'vy Yeah, this requires some conf twiddling because we removed GT
jeah no ridiculous-mode
@RonanForman You know what to do here?
@fredley We could add it in, but then everyone would need to.
I'm confused as to why it doesn't have it.
It's not very ultimate without it.
The border around it? I think thats some other user having selected it
That's a lesser issue to the fact that the server won't start right now
Oops, forgot to screen it.
@RonanForman eh?
@fredley I started it without screen.
@RonanForman Oh. Use the minecraftd script to start and nothing else ever
@RonanForman Ultimate definitely does have MiscPeripherals...
It was running fine, but my client was throwing errors. Do I need to remove GT from client too?
@fredley What errors?
@Unionhawk Odd.
@RonanForman Did you try and connect when the server was up?
I'll bring it up again, sec
I'm looking right at the ingame mod list. The one on the launcher must not be right
@Unionhawk Okay.
Strange launcher is strange
@RonanForman server is up
@Unionhawk Yeah, it's on the server.
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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