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@Coronus LOL, yeah Mystcraft is crazy, good thing RFTools does almost the same thing without screwing the server
And without having one of the mechanisms of the mod "Generate new worlds and throw them away to get what you want"
That's why I said almost :P
How does RFTools give you new worlds?
There's a Dimension Builder now
Instead of pages in Mystcraft, you use Dimlets, those can drop from mobs or are found in chests or are created in a machine
ANd you immidiately have free choice of all parameters?
Well, not exactly "free"
It's not like you can make a full emerald blocks from the get go
But you don't need to unlock stuff? Or how do you get specific parameters unlocked?
Some dimlets are gated, and the more OP the dimlet is
The more RF the dimension builder needs to keep the dimension up
IIRC you get scrambled dimlets, pop them in a thingamajing and out comes a random dimlet
Ah, there are different dimlets to be found.
With the rarer ones being well... rarer
And there's things to build specific dimlets (like say blocks) by sacrificing a ton of said blocks
Hmmm. Sounds interesting. I want to screw around with that.
Works for both 1.7.10 and 1.10.2
@KevinvanderVelden do you feel like setting up that server you were speaking about?
Sure, what pack?
Also it'd have to wait till this evening when I get home of course but
Uhm... I have no idea :p I could go look around this evening. At work too.
The pack is the biggest issue
Creating one ourselves or figuring out which one to pick?
Either one =p
Collecting a bunch of mods together isn't that big a deal
Let's start with the basics 1.7 or 1.10?
Also there's a python library (in combination with a mod) which allows you to build stuff in the world
I wanna do some random proc-gen things in that, maybe build a giant town
@KevinvanderVelden 1.10
Do we want OP or balanced?
There's not so much OP options available right now in 1.10, we have only DE and BR IIRC
@KevinvanderVelden What kind of input does it need? I have a couple giant statue models.
@KevinvanderVelden I prefer balanced. You will break it anyway.
@Arperum It's raw python code so whatever format you want =p
I've got an OBJ importer if you have 3d meshes
@DH. project e is ready for 1.10
@KevinvanderVelden I can look what kind of models it are. at least some of them are OBJ files.
@Arperum And conversion between them is possible so that's no issue
@KevinvanderVelden Oh true, forgot EE2 was a thing
I'll look at them tonight.
What about this plan: We set world generation to be kinda flat and giant biomes, find a nice flat biome and build via python a gigantic ghost town
And then we make the ghost town all kinds of pretty and useful and automated
ANd manually/by turtle build some completely oversized statues in said ghost town?
I'm talking ridiculously oversized.
Turtle is plausible, python is faster but essentially free resources
So make them with the python script in cobble and convert them via exchange things? =p
@KevinvanderVelden Or just let the madman build :p
True =p
I've build a 60 block high bunny in smoothstone at one point. All mined without any mods even.
although, two people mined the stuff.
Just a suggestion: HermitCraft has a 1.10 modpack without any OP mod
It even disables Mekanism Digital Miner, which is probably the hackiest way to quarry
Hmm, nice kitchen sink pack
| Actually Additions     | AutoPackager          | AutoRegLib             |
| Baubles                | BdLib                 | Better Builder's Wands |
| Blood Magic            | Botania               | Chameleon              |
| Chest Transporter      | Chisels & Bits        | Chisel                 |
| Cooking for Blockheads | CraftTweaker          | Custom Main Menu       |
| Cyclic                 | Deep Resonance        | Drawers & Bits         |
Weird layout is weird
The only not-so-balanced mod is Psi from what I hear
And we're small and tech savvy enough to add more as needed, what do you say @Arperum?
@DH. oh also torcherino is OP as fuck
I'll look in a bit. premise sounds good. Can't check mods now
@KevinvanderVelden But how expensive is it? Because, it seems to require o ton of torcherinos to start to become sort of gamebreaking
Is the one for doubling the speed of something as expensive as building a second of the most expensive block in the game?
Because that's what you have to balance against basically
IDK I was expecting that each one would require at least a diamond, so making a double compressed torcherino seems kinda OK
A diamond versus, say from 1.7, a 64x nether star generator
I know which one I'd get
But a torcherino affects mainly crops an mobs right?
Nope, everything that ticks
So you'd get double the output
Double the processing power, etc
Well, double the consuptiom too
It would get a bit OP on solar generators tho
@DH. Yeah, but that's not the issue with expensive blocks
time is often the bigger bottleneck
There aren't many machines I would increase the tick speed
Maybe a solar generator array, IC2 Nuclear Reactors
Ore processing, don't set up dozens and dozens of processing machines to do your processing, have 1 and everything works out fine
Well, if you set up the 4x Mekanism machines, yeah it would be an excellent use, because I never went too deep to have too much ores to process
All fully upgraded I might add
But that's Skyblock, it's a never ending supply to process :P
This is true
But several full speed ender quarries also generate quite a bit of resources
Oh in 1.10 you wont have the same thing
The closest is a RFTools Builder with a quarry card
But before you can upgrade the quarry card you will need Dimension Shards, that come from ores that only appears in generated dimensions, which means kinda late game stuff
As if that ever stopped anyone me
Specially you, because you put a lot more effort into it
The last server of IE Skyblock says for itself :P
5 hours later…
Pack looks good enough for me after glancing over.
I've just finished installing the host OS
Now for configuring it
Well actually currently eating dinner but still
I might see to join late this evening
Hmm kernel panic
burns down the USB drive and starts again
Where do I even download the pack?
Curseforge/Curse Voice Client
(@Arperum Go to the FTB site, there's a link there)
Hermitcraft was updated today with the TiCo update, now it has bows!
I am now making a VM for the server
Oh nvm, I made a mistake
Bows are coming soon, but TiCo was updated nonetheless
And there is BR, It's called "Extreme Reactors" because who made the port is another person it seems
Kinda dumb having this mod with Deep Resonance, since Deep Resonance is way harder
Then we kick BR out?
If you don't like BR just don't use it, way easier to maintain :P
I am finally at the point where I set up the minecraft server
2 words 9 letters for the dutch speaking amongst us
There are a lot of words. Loads of them can probably combined to 9 letters
And it should be up! CC @Arperum
@Arperum "duurt lang"
@KevinvanderVelden Aha
home.16ms.nl should work
will try later tonight. Might be around 1 AM
Nice, village straight from the base
s/the base/the spawn
Also a good place to camp the night
Well this should work, but I've not automated the server being up or anything yet
I'll do that in the morning o/
You're off to bed?
If you want I'll give you op to stresstest things
I've given you op, if you want to stresstest I've got the seed saved
I may or may not do that.
2 hours later…
home.16ms.nl cannot be resolved. Your subdomain is not properly setup.

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