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@Ieuan they're instant, we used them for octuple compressed cobble and they kept up with multiple transfer nodes with a stack of world interaction upgrades and 4 stacks of speed upgrades
@Jochem Nice!
@Jochem what about dust outputs though
I can imagine the way they work causing issues because of pretty much that
@Ieuan you mean pulling stuff out while also inserting?
Like how AE reports all the differen items in there (so 1 block 9 ingots 81 nuggets instead of just 1 block)
+ how they try to sort into a good spot but often when you output lots of one item into a drawer system they fill up more than one spot
instead of just picking one and then continuing on from there
eh, it's a single thread, so worst case it goes to pull something out and it has to say it's not available. It works well with AE, which is a much more complicated situation
like, with AE you might have a theoretical recipe that requires a block and four ingots, but you have a total of 11 ingots. The crafter would say it has that available, but when AE goes to extract from the drawers, it'll by necessity do it one item type at a time, and fail at the second type or whatever
and the storage issue isn't so much of a problem once you've set it up and locked the drawers
@Jochem right, you'd have to just pre-fill the drawers and lock them
Idk, anytime I use drawers I feel like I'm dealing with things outside of my control
@Ieuan yeah, that's pretty much always what you want to do.
they're finicky if you use a storage bus on them, and then have empties, because AE will randomly put stuff in those drawers
I've honestly never noticed that happening when you have a limited set of items and enough drawers to fit all the types
then you can just let them fill naturally, and not worry about what goes where
@Jochem I have a storage bus on locked drawers, storage bus partitioned to contents
But when I add a new item I have to make sure it partitions correctly because if like a drawer has blocks and ingots but no spare nuggets it'll partition to only blocks and ingots
ah, yeah, that's annoying
I don't partition my storage bus, I just have the drawers locked
@Jochem I will do the same once I have them all filled, but I pre-built the drawers and set them to like 6000 priority so they get filled first
i.e. I need them partitioned for now
@Ieuan I've just been adding drawers as needed
@Jochem I like to just build things out completely so I know it all fits, realistically I could take out some of the drawers until I need those but meh
Hmm next item on the list
Continuous ore processing
Is that the one that's kinda useful?
@Ieuan I'm pretty sure you can use that for that mana powder stuff you need for draconic evolution
@Jochem Yeah looks like it
2 hours later…
@Jochem yup, it's also the only way to get that ore
@KevinvanderVelden I thought mithril from sifting nether rack worked as well?
@KevinvanderVelden what is? lasers?
Like ignoring the mithril thing
10 hours later…
@Ieuan Y u making the ore version bro?
Like really, you could do that with the Silver Block, and not the ore
wow, that was lucky! My first portal-in-a-box got me a functional altar thingy and I managed to capture both a crimson cultist and a crimson knight
I just remembered that you can use the thaumic restorer to restore enchanted chases from bibliocraft...
there's a crimson rites book in my AE system if anyone wants it
I think you just use it once to get the extra research unlocked right?
1 hour later…
woo, primordial pearl get \o/
time for bed now, hopefully tomorrow or the day after the stupid platform for the demon village will be done... though I'm beginning to lose hope that the way I'm building it is very viable (using an enhanced building guide)
1 hour later…
@Jochem I never got to the Eldritch tree of TC, but yeah you can only use once this book

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