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Gah. I want to make some crazy build, but I want to incorporate it into the landscape a bit. So a skyblock is no good. And I kinda want to use chisel & bits in the pack. So I need at least an 1.8 pack. But the ftb unstable pack is too much random crap thrown together. And most mods haven't ported to 1.8 yet.
Dammit everything
SO I have to create my own pack, but I would be interested in playing on some basic server together with others.
@Arperum we're about done with skyblock for the most part
Like we have at the most another month or two until we're all autocrafting creative cells
That's the list of mods I found yesterday that might be interesting. Does anyone know others that work well in 1.8?
buildcraft is in there just for item transport and chunkloading.
Since I haven't found a chunkloading thing I liked yet.
The automated mining aspect might be usefull too :p
but I'd want some other powergen maybe.
I'd add botania but that's only 1.7 (even though it's in ftb unstable)
what about Intangible and Psy?
looks up
Psy is Vazkii's new mod, with tile based programming. It's kinda based on an anime
ah, it's psi actually
ExU has it's own new power system btw, and a method of chunkloading
@Arperum is a 1.8 port just for that pack in unstable?
I'd be fine with downloading unstable and whatever other mods and putting them all in solder for our own use
As long as we don't make it a public pack it should be fine
@Ieuan I don't want to take all of unstable because it's too much random crap.
@Arperum Read what I said
I'm not suggesting we play unstable
So pick what we want from it and make an own pack?
I'm suggesting I put the mods unstable has on solder, we know those all work with a certain forge version and each other
Then we build or own pack
Using solder instead of manually distributing and stuff
That could work.
@jochem what does the intangible do exactly?
@Arperum it's a magic mod that lets you enhance your character with souls from various creatures
@Jochem Like what sorts of things?
@Ieuan I don't think I'm near that.
@Ronan you will be, it ramps up pretty quickly
@Ieuan Perhaps, sorting out power would basically speed up everything.
I have enough plutonium to start AE too.
@Ronan Yeah once you get some HV lines and a reactor or two and/or some solars going it's all a bit easier
there's a ton of stuff, like damaging mobs that attack you, repairing your armor, spawning block-based spider golem things. There's a system to build giant golems that you can inhabit, I think there's even ways to fly with it
lots of multiblocks and mechanics
> There's a system to build giant golems that you can inhabit, I think there's even ways to fly with it
it's a big mod, dw20 did a 4 or 5 part spotlight on it
Wait is that the mod that has the massive golem structures in world gen that caused crashes and stuff?
Oh no it's not
Which mod was the one I'm thinking about?
Speaking of having plutonium, I should probably stop my reactors running when I don't need power.
has added intangible to personal list
Same for psi.
@Arperum get me a list of all the mods you'd like and where I can find them and I'll get them all into Solder
I wonder if there's any way to automate the solder mod zip creation
Like feed it a mod .jar and it automatically grabs the mod's name/ID and creates the zip with the right folder structure inside
@Ieuan I'll do so this evening.
@Arperum sure, whenever works for me :P
@Ronan you should really be using any excess power to generate iridium
@Jochem I will do, but I can't run my machines at full speed yet, so I'm only wasting power when all processing finishes.
@Jochem exU is extra Utilities?
@Ronan I can't put too many overclockers in my IC2 machines because of throughput, not because of generation
Unless you're using the resonant or cryo fluxducts you'll likely never be able to run all your machines at full speed unless every machine has it's own line directly to a generator
@Ieuan Full speed without overclockers.
@Ronan even then, a line of them using the same power line will share the throughput of that power line because the power line is linear
Not saying you have the power, just saying that after like a couple hundred RF/t you're more likely to have trouble with throughput/sharing than generation
@Ieuan Oh okay.
Well I'm not gaining power in my capacitor bank, so I don't think that's the problem just yet.
@Arperum yup
I do need to change up my wiring though.
@Ronan I had the same problem but in my case it was because my generation was also all on a 4kRF/t max throughput line and I was 'losing' generation because max. 4kRF/t was coming in and more than that was going out
@Jochem On curse the versioning says that the 1.8 version is still an early alpha though.
@Arperum ah, that sucks. I'm just naming things from the forgecraft playthrough dw20's doing mostly :/
@Jochem We might just give it a try. I can't find the chunkloaders in it though. Under what name are they in there?
pff, no clue... it's an evil eye looking totem thing
@Ieuan Yeah I will need to change my power setup when I add some more generators.
What things does buildcraft have that ExU doesn't have? or can we then just drop BC?
@Arperum robots
And lasers
And gates
(In order of coolness, not necessarily of usefulness)
Good enough.
Usefulness is gates, robots, .......... lazers
also, not 100% sure ExU still has RF gen
New ExU? Nope, not even a single RF generator
Are the survivalist generators and things not exU?
That's why I said the new ExU, ExU 2 for 1.8 :P
Oh okay.
That's a shame.
Oh wait, it doesn't use rf anymore does it?
ExU has nothing that ever needed power, the only thing is that there are 2 stuff one being the Angel Ring and the other I can't remember that need a new source of energy
@DH. Chunk loaders.
Oh yeah, it didn't ever need power did it.
@ratchetfreak eeh, doesn't use RF
So kinda but not to the point he was making
@ratchetfreak As of now there's no QED in 1.8
What about the ender quarry?
also, the QED used to take power, many versions ago
I was talking about the "new source of energy"
Yeah I got it ratchet
But the worst part about the new ExU is that there's no more either Ender Pearl or Redstone Block versions for Transfer Node, now you need both always :c
@Arperum oh yeah that's a thing
I've been playing skyblock too much apparently
1 hour later…
If you have a magnet, go to @KevinvanderVelden's base for free charcoal :D
By all means do
I'm voiding enough of it =p
Is there any specific reason why hitting a zombie pigman causes an internal server error?
Kinda too lazy to check
The server hates you and doesn't want you to hurt the poor pigman
you need to unfortunately
you need nether shards for ichor
@Ieuan You should cause it to die by fall damage.
@Jochem do you need to hit them or is shooting them fine?
@Ieuan shooting is probably fine
it's just a rare drop
also, I killed dozens with my TiCon sword day before yesterday, and nothing bad happened
so I'm beginning to believe @KevinvanderVelden's reasoning more and more
@Jochem that's from maybe 5 minutes in @KevinvanderVelden's nether platform
Can't imagine drops being an issue
@Ieuan replace the magnum torch when you're done pls =p
@KevinvanderVelden I did d/w
@KevinvanderVelden I also shot like maybe 200 arrows through your portal, if the other side isn't loaded until you go through you'll probably die
That sounds like something you'd do
@KevinvanderVelden You're welcome!
Let's just call it science
If only I didn't already have infinite arrows
Is there any way to automate the thermionic fabricator?
Yes, it's fairly trivial
You can only have one recipe per however
Just keep a stack of sand (rationing pipe or something) and put the ingredients for the recipe in
So I'd need one thermionic fabricator per glass bulb thingy
I have... 6 or so I think
I think I just saw an HV wire burn up
Time to race
Will pigs be faster, cows be faster, or will @Unionhawk discover this and yell at me faster?
@Ieuan Are you planning on doing a @JeffreyLin with cows and pigs instead of chickens?
@Arperum Possibly
@Ieuan Smart plan.
I suggest an experiment! can pigs and cows swim in blazing pyrotheum?
@Jochem You should also test out liquid metals. And all sorts of other possibly harmful substances.
@Arperum I propose he tries dousing them in witch water
Along with some other test subjects, I propose squids
By the looks of the horizon, that's below 64 :D
@Jochem try whatever you want just make sure to leave 2 pigs and 2 cows
and clean up after yourself
Just put a few buckets of witch water underneath the base
A villager spawner with witch water is a really good experiment too
:o? What happens then
don't they turn into witches?
I'm not sure if they turn into Coven ones as well, but yeah they turn into witches and don't take damage after being transformed
@Ieuan y u do this
you have nothing killing those, and those breeders never stop
@Jochem isn't done yet m8
then turn off the breeders :P
How many dragon stones do I need? A stack should do right
3 hours later…
@Ieuan pastebin.com/H21t2qms these are the mods I have listed. they all have a 1.8.9 version.
@Arperum awesome
@Jochem @KevinvanderVelden @everyone else who might be interested in joining: have a look if something isn't missing. I don't mind difficulty increasing stuff. But blatant OP stuff like EE I don't want.
@Ieuan If you can get botania from the unstable pack too, that'd be nice too.
Bad idea incoming
@Ieuan Isn't the first one that is created going to blow up the blocks around him and thus destroy a coupl of the other prepared ones?
@Arperum no it takes a few seconds for the initial explosion
And the stars don't explode and stuff luckily
Even 21 is kinda disappointing

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