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Why do you need grass instead of dirt blocks?
6 hours later…
@DH. thaumcraft earth shards
1 hour later…
I've got a resonant exchanger and a patch of grass larger than its range
Gives a stack at a time =p
@KevinvanderVelden but. but.. but... automation
@Jochem true!
And I will when I set up more automated thaumcraft
I do have the hammering of shards automated =p
also, bizarre contraptions :D
that didn't really work, btw
the red power wire next to the digging AA triggered it, and messed up stuff
1 hour later…
I'm really missing SFM for stuff like this
Are annihilation planes silk touch?
@KevinvanderVelden try it with smooth stone
if they are then you could use a row of grass and next to it a row of dirt getting pushed along by pistons on a timer
at the other end you silk touch them and filter them
dirt goes back to be pushed and grass gets hammered
Oh hey that could also work, just do a piston moving a giant plane of dirt every few seconds
you need some seed grass though
like every other row the grass doesn't move
Yeah, I'd go with every 3rd row at least though
@KevinvanderVelden they're not
@Jochem aah =[
Well still solveable
and grass spread is dependent the amount of seed blocks
Damnit now I want to make a giant eternally cycling grass maker thing
it's the seed block that does the spreading instead of dirt looking for grass
> The dirt block receiving grass must be within a 3×3×5 range of the source block where the source block is in the center of the second topmost layer of that range,
The source block must have a light level of 9 or brighter directly above it,
The dirt block must have a light level of at least 4 above it,
Any block above the dirt block must not reduce light by 2 levels or more.
there are automatable silk touch possibilities though
From AA to MFR block breakers
That's not the problem indeed
the problem I'm having is mostly timing based
and in the code it's grass block that does a spread on random ticks
ritual of the green grove to speed it up then
the for some reason, sometimes the block update of placing the block seems to trigger the digging AA, and sometimes it doesn't
So make a tesselated layout of, say, 3x3 grass with glowstone in the center
Then an empty layer, then the eternally piston-cycled dirt
I think there is some reachability checks though
like grass won't spread through walls
the biggest problem I think is detecting whether the block you're looking at is actually grass
@Jochem nah, that's what brute force is for
CC turtle?
@ratchetfreak it will, I've pasted the requirements above
@ratchetfreak CC turtle is cheating ;P Might as well use a BM alchemy ritual then
but yeah, I think CC turtles are the only real option for detecting what a block is in-world in this pack
It's just because it's 3x3 so you need to have it diagonally
that's why I was trying the BUD route, but that's proving unreliable. I could put a timer with some long time set on the reset input of the counter, I suppose, but that's no fun
I'll probably just replace it with a turtle later today, it'll work until I can get the alchemy route automated
you can make the turtle just output a redstone signal if there is grass next to it
@KevinvanderVelden do we have steve's factory manager or w/e it's called?
aka just make it work like a block detector
That could also work
@Ieuan nope
@Ieuan no we don't have SFM =p
43 mins ago, by Jochem
I'm really missing SFM for stuff like this
it kinda highlights how some mods tend to be the only option for certain operations
All that's really needed is another mod with a "give a redstone signal if the block in this direction is of this type"
Then it'd be trivial, that block, piece of redstone, AA, timer to a block placer which constantly tries (and mostly fails) to place dirt
or a only harvest this block with silk touch when it's this type
That's way too specific =p
there've been mods that do such specific things (plant harvesting ;) )
Still way too specific =p
2 hours later…
quick lunchbreak turtle go \o/
so much simpler :( feels like cheating, though
I'm going for the massively overcomplicated piston build
Because it's just more fun that way
you still need something to tell you whether a block is grass or not
or do you intend to make the cycle long enough for the block to always be grass by the time it arrives?
or just silk touch what comes out the other side always and then filter
That last one, playing the chances
do keep in mind that there may be a tipping point where you can suddenly get a ton of grass or nearly none of it
grass spread depends on how many nearby grassblocks there are and how often each grassblock gets a random tick
I'm aware
if you want a truly advanced build you could use a computer to keep track of how much grass you get on average and adjust the timer
Could do that
Or just tune it myself
but then you wouldn't be able to keep a log and provide nice graphs
That is true!
I don't see the problem however
you could, LP has a statistics table that can track amounts over time
that only tracks what is in the system
while if you want a good tracking you need to track what is generated
hm, I suppose, yeah
@Jochem best part about my harvesters is that most aren't in use yet
@Ieuan so why not just one with an upgrade for range?
@Jochem I want to have the separate 3x3 plots per crop
@Ieuan so?
not every block in range of a harvester needs to be a plot :)
@Jochem I know, but having a big harvester means cycles take longer
I'd rather waste resources but have shorter cycles
I've got a 15x15 one at the moment, and there's hardly ever any visibly grown crops :)
It's not like you'll reach the cycles unless you add a bunch of sprinklers =p
like, a lot of sprinklers
I've got 8, and they don't even get close
I've got a 9by9 and... sufficient sprinklers
@Jochem well when I did a harvester for my potato farm it ended up cutting my rates in about half because the bigger they get the slower they get
and the enderio thing was way faster
@Ieuan are you dumping your sludge?
@Jochem void pipes, yeah
@Ieuan :'(
Fun fact, with LP you can have everything via one connection, just like in enderio (but prettier)
@KevinvanderVelden you wanna have it?
Get two ender tanks and I'll hook you up
Cool, will do :)
I should really process mine too, but I couldn't be bothered for a long time, and now I've got other ways of getting soul sand, clay, and netherack
@KevinvanderVelden what are you even going to use it for?
@Ieuan free clay and soulsand
I mean, sure, water on mycellium + sand or water + dust also gives that
But who cares!
Also for pinning:
(Also yay for starring your own messages)
I did not mean tot join this room.
Dark Souls 3 > Minecraft
^dude could have just silently left...
@ratchetfreak Nope. He could not. It's @Wipqozn. He's awful like that.
@Arperum Yes
And now we can ping @Wipqozn for a while.
@Arperum I've made a terrible mistake.
@Wipqozn Yes.
@Wipqozn LIES
@ratchetfreak Nope, now we get to ping him
Wait @Arperum said that already
But! We can also do something else with @Wipqozn here
Given the amount of room owners in here...
Besides, you can emulate Dark Souls 3 in minecraft. start a skyblock map, but omit the block part.
@KevinvanderVelden Wildly kicking @Wipqozn would result in a modswarm though, kicks get reported through if seemingly abused.
@Arperum ~room ownership~
@KevinvanderVelden Ah yea, there's that.
2 hours later…
@Jochem I'd rather say that Dark Souls 3 would be better emulated as a skyblock map where you start in The End

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