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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

Yep, time to abandon that test world
Goodbye test world!
1 hour later…
@KevinvanderVelden Why me?
We were sciencing morph
If a player kills another player in morph, they get the morph the other player is wearing. Not necessarily the morph of the player.
So I went as you, he shot me, and then he got your morph.
Didn't we know that before?
Well I knew that from killing @Vandammetje while morphed into a wisp.
Also the pack updated and the server hasn't.
4 hours ago, by Kevin van der Velden
Hmm crap, I can't find my @Unionhawk morph =[. I'll need to fix that
So you gave him mine instead?
We had to do science to find out what happened!
He's unkillable by the way
So don't try
Trust me
I'm a doctor
He has mostly the same armor as you.
And 10 points of runic shielding
10 points of what?
And 10 red heart canisters
Is that even a thing?
And blood magic stuff
Gonna have to science that
cc @KevinvanderVelden
I broke the runic shield and it instantly recharged
He's also got my god bow
In the spirit of you, it's time to initiate my SEKRIT planz
Is this just a mission to assassinate @KevinvanderVelden now?
Because we should have taken care of that a week ago
No of course not.
Is it unethical to not give him his stuff back?
That might be problematic.
I'm disappointed that we can't create link modifiers anymore.
There seems to be a new mod called Mantle. Any idea what it does?
Just following is out of survival for now, intra linking and disarm are still a thing
They don't call it the SPAMR for nuttin
It actually doesn't let you spam as much as I expected.
Or I could launch anvils at him.
Oh lord
Or just a good ol' mining lazer
I think the most I can get is seven shots to kill a wither.
Trying to kill a wither with sludge: the best idea I've had all day
Seems like Wither and Death are evenly matched.
Yeah because he's immune to the wither effect.
Huh, seems like Wither wins
It kept hitting it until there was a hole to bedrock. And then it owned it by flying.
I think before I attack I'm going to get the Death wardrobe.
@JeffreyLin Faster if you set it to explosive
Best way is a nano saber and a potion of strength, down in like 10 hits
I think other things deal more damage than nano saber though.
Probably, I just know it works :)
Wonder if Manullyn from TConstruct is better. Might make a rapier out of it.
Oh yeah if anyone needs Cobalt/Ardite/Manullyn I probably have some, last I checked I had a stack of each.
Operation: Nothing Suspicious is now Operation: Fools Errand
I wish other machines understood the concept of compressed cobble
E.g. 1 compressed cobble in a sag mill gets me 9x the usual amount of sand
Tossed another 4k unpartitioned drive in the workshop ME system
2 hours later…
Well the smeltery gets it. Also smelting octuple cobble is a bad thing for your fps
2 hours later…
@KevinvanderVelden That sounds ... bad
@Arperum yeah, it's 1fpm until you break a block bad
@KevinvanderVelden You probably need a super huge smeltery to take all the melted stuff too
@Arperum they did it on forgecraft with a 3x3x1 smeltery so no
I think it's just a "If full then don't smelt" thing
@Unionhawk how rude
He is so rude
Hey @kalina
why am I in here?
I don't know, @Uni summoned you and you appeared?
I'm assuming magic
I don't even play Minecraft
Well (to my knowledge) you don't develop games either but you were in the gamedev chat :o
to your knowledge
Am I wrong? :p
I am unable to confirm or deny anything in relation to what I do
can't or won't?
@kalina scribbles furiously Interesting
I used neither of those words, I merely left it ambiguous with "unable"
dang here I was fishing for whether you got an NDA
surely the purpose of such a thing would be to prevent me from talking about such a thing?
but you can still say you have an NDA
and very general things about it
I don't have an NDA
depends on the language
I'm just awkward and segregate individual parts of my life so they don't interact with each other
I understand
The internet is a form of escape, and I'm not escaping if the internet knows who I am and what I do
I hear ya
you don't, unless you have some text to speech going on
I've taken pains to make sure no-one online can get my real name from my screen name
I've uuh, not done that
@KevinvanderVelden you haven't? Damn.
@kalina it's an expression
@kalina who would have thought eh? =p
@KevinvanderVelden it could have been a fake name
googles Kevin van der Velden
Sure, googling my name hits a bunch of people that aren't me but eh
@KevinvanderVelden Strange. Looked through the current TiC code, and it seems the check "would that overflow?" is done before actually adding liquid.
On my thing it's on the second page of google things (the first hit with stackexchange related)
Might be a version difference though.
@MartinSojka oh, maybe that's been fixed then?It was a while ago
googling my screen name gets you mostly what is me
Apparently there are a lot of Kevin van der Veldens :o
googling kalina returns pictures of flowers
I am fine with this.
and googling my real name only has one hit that is me
@kalina well kalina is a name that means flower so =p
googling my real name returns a handful of people who aren't me and then nothing else
@KevinvanderVelden Given what the last name means, not really surprising.
@MartinSojka "of the fields"? Yeah common enough I suppose
surprisingly many references to drunk chicks when googling "ratchet freak" though
even though the word should be "wretched"
@kalina I'm just gonna assume a lot of people feed baby chickens alcohol
me too
got to be some form of animal cruelty
It simultaneously makes it worse and better, which is quite an achievement!
Surprisingly, googling for "poultry" or "chicken" in combination with "ethanol" to fact-check if they would even care brings up a lot of people whining that their grilled chicken get more expensive due to bio-ethanol fuel production raising.
Uuh they'd probably die rather fast, ethanol is a pretty deathly poison =p
It's just that humans are pretty good at not getting killed by it
@kalina This, I just can't be found with my real name. All you find is a whole list of other people who have the same name. Including some companies with that name.
it's actually really easy to find me on google, using the right terms
From little what was actually on-topic, it seems that they accept up to 5% solution just fine. So you can feed them with beer, I guess.
have there been any decent games in the last year btw
I'm still stuck on dota and minecraft
I've heard good things about the new dragon age
Banished is pretty good.
If you like the civ games: civ beyond earth is not terrible.
I played Banished before banishing myself
And Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is a lot of fun too.
never liked boi
@Arperum Well, I saw "Let's Plays" of it and decided to play some more SMAC instead.
haven't played dragon age 1 and 2
ESO is surprisingly still not free-to-play.
@MartinSojka I played it for half a game, it was not half bad, but my concentration for TBS is too low lately.
in order for me to be willing to buy another civ game, it would need to be significantly better than civ5
It's not
so there haven't been any good games released in 2014
It's basically the same except no historical context and you can put down sattelites
as gamers, can you tell me what the hell gamersgate was about?
LBP3 came out
@kalina according to the gamersgate people about ethics! I don't believe those people
people who complain about ethics rarely care about ethics
From what I've seen it's about not having those icky girls play games
I've tried to retroactively look into it and the best I could come up with was the "modern definition of feminism" vs "people who don't want it"
I will be honest and say I didn't spend too much time looking into it though
actually "people who don't want it" probably isn't fair
From what I've seen that's pretty accurate but I tried to ignore it as well
I try to ignore any instance of the modern definition of feminism
but I've had large portions of the year where I haven't even been online, so I'm out of the loop
It was mostly a giant mess with a lot of hate and threats being thrown over the divide and not a lot of sense being made
@kalina A hell of a lot of things. I'm in it mainly because I can't stand media synchronisation and censoring of differing opinions by any means, but then I wouldn't mind to burn Gawker and their ilk to the ground either.
you know, if you use the internet less and less over time
when you do use the internet, it's far more obvious how toxic humanity is to each other
I'm not saying it's specific to the internet, there's plenty of real harassment
the internet just seems to amplify it
it's the GIFT of the internet (warning tvtropes link)
@kalina jeah, face to face people usually at least have some base impulse to cooperate
@KevinvanderVelden some people, anyway
this is semi appropriate... though I think the gamergate side approaches full asshole saturation: smbc-comics.com/?id=2939
Yeah pretty much
One of the reasons the GamerGate Harassment Patrol exists. Identify, isolate and shut down people who are in it for the harassment of others only. Too bad that only really works for Twitter.
so, I chose the right year to stop wasting my life on the internet and do something else instead
Pretty much
You've missed much, but most if it was worth missing.
definitely yeah
The last three months weren't a very productive time indeed. And I think the next half year will be much of the same, really.
and some things you can come into late and still enjoy them
@MartinSojka I'm likely not to be "back" within this timeframe anyway
it will take me at least another couple of years to achieve what I'mi trying to do
@kalina Sounds serious. Good luck.
at the moment it's not all that serious
it's just lots of long hours, lots of earache and lots of travelling
it's overall easier than I expected, so far
I wanna ask what it is but you probably don't wanna say so I'm just gonna be curious in silence =p
(Unless you have text to speech =p)
I certainly don't text to speech
Then my in silence stands! Yeah
doesn't windows come with narrator out of the box
I wonder how that works with chat... hmmm
if you let your cat walk across your keyboard, I guarantee that it will be activated
it could be win key + N
who knows
I do, I just pressed win key+N
And it didn't start
Also narrator doesn't work at all with chat, it just says the title name of the application
and if you select the text?
who linked tvtropes to me?
@ratchetfreak nothing
thanks @ratchetfreak, literally just wasted the rest of my day
it's gone, hidden by 200 tabs
RIP: @kalina's day
don't say I didn't warn you
Edit your hosts file so that tvtropes.org points to something nonexistant
@kalina @-moz-document domain("tvtropes.org") { #container { display: none !important; } body::before { content: "GO BACK TO WORK!"} }
this isn't about getting in the way of work
I have no work to do until tomorrow
unfortunately my stable flight path was knocked off course by visiting the DMZ a few weeks ago
and I've somehow degenerated into using chat on a daily basis again
and from chat, comes tvtropes, ponies, gaming, news, IT discussions, etc etc etc etc
@kalina @-moz-document domain("chat.stackexchange.com") { #container { display: none !important; } body::before { content: "GO BACK TO WORK!"} }
no, I have more willpower than that
this is a momentary lapse
I am going to read all of these tvtropes tabs
because otherwise I didn't finish something I started
and that sets a bad precedent
I have recovered from my tab overlflow
now you've got me going through xkcd again
@ratchetfreak Not even what-if. pfuh.
Oh btw everyone who plays on the server. The new dw20 pack is live, sometime this weekend (probably) I'll look for updates to the added mods we have so we can update to the newer pack.
If there are suggestions for more mods now would probably be a good time =p (I'm kinda voting for a forcefield mod, even if just to see if I can build a power supply that provides enough power for a forcefield around the entire castle.)
Big Reactors is on it, so the answer is "likely yes, and rather quickly too".
Aah but that's been nerfed! =p
IIRC only in that it consumes more fuel now.
I really have no business being in here so I will leave you to your mining and crafting
You're welcome here as far as I'm concerned =p
But have fun with the tvtropes :)
And good luck on your mysterious projects
I'm escaping the tv tropes
if I'm anywhere on SE, I'll be in the DMZ
1 hour later…
@KevinvanderVelden Not me!
@JeffreyLin good, you're banned from doing anything with chickens
You've said that quite a few times now.
I'm trying to make it a meme
You don't make something a meme, something becomes a meme all on its own
@KevinvanderVelden How many ways to crash the server have you found this morning?
@Arperum none?
I did make... 11 wand foci or so
@KevinvanderVelden Lies! You find some new and overpowered way every day.
@Arperum yes, but not to crash. Also I haven't played much cause work
@KevinvanderVelden SHush. I was poking at established memes here.
Bleh, I kinda want to buy the t-shirt Soaryn is selling
But 12$ shipping
@KevinvanderVelden What shirt?
@KevinvanderVelden What is so special about them aside from the part where they have his name printed on them?
(I have one with my own name +awesome painting/digitally made depiction of me)
@Arperum you send part of the profit to soaryn
@ratchetfreak That is a valid reason.
I also said kinda want, I'm not sure yet xp
maybe cheaper to commision the shirt yourself and donate the rest to soaryn directly
3 hours later…
How the hell did I summon... Okay. Whatever.
19 hours ago, by Unionhawk
Ah true. I am doing a kalina style of chat right now.
Yeah but how the hell did that cause a summoning
User scripts, that or magic I'd say
Yes the obvious answer is there's a userscript scanning thee transcript of all rooms
This is not out of the question
now look what you did
I hope you're happy
What if I'm not happy?
I have a script that frequently checks for messages with kalina in them
but today, I have wasted the entire day chatting on chat.crackexchange.com
I'm going again now!
2 hours later…
Do we have a crystals symbol?
If not, I guess trans-dimensional systems of that scale are probably not a good idea huh
Let's go with the original plan of "spawning them and killing them in the same spot"
Ooo... I need to make a tesseract!
clearly this room was meant to be a wither skeleton spawner room
2 hours later…
Welp, wish me luck. I just researched Ichor (which is forbidden knowledge (Taboo))
Also, uuh @Vandammetje, you may want to not use the tome of knowledge sharing anymore
Unless you have a lot of armor to survive the bosses that have spawned before I use this discovery
You kids and your warp
I always find it hilarious when I use the phrase "you kids" because with one exception you guys are older than I am
You're... 22 right?
Close but too high (20)
No I'm not kidding
Yes I'm serious
I know you are
@KevinvanderVelden Griefing like a suicidebomber; runs inside someone's base, use tome of knowledge.
@Vandammetje could work
But not really cause that's not how warp works =p
"HERE HAVE THIS WARP EVERYONE ELSE" uses it, gets bad warp on self
I never touched ichor stuff. Too expensive to be worth it
Too much work
Now making ichor, wish me luck!
It's not that bad, nether star, nether shard, end shard, diamond and enderpearl for 8... wait that's pretty bad actually
Nether stars aren't bad, really
It's just too much work mostly
The shards are pretty rare drops from mobs in their respective dimensions
Yes, we're at the point in the game where nether stars are not bad
Yes, the shards are bad
As in, I got 10 ender heads and 2 ender shards
Let's get out of that mode of chat shall we?
Yes, we shall
@KevinvanderVelden Yeeeeah
It's pretty bad
Do you need to do it in the end/nether, I guess?
And I assume it has to be a player kill>
Anyway, that's annoying. But, meh. I only get the tools I like in Thaumcraft. If it's that deep in research, I usually don't care enough.
And I am NOT giving myself THAT much warp
I used a cheat book in my test world... And... that test world is no more
Enough warp for eldritch stuff and that's plenty for me
I'll probably be on later to get a wither skeleton spawner up and running. Lots of steps for that whole system
I think I have enough stuff to make another dedicated cleaver for that, which will be good to have.
Hmm... research the prerequisites of the corporeal attractor, use fans... hrm...
@KevinvanderVelden All geared up with fully upgraded power armor and needle gun, check
Closed room to prevent contamination of the overworld, check.
Activating knowledge tome, check
It does not spawn them when using the book~
It spawns them randomly when you have enough warp
... nothing happening, lame! =(
you could have said that before
1 hour ago, by Kevin van der Velden
But not really cause that's not how warp works =p
Also, the last time I explained how it did work =p
@KevinvanderVelden That doesnt say anything!
@KevinvanderVelden And I only understand half of what you say, usually.
@Arperum I'm living with @KevinvanderVelden, I was doomed from the start. xd
@Vandammetje That does not surprise me
@KevinvanderVelden What is that supposed to mean!
@Vandammetje that sometimes I say "Hey, don't do this" and then you go and do that thing
@KevinvanderVelden Not everyone is an evil wizard like you who knows not to toy with things that could kill you
@Vandammetje well I'd hope you know not to toy around with such things, it's recognizing the things that's the real trick
@KevinvanderVelden You mean like a sign which says things like "Danger, no exit"? How am I supposed to know that's dangerous? It's like a cake with a sign saying "don't eat".
Exactly, except there are no cakes in this world so meh D:
Anyway, bed~~
I've seen cake, in dungeons. At least I think I saw, just before I got killed.
Oh of course it's a thing
@Unionhawk We can't since buckets of milk have been replaced by world placeable milk or something like that. It's a setting somewhere in the configs.
Who's responsible for this? MFR?
I blame MFR
It's definitely MFR
To the science world! (after class!)
Probably @KevinvanderVelden so he can yell "Cake is a lie" at us
@Unionhawk You should blame @KevinvanderVelden
No, it's MFR that does placeable milk
I know it is
We should still blame @KevinvanderVelden for letting it happen
I'm not even going to meme it, I know who's in charge of it
MFR makes milk a fluid that can be placed in the world
(and piped into tanks etc)
Though actually I'm not certain that's what's causing the weird recipe thing
Since water is a fluid, and recipes using water buckets work fine
Ah I found it in the configfile
If true, replaces the vanilla milk bucket so milk can be placed in the world.
I told you, that's what causes that behavior. But I'm not sure it's what's causing the recipe weirdness.
(it's easy to test)
"Empty Syringes will be able to contain liquids and inject players" <- Is it bad if I say it would be funny to inject people with resonant ender
That would be interesting
What mod does that?
It's in the MFR config file
I see
Injecting people with fluids?
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

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