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That problem could be easily fixed by quarrying all the things.
insert the planking 5sf no here
2 hours later…
@KevinvanderVelden I don't know what you did, but you set up your ore processing thing incorrectly.
It's spewing dust
Man, every time with those unstable ingots it's like I'm defusing a bomb
It's like, I'm having flashbacks from when @OrigamiRobot built the deep dark portal and blew up that one day like, 2 seasons ago on the monster server
At least I don't lag like I did on that server
2 hours later…
@Unionhawk oh great, problem is I'm working through a giant backlog
I think the bufferchest overfilled
2 hours later…
So, an infusion altar with 212 crystal clusters nearby it, should be decent right?
@Unionhawk I usually die about 15 times, give or take.
Anyone get to farming withers yet?
Nope, haven't even gotten to farming the skellies =[
There a warding focus floating around yet?
@Unionhawk Aww, shucks! Thanks man!
If anyone finds a pump, chunk loader and dimensional transceiver in age 3 please let me know. I can't for the life of me recall where I set it up
1 hour later…
@TimPost What are you pumping in age Three?
@JeffreyLin Oil
@TimPost There's oil in age three?
I don't think I have waste ejection working properly in my reactor, it never ejects
@JeffreyLin All over the place
Huh, most of the stuff I stepped in was sludge.
Look for the springs
(water also, in the same way)
The only fluid that (as far as I can tell) is not present in Age 3 is lava.
I found water, but wasn't looking close enough I guess.
i was wondering how you got ~10 drums of oil..
My fuel processing is backed up anyway. I don't have any fuel consumption yet.
@TimPost my quarry found 1 block!
Sludge waterfalls make for a nice squid farm :D
They spawn, wither, and drop their ink
Like the infinite derps they are
That sounds quite handy actually, I was just wondering how I was going to get a bunch of ink
I usually take a dunk in the pool of mob essence outside the workshop and then go to Kevin's place. There's a ton there.
If you hurry, you can kill about six, which should get you at least 8 ink.
@TimPost not yet farming withers, I've been locking myself in the autospawner room and killing skeletons manually. I keep setting a star aside for a warding, but I got distracted twice. One more set of potions, so I'll be able to get a star for one easy peasy
If you're a wisp and fly up in that room they can't get you, which is helpful
@KevinvanderVelden no, it was doing something weird, I'll probably log in later. It was trying to insert dust in the output slot of the furnaces, or something.
Either that or there are invisible pipes
@Unionhawk don't think so, they should've been outputting to the iron pipe which send it out
Also it exploded cause to many dusts
That might have been what you saw
Aah hell, the thing I want for my thaumcraft setup requires eldritch knowledge
Ah, right, pipes blow up
I forgot
This is why bc pipes are still going to forever be meh.
@KevinvanderVelden That sounds scary...?
@Vandammetje kinda, it's a buffer for a lot of essence
But that was the warp knowledge we were talking about earlier
Ooo that guy
That thing is awesome
Essentia reservoir thingy :D
What does it store like, 256 of each essentia or just 256 total?
200 total I believe
Aw. Less op awesome
Compared to the 8 of regular buffers
I'm pretty sure it's the same as 4 jars as far as space goes
1 hour later…
Could be, I don't have the research to check =p
Also: very high instability recipes go off without a hitch :D
Call me when dangerous is safe
(we've probably got the mob heads for that)
I am making a crazy thing to drain my jars when done with infusing stuff
Trying the dark trilogy in single player mode, looks fun
Not bad. Vanilla ore generation. No morph, so I'll actually have to play Minecraft in order to explore and get harder to acquire resources, and three set goals. I'll enjoy this during times of lag :)
4 hours later…
FOCUS OF THE DAY: warding. If anyone catches me doing something else with one more star, they can shoot me with my own bow.
(contemplating doing just that and killing people with thorns now)
I mean, nothing suspicious is happening
@Vandammetje I'm off for the night
Same here =p
I was considering building an automated cooked meat ingot dispenser for feeding my pet wolves. I think I need to go to bed.

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