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who's building the mothership? i assume thats what that huuuuuuuuge slice of an object is...
@Fosco I think that's Brant
Yeah, it's me. I only finished the top half of it.
I decided to just make a 2d pixel art version instead of a full 3D model because 1) I'm not that artistic 2) it would be huuuuuuuuge.
Cool arch BTW, whoever made it.
yeah that arch/bridge is sweet
Thomas McDonald was building it last night and I helped him out a little bit. All his planning; I just filled in the blocks
@Fosco Looks like this thingy here can output a Google Maps-powered version
The Google Maps versions of minecraft maps are so sweet
oo... ok i am going to look into implementing this right now
I need a big project to work on in the server...so far I've just made little things here and there
could help me excavate/flatten under the dome i created ;)
i started on it last night, found a wicked cavern that goes from surface probably down to bedrock
I think I saw that
I like exploring what other people create
once flat i plan on building from the ground up to the hovering dome
it was under that pyramid at the end of that long floating pathway?
i fell in last night and spammed some torches
but just /home'd out and kept working on flattening
can someone post me a terrain.png file real quick?
What do you mean?
the texture file from the client
i don't have the client installed on the server, and can't access it from work
ohh i see what you mean. unfortunately i'm also at work now
ok ill see if i can find one on the forums
2010-11-15 15:54:55,921 [INFO] Welcome to Minecraft Overviewer!
2010-11-15 15:54:55,921 [INFO] Scanning chunks
2010-11-15 15:55:00,125 [INFO] 1/9792 chunks rendered
That's a lot of chunks!
Might take a while
I went on a big exploration last night
500 are done now
I've never gone very far from spawn..
I don't usually in my single player worlds but here i have /home and /spawn so I don't mind getting lost
first 2000 chunks were done in 3 minutes 18 seconds
more than halfway done.. this is exciting. lol.
I'm responsible for some underground exploration too. I close off areas I'm done with, however.
got a while to go.. didn't realize after the chunks, it renders 8 zoom levels.. it's on level one. 15000/65536
I demand instant gratification!
lol there are a lot of signposts...
this is the output folder of the process, so it will just get better as it finishes layers.
hopefully we can turn those signposts off as we view
otherwise we won't be able to see anything
Zoom in a bit, you can see parts of the map it's rendered
@Fosco <3
yeah zoom all the way in.. that's the layer its almost finished with. awesome!
oh man, the mothership is going to be huge
It doesn't show height too well though
I wish you could still dye cloth.
I need a way to show the different shade of blue...
I guess I'll have to use water
im going to grab some lunch.. be back in a bit.
its 80% done with zoom level 1
@Brant is it that bunch of lava around glass?
Thanks for running the server and everything, Fosco.
No, it's south of spawn. I dare you to miss it.
That's me, another unfinished project ;)
I don't know who's doing the heart, except now I do!
@badp Cheers for clearing that tunnel out yesterday man, got loadsa space in there now
@ThomasMcDonald I wasn't done even.
Hmm, I'd like to take another block off the other side, but it looks pretty done.
Man, this map is cold.
Yeah, too much damn snow. :(
and not enough damn cactus.
@StrixVaria went to get some cacti yesterday
@badp /give 81 64
I did find some on the map but it's soooo far.
WOW, that mothership truly will be massive.
1 pixel = 1 block
The diamond is a bit excessive but...
Diamond and water are the only blueish blocks :(
Water is bluer.
Although it does need ugly glass around it.
Oh well, will dye.
Yeah, and if I glass part of it, I'd have to glass the whole thing so it doesn't look goofy.
@ThomasMcDonald the ship is an interesting stop for the minecart :D
Yeah, i wouldn't want to touch it until after Brant is done with it though
This bridge is going to be massive if I decide to carry it on
Go ahead and build up the surrounding area if you want, I don't care.
Literally, huge. I was going through the carto I did last night and it doesn't look like there's another hill that will match it for another 4 arch spans
I did make a tunnel through the mountain already (follow the row of double torches)
@Fosco how many gigs of memory does that map take?
The map and associated files were 41MB yesterday, I've no idea how much that rendered image would be though. (or RAM, for that matter)
now you just need to run it in a loop so it continually updates.
I came across an interesting problem yesterday - I've been working on a Git-backed web versioning system for MC maps, and it turns out it's going to be horrible bandwidth wise because the map data is gzipped, whenever a small part of the map changes the entire file corresponding to that area
Hmm, I wonder if I could use ice.
Isn't it just a small block height?
no, it's a full block
but if there's a light source nearby it changes to a water spring.
which is a colossal pain to tidy up
still, it beats glassing in water...
keep diamond for now
when cloth comes, we'll change it I guess?
to something bluer.
also because the downward lasers should totally be made of lava.
Bridge is going to get a lot bigger then
Looks like there's plenty of cacti in that big desert far to the west of spawn.
plus, once you have one cactus it takes about an hour to get as much cactus as you ever need
ok im back
the full render is complete
@StrixVaria lies. You never have enough cactus.
took about a half hour total
now at minimum zoom it does look like we've explored jack shit :(
@badp I walked in a straight line for what felt like forever last night and it turned out to be barely anything
the /mc folder is 303MB
@StrixVaria Need moar minetrack!
@badp ram? the server only has a gig
@Fosco oh, okay. I've seen screenies of the server taking 9-10 GB
although that screenie used TNT abuse.
the one where it took 9 hours?
it would probably take 3 days on our server lol
@Brant no prob at all, i enjoy it...
this area looks small, but it takes forever to clear all that land!
@Fosco I actually just clicked on the sign in that picture expecting it to work...
@Fosco What is this anyhow?
@JavadocMD I really dont know.. just made the dome, then decided to flatten out the land below and build up to it..
Heh, okay then. :)
it will be huge, whatever it is.
@StrixVaria lol
im going to make it render a lit version at night
Wow, how often does that "google map" refresh? That is sweet.
it doesn't refresh.. would need to be re-run
Well right. I mean do you have it set up to re-run every X time period?
not at this time.. just got it going for the first time.
Fair enough.
i will look at scheduling it, just not right now :)
Still cool. What is the program you're using to generate that?
@badp !
@StrixVaria If you're up for something to do when you're on later I've basically started the framework for the next lot of arches
@ThomasMcDonald If I end up playing tonight I'll check it out and see what I can add
oo, the night version is going to look cool.
Night version google-map of our server: fdotm.com/mcnight
took ~51 minutes to create
have to poll.. which version should be run nightly.. day or night?
Anyone care to reccomend a graphics pack for me?
Preferably with proper transparent glass, and bright-ish blocks
Night version is cool, but daytime is certainly more useful.
@Oak um?
@Macha I was thinking it would be nice if there was some listing of graphics packs and mods that are compatible with Notch's new feature.
oh lookie, I now have italic here too.
you just refreshed everyon?
@Fosco nope, just you.
oo, im italics too!
Enjoy your italic.
You run the server after all ;)
@badp What good is it? :)
@JavadocMD Yeah, like the skindex maybe
oh, I can pin messages
You can pin, migrate, unstar messages, put up events, manage the room.
@badp Thank you sir
Anyone else have trouble placing stuff on the server?
Haven't been on since last night, didn't have any trouble then... what are you trying to place?
And this has been ongoing for like a week
odd.. anyone else had that issue?
Like, 90% of the time, nothing happens
@Macha are you updated to the newest version and running in online mode?
I haven't, but I've had BIG trouble mining.
It's really annoying.
have to release the mouse button after each block
it works 99.9% of the time
that's boring. I've found a kinda better strategy, which involves placing yourself and the mouse just so you can mine in a row.
Basically it's a problem with lag prediction
It appears reconnecting helps for my problem
Client: "I've mined this block!"
Server: "No you haven't! You should've been done by now, but you've turned away!" *block reappears*
Client: "Oh, right. Nevermind."
Client: "I've mined this block!"
Server: "No you haven't! You should've been done by now, but you're turned around!" *block reappears*
Client: "Tsk tsk, I'm still mining it." *block vanishes again*
Server: "Oh, right. Nevermind." *block is dropped for pickup*
hope he fixes that soon, but until then, i release the mouse after every block.
Day version google-map of our server: fdotm.com/mc
@Fosco The day version is much better. Orders of magnitude better.
We're so getting screwed when baddies are added.
If you update the nightly version, people will use stuff that emits light.
Like, yknow, LAVA.
Did I mention lava is also broken currently?
Non-source lava tiles fail to go away without a source.
ok.. that's settled then
If you're wondering why I keep logging in and out, its because my right click keeps breaking otherwise
@badp you're all in italics now, I guess you noticed.
@Oak Yeah, I don't know who did that though, you or Mrozek :)
My fault, I just think it's a good idea every room will have an owner who is one of the users active in that room
at any way, it helped.
@Oak Yep, agreed.
Since I see some pinned posts, I guess you already started abusing it :) cya!
@Oak Yeah, I shared the love already :)
The more the merrier!
now for some real abuse.
hmm, I don't want to clutter chat feedback however :(
meh, no migration.
Your Linode has exceeded the notification threshold (1000) for disk io rate by averaging 1422.98 for the last 2 hours.
Your Linode has exceeded the notification threshold (90) for CPU Usage by averaging 211.9% for the last 2 hours.
@Fosco You must construct additional pylons.
The map overviewer has been scheduled to update the day version every morning at 230am eastern... let's see if it works overnight.
Oy. Just had to strike out vast swaths of a Minecraft answer that no longer apply after the latest update. Hazards of release-in-alpha...
1 hour later…
Looks like the server didn't like /give 343 1
it's still up
2010-11-15 20:56:53 [INFO] santibp lost connection: Timed out
10 fps :/
2 hours later…
Hm, cobblestone resists ghast fireballs? Can anyone confirm?
@JavadocMD that seems...too easy

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