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I have just made a breakthrough on the sorting! We can have a default route!
Basically, if you setup your input chest with an extractor module, and an itemsink module as another default route, any items another default route chest reject will come right back into the input chest. So that means, any unsorted items will sit in the input chest if and only if the default route is full.
So that whole thing needs an overhaul still, but at least we don't have to worry about categorizing literally everything.
7 hours later…
Hows the nyquil @OrigamiRobot?
@Unionhawk ah, cool :) Thanks ^_^
huh, so apparently there's a bug with hecates that causes them to spawn and sit idle, doing nothing, and not despawn ever, causing reduced spawning of other mobs
Hmm, that's odd
But there's a /killall hecate probably so meh
yeah, there is a way to kill all mobs (/cofh killall). It's apparently not happening to everyone, but I can disable hecates if it turns out to be a problem on the server
Ah, that would explain the swarms of idle hecates in the nether.
yeah, I was noticing those too. it'll impact our chances of getting witherskulls
@KevinvanderVelden SECOND BEEJOB! (after alvearies) Get wither skulls.
@Arperum jup
I believe this was already discussed =p
@KevinvanderVelden It has been stressed again now.
Also, Hoe of growth doesn't seem to work on magic crops.
does the watering can work?
those work in autonomous activators afaik
I think the watering can basically just goes "Here's a random tick for you, no honest! It's a random tick"
for now, it'll be fixed in a new version of Extra Utilities
While the hoe of growth goes "Here, now you are fully grown... what do you mean you don't understand that?"
@KevinvanderVelden Not entirely, when used on grain, the grain grows 1/some stages, not immediate full growth.
@Arperum huh, did not know that
Still it's going "Hey, you are now more grown" and then magical crops is being a dumbass and not understanding that
@KevinvanderVelden I didn't try on the seeds of magic crops though, I tried on some leaves in the small backgarden, maybe they were kinda fullgrown or something.
@Arperum If they're more than just the green leaves but have the diamond shape thingies on them they're fully grown (and you should harvest them! =p)
@KevinvanderVelden It were only leaves.
Also: barley seeds have herba and permutatio on them.
@Arperum nice, you could make the treefarm have some barley in it
They seem to have been missed in the change of "seeds now have granum instead of herba".
I also placed a tier one blood altar. And reserved place needed for upgrading it to tier 5.
That mod is friggin suicidal.
@Arperum ars magica has an insta heal spell =p
ANd it uses "lp" in a personal soul network, and that can run out and then the mod will do stuff to your health. or in some cases nausea your face until the shortage is fixed.
And I haven't found a way yet to see how much "lp" is available in your soul network.
I should make that a question on the mainsite probably.
@Arperum I should probably INB4 your self-answer
@KevinvanderVelden Good! Since I have no clue at all right now!
Ooh, @Arperum I think I know why you're not getting any thaumcraft KAMI items
You need to unlock everything else before that unlocks apparently
@KevinvanderVelden Oh?
@KevinvanderVelden I'm working on that :)
I got a couple things done yesterday, not much though.
1 hour later…
Do you want the room description updating?
room topic changed to Minecraft Talk: Everything Minecraft. We have a server! It runs Feed the Beast Monster with some extras. [minecraft]
room topic changed to Minecraft Talk: Everything Minecraft. We have a server! It runs Feed the Beast Monster with some extras, see [minecraft]
@RonanForman ah thanks :) I've updated the description, I'll keep it up to date if anything changes.
@Jochem Do what ever you like, this is your room now!
lol, thanks ;)
/me bans everyone and cackles maniacally >_>
what have I created?
@Jochem /ban @a
Does everyone like, leave this tab up constantly?
B/c it seems that way.
I do, yeah, just like my email and a bunch of other stuff
Also the chat turns blue in the "Other rooms you're in" bit
1 hour later…
Blegh, I took a small break, launched up MC in hopes of finding as white as possible cobble. Opal looked good in NEI...
Realised it's actually rainbow colored?
@Arperum that's rainbow colored when you place it down ^_^
places opal cobble suddenly green places more wait what? color changes based on location.
I've been using thaumcraft research as a reward/motivator to get work stuff done today
quite effective
Now I want a huge opal floor to see how that would look >_<
Inb4 all of you :)
And we still need friggin skystone cobble. stupid only white cobble.
can't you dye cobble in this pack or something? You can dye pretty near everything else apparently
And if someone could find and kill a shitton of thaumcraft wisps, I would be gratefull.
@Jochem Maybe.
Hmm, we could look at building a MFR spawner
Then we'd just need to catch one
I think we (probably I or @Jochem) are also going to need to start making void jars. We have 4+ jars of perditio.
I know how to make them now
And I'm kinda curious if you would be able to get different wisp morphs.
@Jochem So do I.
@Arperum I've got 2 wisp morphs
I got equal trade core too, and I think one more.
@KevinvanderVelden Great, now I need to kill them all.
@KevinvanderVelden I have 16 sheep morphs >_<
You're welcome
Go play more pokemon as well! Catch them all
@KevinvanderVelden shutup. creating tables. no pokemon now.
I have most of the wand focii now I think
@Jochem I miss nine hells, portable hole and one tinker's one IIRC, maybe I have that one though, not sure.
Hmm, @Jochem, the room description doesn't seem to work with markup
Got an amulet that can take the xp in your place when worn.
@KevinvanderVelden Room description looks fine.
the ones that I can see that I'm still missing are "uprising", "ender rift" and "telekinesis"
I think I have uprising. ender rift is after portable hole I guess?
@Arperum hmm he removed the markup then? Didn't update for me
Still said [extras] ( at the end
Without the space of course
yeah, I've updated it to not do that, oops
sorry, didn't notice your message earlier
@Jochem oh no, you didn't see a message for a whole of 2 minutes, how can I ever trust you again?
@KevinvanderVelden I think he'll have to host a server where you can play minecraft on. Oh wait, ... he already does that. Start trusting!
@Arperum hmm you make a convincing argument
OK, I've got a reactor design. Where do we want it?
@OrigamiRobot Below @Arperum's bed was the plan right?
Which mod is this reactor from anyway?
It produces 2500RF/t
@KevinvanderVelden Big Reactors
@OrigamiRobot cool
We should build a room with every type of reactor the game has
There's at least 2 others I think
@KevinvanderVelden I like these "We should build a room with every type of X" things.
@Arperum well this one is actually doable so =p
We should build a base with every room of the type "room with every type of X".
Room with every type of mob spawner
Room with every type color of sheep farm
Room with every type of liquid metal in a giant tank
Can you obtain different mob spawners in FTB?
Room with every type of bee
@KevinvanderVelden I can move mobspawners!
With thaumcraft.
@JamesOfDaPeach there's soul shards, which allow you to create mob spawners via lots of grinding
@Arperum cool! there's also an item for it in open utillities or something I think
@KevinvanderVelden Soul shards changed completely.
@Arperum Oh yeah, it's less grindy right?
@KevinvanderVelden And also way less effective :(
@KevinvanderVelden Do different mob spawners have different block ID's? (right now you can't get yourself a ____ spawner in your inventory in vanilla)
@JamesOfDaPeach I think it's meta data with the same block ID
@Arperum bleh ='[
I need a better wand to move spawners though. It requires 100 vis of a couple kinds to be used on pickup, my wand currently holds max 50.
Oh well, mob grinder -> mfr grinder -> mob essence -> mob spawners still works :)
I think I can theoretically pick up any block. I should try bedrock. Anything but spawners and chests is cheap anyway.
@KevinvanderVelden Room with every kind of tree.
> Farm of everything known to man.
@Arperum Room with every color in a full barrel
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, in vanilla it is meta data. But what about in FTB? (this would make sense if you could craft mob spawners)
@JamesOfDaPeach there's no requirement that anything crafted is identified by it's block ID. And you can't craft vanilla mob spawners, you craft something else
@JamesOfDaPeach metadata. You can get different mobspawners in your inventory in default minecraft too.
@JamesOfDaPeach you can't craft mob spawners, there's different methods of spawning things
@Jochem There exist mods who allow that though. Or at least, they once existed.
@Arperum oh, I'm sure there's mods that let you craft vanilla spawners, but they're not in FTB Monster :)
@Jochem True.
soul shards isn't even in monster
It isn't? Huh lame
Oh well, rotarycraft can control vanilla spawners so that's fun
@Jochem Do you have that moving stuff wand core already or is that telekinesis?
@KevinvanderVelden And thaumic tinkerer let's you bring all kinds of spawners from everywhere!
@Arperum it's dislocation, and I do
That's going to be terrible with twilight forest spawners.
@Arperum I'm looking forward to it
I also got telekinesis, just now
also, rotarycraft lets you mess with vanilla spawners. You can make them spawn much, much faster
2 mins ago, by Kevin van der Velden
Oh well, rotarycraft can control vanilla spawners so that's fun
I'm being unobservant today
@Jochem apparently
~10 minutes until home time! And then another hour until minecraft time!
I'm leaving in 10 minutes to go look at a house by 6:30 PM, it'll be a while until I'm online. I could go for afk xp bat sheep wisp though.
@Arperum afk xp bat is never a bad idea
We should shock some new user one day by all being around spawn as random monsters and then hold a massive PVP fight around him/her. It'd confuse the hell out of them.
@Arperum yes! Where do you spawn if you join?
If it's a single spot place a pressure plate under it and as soon as they spawn MONSTERS EVERYWHERE
@KevinvanderVelden It's an area AFAIK. Near @Uni's Stairway to Mountain I think
It's not a single spot, it's like, a 25x25 block space. Vanilla mechanics.
Also, that kills the poor bastard without a bed (usually me for some reason even though I've slept)
Also, so meab
Bleh, 25 x 25 area
It'd probably be possible with some forcefield setup, I think they can output a redstone signal
there's lots of player detector options I think
computer craft might even just be able to listen to "player has joined the game"
True, but I want the bit where they're in the right spot
we could theoretically have a command block there triggered by a redstone signal
No housewatching today. The seller got in a car accident and won't be able to make it there today >_<
@Arperum yikes
@Jochem I have to make a new version of my CV instead... Some company is actively looking for new hires, and I have a couple strong points already. First: the school where I got my bachelor, secondly a neighbour of my parents works for them and told them about me, came home from his work tonight and told my mom to call me to send in a CV...
And my current pay isn't all that high, it's rather low actually.
@Arperum ooo, sounds cool :) Somewhere you'd like to work?
@Jochem It sounds interesting :) I'd like to work in some kind of a team, since being the lone programmer in a firm is not always a good thing.
@Arperum yeah, it can be complicated. I'm glad I have at least one colleague who also programs
@Jochem I'll talk a bit more about it on mumble, getting online there in a minute or two.
@Arperum I'm actually gonna head out in a little bit to get some groceries, but I'll be on later :)
2 hours later…
@Jochem Server's acting up.
I'm stuck on logging in.
fixed itself again.
@Arperum hm, that's unfortunate :/
@Jochem That's the issue?
it might be that I set generator settings to BIOMESOP, I thought that was necessary... :/
@Jochem Both.
3 hours later…
@Jochem About 6 million RF per bar

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