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I'm pretty sure 16 hours later is evening, even if you sent that message super-early in the morning.
Well, he's EU time, so...
Still, if he's talking "this evening" as in his time, it would be evening now (no matter what) (key word is "this")
@JamesOfDaPeach It's 5:00 in the morning over there, is what I'm getting at.
The earliest he could have sent that message and still have an evening following in that day would be 12:00 midnight. So if that's true, that means it's 4:00 there (earliest possible). And more likely he sent it at 4:00 earliest, making it 8:00 (evening)
If it was 5:00, then he didn't send the message in the morning, he sent it... OH
I'm telling you what time zone he's in. He's in EU time zone. I think UTC+1. It's like, 5-6am right now over there.
So he sent it at... uh... 1:00 afternoon, expecting to get on.
And he did get on (last seen 5 hours ago). Now it all makes sense! Nevermind :P
And he did, earlier. In the evening. We just all chat on in-game chat mainly in-game because it's more convenient.
Just he didn't post anything here to say he got on.
In-game? As in the server mine.stackgaming.com?
@JamesOfDaPeach Oh! No, actually... That server is dead/probably going away soon. We got a FTB Monster server up (ping @Jochem for details)
Ping @Jochem? What's that?
(kinda new to this)
2 days ago, by Jochem
in case anyone's interested:
Got it. But I still don't know what you mean by ping.
Just say "@Jochem Hey can I be whitelisted? My IGN is <whatever>"
@Jochem Hey can I be whitelisted? My IGN is <whatever>
@Jochem IGN: Tisajokt
Who runs the server? Jochem?
@JamesOfDaPeach Yep!
(stupid question, just ignore it if I'm right)
Is it my bad connection or just the way this chat is made that I can post something and if you post soon after I post your post goes before mine?
I have no idea. Might be a connection thing.
k, because it's annoying. :)
Do I have to download FTB in order to play on a FTB server?
Yes. It's FTB Monster with Thaumic Tinkerer, BloodMagic, Biomes 'o Plenty enabled, and Morph and Ars Magica 2 added (instructions at the ip address in your browser)
Aww. ;( (my parents for some reason don't like mods)
Well that's unfortunate... :/
It sucks. Especially seeing as I want to mod Minecraft myself soon.
*try to
Hey, do you know how to use complicated commands with data tags?
@Jochem I fixed the double compressed cobble generator. It last packager was outputing into its own input. The sandstone was almost full so I set it to make cobble too. Well have enough in no time!
It sure sounds like yall are having fun on the FTB server, whilst I can't play on it -- ever. :/ depression sadness
2 hours later…
@OrigamiRobot I still have some 500 or so in my inventory as well
@OrigamiRobot awesome, thanks :) Yeah, I wasn't really that awake when I was making that still <_<
@OrigamiRobot sandstone bricks/chiseled sandstone/ whatever it is called is a source of ordo for thaumcraft, so it's still usefull.
@JamesOfDaPeach What exactly is their problem with mods? Why are mods seen as some incarnation of pure evil?
@Arperum because they steal your life!
And your free time
@KevinvanderVelden I'm a dead man walking anyway. Or a dead bat flying, whatever.
Got a ghast too myself :D
@Arperum jeah for ghasts!
Not that they're in any way shape or form usefull
But still!
Also I figured out what I want to do for my own base :)
But I'm not gonna tell =p
@KevinvanderVelden do you have a use for bee frames that increase the lifetime of your bees?
Since I can make these with thaumcraft.
@Arperum not currently
Didn't get to other frames yet. But I know there are more frames.
I need to automate the breeding of new species soon anyway
I'll probably tweak my turtle program to use for building my base and then go and automate the bees
If you need them: I need wool, string and sticks for the magic frames, and I think red roses for the gentle frame thing. that part's somewhat fuzzy though. Only got the research for them around 1 am or something.
4 hours later…
@Arperum Yes, but if the barrel is full, there's no point in producing any more.
@OrigamiRobot True, a barrel full should solve ordo needs for a pretty long time.
@Arperum I think they're just worried about it corrupting our computer.
@JamesOfDaPeach tell them not to worry, it's a very well known pack used by thousands of people?
That'd probably work
We've used that excuse before.
Didn't work.
@Arperum but if a barrel full solves the needs for a pretty long time then surely 2 barrels would solve the needs even longer!
Also, we should set up a cactus farm for... I want to say herba? For the thaumcraft thing that makes crops grow really really fast
I kinda want to test that thing on magic crops actually
@KevinvanderVelden I wouldn't expect anything else from you. I expect you to somehow automate wand recharging and the magic crafting table usage.
Is everyone on the site 20+? I seem to be the only person I've seen ANYWHERE on Stack Exchange other than my friend bjb who has filled out the Age field with a value less than 20.
@Arperum is that a challenge?
@KevinvanderVelden I should check if Cactus has herba, I scanned them.
@JamesOfDaPeach naah, there are plenty of other people who are below 20
@KevinvanderVelden I think getting automatic infusion altar stuff working to be harder.
If not impossible.
@Arperum many, many turtles
Turtles! :D
@KevinvanderVelden Nah, some peripherals for the essentia stuff, so I can see how that can be solved. It's the actual infusion craft that I'm not sure if possible though.
@Arperum isn't it: get the required items (+2 for each type), check essentia, start crafting
Constantly check if the item is missing (I assume it's ISided so that's readable), if they all leave at the same time we're done, if one is missing replant it
That'd be doable
@KevinvanderVelden The crafting requires some items on the pedestals, sometimes they get pushed off, sometimes they turn into taint that first needs to be removed, and sometimes it requires levels from the player.
@Arperum levels from the player can't be done, true. But that's only infusion enchanting
The infusion altar on our base is still missing a ton of jars to get essentia from, but filling these is automatable.
Getting pushed off is solvable via vacuum hoppers or letting them just disappear
I miss some research for it still though.
Might need a filler block to place to get rid of the taint, and I'd need to check if the pedestals are ISided so a turtle can interact with them
It sounds doable, if that last bit is true
@KevinvanderVelden Can a turtle wield a wand and rightclick it on the infusion block tingy?
@Arperum I think yes
And otherwise you can use a rightclicking block from thaumic tinkerer
@KevinvanderVelden If you can automate the pedestal refilling, then infusion enchanting should be doable then.
@KevinvanderVelden Just talked to parents. Said "they saw youtube videos showing that it messed up their computer."
@JamesOfDaPeach what's their computer knowledge?
The arcane workbench part requires a wand with enough vis on it, don't know if you can add/remove a wand automatically. And then place/remove it from a recharge altar.
Are they beyond the "Press the buttons and it does magic" phase?
@KevinvanderVelden They're not like computer geniuses, if that's what you mean.
@Arperum well, if I automate the wand recharge pedestal, that's not a problem
@JamesOfDaPeach there are a lot of steps between magic and genius =p
@KevinvanderVelden The wand recharge pedestal is doable I think, the wand into/out of arcane workbench + place recipe into it would be harder I think.
@Arperum naah, just make the wand recharge pedestal be based on a turtle+ender chest
get the turtle to drop the wand in the same place it was put in and if it's place N then have the infusion turtle assume this is the correct wand and take it back
@KevinvanderVelden They're mid?
@KevinvanderVelden The arcane workbench is a workbench with a separate wandslot, the wand would need enough vis in it to complete the action. (refilling the wand can probably be automated in a recharge pedestal), the hard/impossible part would be the placing the wand and recipe items into the arcane workbench.
@JamesOfDaPeach mhkee, then you can probably explain to them that it is a self contained installation that doesn't really mess with anything. If you have plain minecraft running then installing a modpack from a reputable source won't mess up anything
And yes, you can use any software to mess up your pc. As long as you know what you are doing and read the instructions you won't really mess up anything
@Arperum are we talking about arcane workbench or infusion crafting? Those are 2 separate things right?
And also, a turtle can insert into a specific slot with open peripherals, so that should be doable
@KevinvanderVelden "Maybe this summer. Right now I've got all this work and I don't want to even deal with the chance that it messes up the computer. I don't want to take a week just to reset the computer."
@JamesOfDaPeach le sigh
Sounds like they're towards the magic side.
@KevinvanderVelden Yup, those are separate. The infusion altar difficulties are "get a turtle to place an item on a pedestal (one extra in the thaumcraft backpack if you want to try some things)" and "get a turtle to activate the infusion by rightclicking the runix matrix with a wand" (and then maybe the turtle would maybe need the research of the recipe, or that would count from the turtle owner maybe, don't know)
We need a chart for this kind of stuff! Rate your understanding of computers

They are magic!
I'm a computer genius! I know everything from emails these nice people send me.
I'm okay I guess.
I repair them for a living.
I repair and improve them for a hobby.
@Arperum pedestals are easy enough to make though, just some stone right?
I can get you all the arcane worktables you want for tests. (Or just create a table and rightclick it with a wand.
@Arperum I do know some of thaumcraft =p
@KevinvanderVelden in an arcane workbench, and you need some vis in your wand. and they are made from arcane stone blocks. I think you might need infusion crafting unlocked for the recipe to work though.
@Arperum huh, really? I thought pedestals doubled as cheap decoration
I stand corrected then
@KevinvanderVelden Still cheap.
@Arperum true that
I think they need like 3 of each vis each or something.
I'll make some this evening.
Cool, I'll do some experimenting in a SSP instance with turtles for my based
So I can do some experimenting in SMP for thaumcraft =p
I'm planning on getting some more research done tonight, I have the research for most thaumcraft tools done if you need them. So Sword of the zephyr (AoE sword), hoe of growth, pickaxe of the core are all researched. Shovel of the earthmover not yet.
@Arperum cool, I'd like a hoe of growth for testing if you have the time =p
@KevinvanderVelden I'd like the essentia tubes research don first if you don't mind. (except if it doesn't require a too many different essentia. because filling jars manually from a essentia distillery thing is annoying
@Arperum no prob, I've got enough plans :)
Once I have essentia tube research I can create a single distillery setup thing for the infusion altar.
I want to see if I can use the hoe of growth on magic crops
@KevinvanderVelden I expected exactly that.
@Arperum ^^
The thinking is that if hoe of growth works than the lamp thingy probably also will! :D
Add rotarycraft and madness ensues
Also, what's the first resource I should try to get from bees? (After alvearys)
Since a Hoe of growth can be enchanted with repair :) Unbreaking is annoying when enchanting with random levels, but each level of repair enchant via infusion enchanting costs an anvil, more if bad luck happens.
@Arperum meh, you can't automate repair enchant*
@KevinvanderVelden Wither skull things? I want to test out blood magic too, and I know that for the lastest parts of that mod you need four beacons.
I'm probably gonna use the arcane re-constructor from ars magica for repairing them
@KevinvanderVelden Aww :( in that case unbreaking would be better for you then?
@Arperum hmm, it's not really needed. I can just say that after N uses it's pulled out, send to the arcane reconstructor and repaired
@KevinvanderVelden True, I don't know what other usefull enchants it can get. maybe fortune has an effect, no idea.
@Arperum fortune probably doesn't work, maybe efficiency?
Emeralds from bees would be usefull too.
Hmm that sounds good
Emeralds seem like a nice target
First alvearys of course though
The wither skull thing is late end of the mod anyway :)
Sure, keep some DNA for good pollination speeds too, if we want to get into treebreeding too.
@Arperum if you can make an alveary you have the resources for extra bees madness :)
@KevinvanderVelden The treebreeding area has to have apiaries in it. Alvearies don't allow for pollination.
@Arperum true, but was talking about the DNA
So I can get the proper serums =p
Also apiaries are the single blocks, alvearies are the multiblocks. I thought you need the multiblock for treebreeding?
@KevinvanderVelden Nope, multiblock doesn't work for treebreeding.
As proof: we had some results from our apiaries near some trees on my server, no new treekinds yet, but some crossbreeds.
A villagerbreeder is usefull too, there are green robed villagers who can sell some special treesaplings for 8 emeralds a piece. We had one kind that needed a 2x2 girth, and gave ~40 saplings back from a tree, and one sapling that needed a 3x3 girth, but we had serious emerald issues, so couldn't get enough saplings yet.
So if you see zombie villagers around the base, lock them up instead of killing them.
@Arperum is the plan
The yellow robed villagers (who trade bee stuffs) have a possible trade for somekind of drone too. I have only seen that trade in their fourth trading slot though. Monastic drone IIRC.
1 hour later…
@Arperum keep in mind, we can rip enchants off of things and turn them into books for player-levels to duplicate them
so we only ever have to get repair II on one thing, and then we can just make tons of books with repair II on them using the disenchanter and bibliocraft
I am home sick so I guess I'll just FtB all day :/
I should go to the store for medicine first...
@Jochem That makes it a lot cheaper/easier I guess.
@Arperum there's also Thaumic Tinkerer's way of enchanting things, which is probably a bit more balanced in this pack
I did a ton of research yesterday. I think we might need more paper soon.
@OrigamiRobot meep, I hope you feel better soon :(
I pulled most of the paper from the logistics system too >_<
@Arperum there were 2 stacks of paper in the chest in front of the machines when I logged out last night
@Arperum good thing we have quicklime then, half a stack for a wood and an calcite (which can be smelted for quicklime)
Also a water bucket, but you get the bucket back so meh
also, you can make paper out of pulverized wood, of which we have insane amounts :)
@Jochem I missed these then.
that chest isn't hooked up to the LP system just yet :)
I got the thaumcraft tools, except for the shovel. I need essentia tubes for hooking up the infusion altar properly though.
I can also create an invisible darkness thing.
@Arperum reverse nitor? :)
@Jochem reverse invisible light thingy. Not exaclty nitor I think.
Haven't tried it out yet.
That could be really handy for mobspawners and oreberry farms
I made curtains at the oreberry farm too, so now you can walk in as a full sized human, no longer one height requirement.
@Jochem I was going to ask to join your whitelist server, but then I realized I would have to get the mod pack (which I can't do)
@JamesOfDaPeach I read the backlog, that's unfortunate :/
A portal to the Deep Dark is 4 3xcompressed and 1 4x compressed?
Plus the iron ofc.
it's 4x quadruple and a quintuple unfortunately
I can't find a recipe.
hm, I might be wrong then :) It's in NEI
the unstable ingots are the biggest problem we have there right now
Yea, it's triple and quadruple.
Now to just find the sigil :/
ah ok, must've remembered wrong. I'm pretty sure we're close to that amount of cobble by now
@Jochem Above and beyond.
yeah, that's a big problem... I honestly quite dislike the "You'll have to find it in a chest somewhere" method of balance
there's so many mods that add dungeon loot (and admittedly so many mods that add dungeons), that there's no way of determining how common your rare thing is going to be :/
Will it spawn across worlds?
@Jochen Ikr?
Btw, it's snowing outside! :D
Like, could we find it in the Twilight Forest?
I think? I'm pretty sure it's just regular dungeon loot, which will spawn in any chest marked to receive dungeon loot
I know you can find portalguns in the twilight forest, so you should be able to find an activation sigil there as well
That seems like our best bet.
sigh I really want to get a mod. Portalguns, twilight forest, TURTLES!!!...
@JamesOfDaPeach Turtles are moving pc things, not like real turtles.
@Arperum "moving pc things" aka robots? ;)
@OrigamiRobot If you have some time left for building a fence around the infusion altar to keep creepers and the like away. I'd appreciate it enormous. (if you'd make it, make the enclosed area wide enough, At least 3-4 extra spaces open on all sides for other stuff that'll come once I have the research.
@Arperum Yes, I know. I'd love to program one, the mini-series seth made on them made me want the mod SO BAD
@Jochem Words.
@Arperum Unsure if there's enough room for 3-4 spaces
@OrigamiRobot I can move it if necessary. If I have two sides with open space I should be good too. It'll be a little bit less good looking, but oh well.
I'll check when I get back from the store
@Arperum So... how would I install the mod pack if I get permission out of persistant begging?
@JamesOfDaPeach You download the launcher from feed-the-beast.com then create a user profile (with your minecraft username/password to log in into minecraft), then select the monster pack, click play. And after you ended up in the main menu, you exit the game, and then go and follow the orders from the page on the ip posted way earlier in here.
It's basically the same as the official minecraft launcher, it just has a list of modpacks and you can change these slightly. If something goes wrong, ask here in the channel (with the error, error on pastbin when it's a long one)
@Arperum So, it's an entirely new launcher? I assumed you'd use the same launcher, just create a profile with a different jar.
@JamesOfDaPeach Nope, that would be for a simple mod, the feed the beast modpack is a new launcher that has some more options then the normal minecraft one, when the modpack is started for the first time it downloads all the needed mods. (except the two we added)
@Arperum This decreases my chances - unless I don't tell them that there ARE mods without different launchers.
@JamesOfDaPeach You can tell them the new launcher still checks in with the mojang servers to see if you have a valid account. The server also makes another check everytime you try to join.
@Arperum Ooh, does Mojang approve of the mod pack? That would make things a whole lot easier.
Like, officially approve
@Arperum Ugly fence in place. You can prettify it later if you wish
@OrigamiRobot Is there any way I can "ping" multiple people at a time with @?
@JamesOfDaPeach Not officially approve. They know it exist, and do nothing at all to stop it. But without a valid minecraft login you can't login into the modpack.
@JamesOfDaPeach Type more names?
Max of three of them get pinged I think.
@JamesOfDaPeach jup, just go @Arperum @Jochem @OrigamiRobot @JamesOfDaPeach @EVERYONE_EVER
@KevinvanderVelden @Arperum @OrigamiRobot Like this?
@OrigamiRobot I'll probably remove all fence later on and switch it out with warding stone, but we don't have enough fire and ordo shards for that yet.
@Arperum I used redwood fence and it doesn't combine with the oak fences of the tree farm :/
It's really ugly
@Arperum @OrigamiRobot Do all of you share, like, the same base on the server? Or what?
Nor am I willing to run all over the universe in search for more auranodes with fire in them. And waiting for them to refill takes forever. Once I can move them I get the firenode in the nether into some chunkloaded area around our base.
@JamesOfDaPeach you don't have to ping everyone =p
But yes, currently we all have the same base
@JamesOfDaPeach If you ping no-one we'll see your messages too.
@KevinvanderVelden @OrigamiRobot has an extremely basic own base started. I don't know how far @Uni's base goes.
I know. But the asterisk usually makes the situation more relevant, b/c I'm switching tabs to do classwork at the same time.
I basically only made the entrance to stake my claim
@Arperum last I saw he went mining
@JamesOfDaPeach meh, there's also a (n) for the amount of unread messages
@OrigamiRobot So extremely basic?
@Arperum I wouldn't even call it that.
It's more like a Post-It note
@Arperum @OrigamiRobot I bet on a server with FTB "extremely basic" includes a fully automated mob farm, quarry, and brewing system. :P
@JamesOfDaPeach naah, there's never a brewing system
No need for potions, we've got magic!
@KevinvanderVelden We need a single brewing stand to get a couple villagers though.
@KevinvanderVelden I'd still go vanilla-style
@Arperum true, but that's not a brewing stand
I'm not informed about all the magic in FTB like the other stuff, what sort of "magic" is there?
@JamesOfDaPeach magic is approximately 3.14 times cooler than vanilla
@OrigamiRobot If you find zombie villagers around the base, just lock them up, so we can turn them into villagers.
@JamesOfDaPeach Thaumcraft, Ars Magica 2, Bloodmagic, maybe witchery? Don't think I've seen that though
@KevinvanderVelden Why 3.14? Why not 6.28?
Twilight Portal get
@OrigamiRobot yeah
@OrigamiRobot Nice! I made the first one of these on the ultimate server. First nether portal too.
And the first endportal was entered through some cavesystem under my base :)
@KevinvanderVelden So what do these magic thingies do?
@JamesOfDaPeach ALL the things.
Thaumcraft can do bloody nearly anything, but you'd have to talk to @Arperum about it
Ars Magica has elevator blocks, magical furnaces, things that repair tools and more that I don't know. And also spells you can write your self
@arperum is going home, so temporary offline. Thaumcraft has selfrepairing stuff, magical furnaces, golems, fancy tools, elevatorblock things.
Spells like lightning bolts and heals. But also complex ones that dig out an area, or teleport you to a previously specified position, or just randomly. Or allow you to run really fast, jump really high and have slowfall so you don't die
bloodmagic I don't know yet, it looked interesting, I'll get into that after I get mostly through thaumcraft.
@OrigamiRobot I'm working on an automatic backup script for monster, and want to do an initial run. are you in a save-ish spot in-game?
Hey, anyone here make maps?
@Jochem Go for it
Also, found the Ur-Ghast...
@KevinvanderVelden I'm trying to make sure that if it does get deleted, I can get it back for you :)
@Jochem okay ^,^
I've hacked apart and reassembled something pahimar made, so I'm sure it's safe!
@Jochem uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
@KevinvanderVelden it's been run ^_^ It uses some tools I have a passing familiarity with (screen and rdiff-backup), so I know what I'm doing
I just need to set the cronjob to run it every hour or so and we'll be golden ^_^
I'm off to home :)
@KevinvanderVelden See you in a bit!
@OrigamiRobot yes you will fellow addict!
As long as @Jochem doesn't delete everything...
@OrigamiRobot Did you see the backup messages pop up?
Oh, I thought you wanted me to log out.
oh, no, not at all, sorry!
this should all work while people are logged in
I'm going to set it at once an hour for now, we'll see if it has any performance issues
at worst, we'll lose an hour of progress then
Does anybody make maps???
there, crontab set up, there should be hourly incremental backups now :D
@Jochem @OrigamiRobot @KevinvanderVelden Are all of you playing on the server atm?
@JamesOfDaPeach I'm not, @KevinvanderVelden is on his way home from work, though @OrigamiRobot is on I think
What's Kevin's job?
I wish you could see when others are typing, like on bjb's chat.
you'll have to ask him when he gets back
The 40k question is coming up on Arqade, and I'm determined to be the one to ask it! :)
@OrigamiRobot Which is?
cc @Jochem @KevinvanderVelden @Arperum
@OrigamiRobot awesome!
Now I am scared to make the iron though :(
now we get to blow up the landscape with the activation ritual and then kill ourselves with exploding ingots :D
you have 10 seconds to craft it, and can't close your inventory, what's there to be scared of ;)
(honestly, the damned things scare me too)
@OrigamiRobot Fancy!
I'll get online in a bit, first I need to warm up this house a bit. And maybe get myself some food.
I have bad news, good news, and more bad news. The bad news is the fix for the sorting to not dump things on the floor is still not working right, the good news is I think I can sort of fix it, the bad news is it costs a diamond chipset.
Oh, and I think it also totally eliminates the possibility of using another chest in the system as a "wat" chest; the input is also the "I dunno where this goes" chest.
This Division Sigil seems absolutely useless except for the good stuff from those exploding ingots.
@JamesOfDaPeach Access to the deep dark requires those ingots.
We want that.
Deep dark?
@JamesOfDaPeach Extra dimension, pretty dangerous and deadly, but lots of ores.
Seems like ore -> new dimension -> new ore -> another dimension -> etc.
What is the use of these other ores?
@JamesOfDaPeach New dimension is not necesarrily new ore, if you set up some automatic mining, it's a good thing to have lots of ores that get mined, and more ores =>bigger systems => more progress throguh the mods.
2 hours later…
Which equals even bigger systems, etc... I get it. :)
2 hours later…
@Jochem: Can I get a whitelist? IGN = gnovicegames
@gnovice you're whitelisted now
sorry, didn't notice your message earlier
we were exploring the Deep Dark
@Jochem Can I get a whitelist for when/if I download the required mod pack?
@JamesOfDaPeach ping me again when you've got the pack installed :)
1 hour later…
Sadly, I don't know the syntax in these places. :P
this chat (and all of stack exchange) uses Markdown for layout and links
links are [ text between these ]( link goes here ) with the spaces removed
Ah. Well, I knew that, just I thought it was different for the chat and comment areas (because sometimes you use asterisks and other times you use < i >, very confusing)
I'm heading off to bed, ttyl
Either different timezone or very sleepy.
timezone, it's quarter past midnight here
Oh, well then. That is what country?
the netherlands. I'm signing off now, bye
(I don't know where the netherlands is...)
I'm not the best at geography
Yay! I did manage to make the 40k question! The 40k Question I made

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