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Minecraft is significantly more fun with other people playing
2 hours later…
updated the server.. everyone should be able to use /give now
user image
@Fosco, server down or did I just lose connection?
im still on
Yay, small house. Please don't blow it up. :)
minecrafting with a touchpad is hard.
Oh, I'm Adversity in minecraft, if anyone notices me on the server.
2 hours later…
Man, /give sucks now. Especially as I was getting used to actually doing stuff
@ThomasMcDonald lol.. sorry! I need /give though, if I'm going to put any time in on the server.
Yeah, I'd happily started gathering resources for stuff
you don't like it either? nothing says you have to use it right?
That's true, but if we're going to work together for stuff I'll just do as others do :)
If others /give I'll /give; if others mine I'll mine.
If others mine, /give is just lame. If others /give, mining for resources is useless.
hehe.. well, when I'm online I'm using /give
I started building my house and it has an obsidian entrance.. no way I was going to mine that.
@Fosco I was staring at this thing for like 5 minutes when I spawned in the server this morning and had no idea what it was until just now.
@StrixVaria :\
I'll destroy it later... with TNT.
No it's actually really cool. It was just me being stupid at first.
hehe ok.. you're not the first who couldn't figure out what it was..
I went exploring this morning since no one else was on and found about 15 caves that were just dark enough to make me go down and waste a torch realizing it just ended right away
waste a torch?.. do /give torch 64
Oh yeah I know...I guess waste my time would have been a better phrasing
I wish I could be online more.. want to build a giant lava sphere, I think..
Yesterday before you implemented /give I was concerned about taking the community coal for torches so I replaced it once I found more, and then today you implemented /give shrug
very nice of you..
did you play everquest?
@Fosco It's kind of aggravating for me that pretty much everyone else who plays in the server is from Europe, so they're all playing while I'm at work and asleep when I get home to play
well it's only been up for a day or two.. give it a chance.. :) im from the USA, but my girlfriend hates when I pay attention to anything but her.
more people will join in..
I'm looking forward to when it really gets going. The only other SMP I've done was a very small private thing with a few friends, so a public one (so long as the griefers keep out) will be really interesting
yeah that will be cool, if we get a bunch of good people..
did you see what I built last night? obsidian entranceway with lava/glass walls?
Yeah I did. pretty neat
I always wanted to build something using some obsidian but was always way too lazy to mine it
I also saw someone started a stairway down to an underwater base of some sort
yeah i've never mined any... /give obsidian 64 w00!
3 hours later…
The Word of Notch
An update is coming tomorrow

First of all, most “mods” that add new features to the game are in a very gray area...
The Word of Notch
I was referring to client mods that alter or inject code. Texture mods and server mods are fine.

I was referring to client mods that alter or inject code. Texture mods and server mods are fine.
I read that as: I frown upon people making free addons to my game. On the other hand, I'll probably steal them and make money off their work :P
Honestly he should just build in an API for adding custom materials
It's the kind of game that just needs to be extensible
@mootinator can you post the text of his tumblr post here? I can't get to it from work.
It's actually a pretty long post
An update is coming tomorrow

First of all, most “mods” that add new features to the game are in a very gray area legally, and I frown upon them. Most of them add really cool new features, though. It’s highly likely that something like the bridge mod will make it into the game.

Now, the update.
I was going to release this today, but it’s 6 pm already and my fiancée turns 30 today (I love you, ez!), so I’ll go eat a nice dinner instead.

Here’s what’s already done for the update:

General fixes:
It actually seems more significant than the super-hyped halloween update
cool... lots of bug fixes.
that will of course break all the server mods, so we'll be back to vanilla.
thanks for posting it @StrixVaria
You can still dupe items even if we do get stuck with vanilla
Hooray for the stair fix.
well /give exists on vanilla, i just need to give people op status for it.
Hm, we just made stairs and didn't see a problem...
although it's probably about the quick stairs.
@mootinator Hello, have you joined my server?
*awesome stairs
Removing stairs is sometimes very glitchy
c'mon day, I can't see what I'm building
As I said, everyone is playing while I'm at work and by the time I get home they'll all be asleep
@Fosco Your server? No, it is a fantastic and wonderful place?
At least I'll be able to see what you all came up with
heh... well several of us from this room are on there...
Nothing spectatular, I should imagine
@mootinator it's in the starred post list on the right.. fdotm.com:1337
My office runs a public multiplayer server, hehe.
I'm continuing with my great glass fronted building obsession
I will write that down, headed to lunch now though.
A minecraft update incoming, you say?
@RavenDreamer Yes... tomorrow. Plenty of SMP fixes. full text above (posted by StrixVaria)
Aye. I'm reading it now.
"* zombie pigs eventually forgives" bwahaha
Pfft, internet went down.
Those Zombie Pigs held a grudge against me for many deaths. I had to keep killing them before more spawned, which would see me killing them. It made my hell base impossible to visit for a while.
2 hours later…
Fairly fruitful mining session
140 coal, 15 gold, 64 iron, 156 redstone + 5 diamond
@Fosco Server is down?
Connection refused indeed.
Oh well, enough minecrack for today :D
Bah, was in the middle of the gaming logo
Did you have a chance to look at the MineExchange ChestOverflow EmergencyIncinerator? :D
Yeah + used it
I wish minecraft ran on my PC here at work, but I'm also pretty damn glad it doesn't.
how cute. (I'm looking at the title screen.)
I keep thinking "I could be working on my LakeBottom MegaBase HiddenFortress right now"
I had graphics on FANCY
I clicked the thing and...
	at d.a(SourceFile:247)
	at gi.b(SourceFile:92)
	at bd.a(SourceFile:33)
	at bn.a(SourceFile:69)
	at bn.e(SourceFile:115)
	at bn.d(SourceFile:103)
	at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.i(SourceFile:1007)
	at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:596)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Did a short video of my base, just waiting for Youtube to process :)
@ThomasMcDonald hmm let me check...
Not sure if that's a good idea actually, getting a git-daemon set up on Ubuntu
@badp Notch has the worst package/class names I've ever seen.
try now...
@StrixVaria They're run through an obfuscator
yep, working
@StrixVaria It's for performance, shorter names are faster see??
That way it makes it easy to debug stack traces
but it's been reset
the map
No, it's to impede people trying to reverse engineer it
has gone back about three hours
no it hasn't.
yes it has.
The incinerator is still there.
my bridge is still running across the middle of it
In its final form.
might be chunk by chunk saving issues
how about i make you guys mods and you can issue save commands?
/insert suitable rageguy image here
the console simply said: Killed
nothing in the log
no idea why it went down.
well, I can't be bothered to mine for another diamond pickaxe
/gief 278 1
/give diamondpickaxe
Hey, can I have one?
I didn't think that OP did anything anymore?
/give should be allowed for all, @macha
should be able to use /save-all
macha hit T for chat then type /give diamondpickaxe
but yeah, I've lost some inventory
sorry.. not sure what happened there.
no worries, it's alpha software
i should eventually implement an auto backup system
and there's always /give.
I shall hurry up with my git backup.
@fosco If you get chance could you dump the map data, zip it up and put it on dropbox or something?
@ThomasMcDonald fdotm.com/gc3.tgz
Wondering what's expendable and what really needs to be backed up
Lagging for anyone else?
@Macha nope
Successful logo is successful
photo booth on your dock? pfft
Never had need to remove it in fairness
Hehe, I'm only kidding
Making fun of the contents of someone's dock is the mac version of making fun of all the icons on a windows desktop
True mac snobs have to constantly ask themselves, "what dock icons define me as a person?"
Hrm, Chrome, and Terminal.
textmate and terminal
@Zoredache hehe, yes... chrome, terminal, photoshop.... there are other apps that run on mac?
Not much, bust it is a macbook I have at for testing things. Mostly I use my Desktop with Linux (xubuntu) on it.
Good to see my lava lighthouse is still up as of an hour ago. :)
I just like lighthouses.
I have pondered lighthouses recently. So, fellow builders, what type of light do you feel works best in one? Torches or lava are the obvious choices, but we now have Australium/lightstone as well. Or flaming brimstone/bloodstone/whatever the heck it's called
I think lightstone could be much better if it didn't look... odd.
@ThomasMcDonald You know, maybe we should redo it with lightstone
Lightstone has the same luminance as fire and lava (15, torches are 14)
at any rate, the heart logo needs some wool.
@badp Why not?
@ThomasMcDonald I've tried a few things
It currently looks like that, except it's just one cloth.
Looks like it should be one pixel taller.
I think that's actually right, we're missing a block of height in the widest bit
Yep, what he said. @ThomasMcDonald
Performing open-heart surgery now
Need ideas for floor C of the community wiki building
Floor A has three large boxes, 16 furnaces, a workshop and an incinerator.
move floor a to floor c
Floor B has a pool, a shelf, a chicken that somehow got stuck in there.
@ThomasMcDonald I was thinking of floor A (the one you enter in) for quick access to stuff.
Grab a pic of the logo now
Hence, boxes and furnaces.
Although, the large box full of stone could do going down.
looks awesome.
and fixed.
@badp Is the community wiki building still made of dirt?
I love how the first night's dirt camp has been turned into a building of awesomeness
I just heard of a fun way to make Minecraft more intense: Build an obsidian cage around your spawn and fill it with water.
If you die, you drown to death again before you can burrow through the obsidian with your hands.
My spawn was once directly over a lava flow. :(
Managed to get out of it though after 30 or more deaths.
@StrixVaria Haha... permadeath!

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