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5:59 AM
Comment discussion continuation: I'm still not quite in on what you're saying. I'm not sure that a command system exists that can stop players from clicking on an item in their inventory to pick it up.
8 hours later…
1:47 PM
Idrk what were talking about what. What di you mean “click on an item in their inventory to pick it up”
2:28 PM
@Penguin You were saying that a simple command system could be used to stop players from breaking the illegal stack counts. How would that work?
1 hour later…
3:46 PM
Repeating always active: /clear @p[tag=user] obsidian
Chain Conditional Always Active: /clone Sx Sy Sz Sx Sy Sz Dx Dy Dz
where Source coords are the obsidian chest and Destination coords are the chest the user is looking in
each time the player is moved to the player inv (touchscreen) or the cursor is holding the item (pc) it will be taken from that and then the clone command will be alerted someone is screwing with the chest and then place it back. Commands like this are also useful for things like buttons, when the user clicks the green block the chest does something. That would actually be a good thread to make I will do that later.
1 hour later…
5:00 PM
@ExpertCoder14 (just making sure you saw this)

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