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Q: Survive the full moon in a country largely populated by werewolves

Michele CYou're planning to move to the rich country of Lycania (names are a work in progress, ok?), a country as big as the USA plus half of Canada, where you have been offered a good position which would make you earn far more than your current job, giving you an alternative to a mediocre life. Lycania ...

That is an answer I need to find in my world yet. I am inclined towards no, as the "normal human among wolves" is somewhat of a driving factor of the whole thing :) I would say that if it is possible, it requires you to be scratched but not killed (as per many traditions re: werewolves), which might prove complicated. You may ask a wolf of the benevolent type to scratch you but that still requires at least a month of non-wolveness. Plus it's not what I want to happen, so I will give other reasons not to do that :D
@JoeBloggs there is something I missed! Will edit now
@MediSaif the Lycans original people are all werewolves: immigration makes it so that there are normal humans, but they are scattered over the country, not enough to form a self-sufficient community. I like the idea of you/the character trying to form such a community though, you may want to incorporate that into an answer!
On one hand I like this question. On another hand, it doesn't make sense: if your employer is so accommodating, how come he doesn't come up with a solution? This is really senseless, there's no way around it. They want to hire you for some reason (why?), will help you settle, but won't go any length to ensure you won't die? Makes zero sense, sorry, you'd better fix that :/ Thanks @Liesmith for posting an answer focussing on this problem, much better than I would have ^^
While killing someone (full moon excepted) is normally considered murder, it is allowed in emergency situations, such as self defence - not only during full moon. My current idea is that of a stand-your-ground type of law.
@Lohoris it is another issue I am trying to fix with a reasonable explanation; the entire scenario stemmed from the mechanic of 1-night-every-X-insanity-and-violence (thanks, trailer for The Purge), so a sensible employer is not helpful to me :) one explanation I have is that it's a people (race? species?) that still believes in the Law of the Jungle to some extent, so they would help, but not to the point they need to solve everything for me... another is that the offered solution is not safe enough and I want a better plan... (Suggestions on better alternatives?)
@MicheleC I appreciate you're working on it, but this is still not enough… "you don't ensure people safety" --> "nobody will come". Just look at the real world, with engineers going to work into third-world dangerous countries. If the employee is valuable enough, the employer protects him. If he isn't valuable enough, no reason to hire him in the first place. If he's valuable enough and the employer doesn't want to protect him, he will just go somewhere else. I understand you could tailor up a strange situation where this wouldn't hold true, but it wouldn't be really believable anyway…
That being said, you could work on something like "employer does protect his employees" but "employer goes bankrupt or something" and "suddenly, employees are in danger". Sure, this only works if your story has to span for a single full moon, since after that survivors would likely flee elsewhere.
Furthermore, incidents such as this one would be a huge problem for Lycania, which would go great lengths in order to prevent this from happening ever again. Or it doesn't really need foreigners, then the whole premise doesn't make sense anyway. Also try to answer this question: why/how it did actually happen for this to be a first world country in the first place, and why/how did the other nations not catch up?
Very true! In my mind the benefits in this situation would still overcome the risk. For instance on a daily basis crime and corruption being much lower in Lycania, which would mean yes you risk A LOT once a month but you're otherwise safe, while staying at home can mean risking your neck everyday.
As for the why and how I have a draft back story, but its likelihood is another matter that may be worth a separate question, as it also involves all the issues mentioned with risk not being worth the benefits :)
I'll consider wherther to craft an answer to help you ("consider" = "if I have time, hopefully")
At this point I think I am only waiting for that to pick an answer, cause I got some good ones, but you seem to have multiple good points about this :)
Are the werewolfs human-smart, while their actions are instinct-driven?
No they are smarter than an average wolf, but they are limited to animal instincts, no complex reasoning. For instance an instinct driven werewolf could hear a noise and most likely will follow it, while a "smart" werewolf will assess the situation first. I see it as more of a spectrum, but most Lycans would be at one extremity of the spectrum, very few will lie in the middle
4 hours later…
6 hours later…
If you wait a few days, I should be able to ;)

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