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Hi there @Paul
hi @user30490
Thanks for setting this up
no problem! optimization is an old interest of mine. most of my PhD research was on optimization
So I guess I just wanted to give a better description of the problem I am working on to you
Are you familiar with black box optimization?
Or the idea of a black box simulator?
yeah, your values of f(x) and c(x) come from a simulator and you don't know what it's doing, but it's probably complicated
most likely you are an engineer or working closely with them
That is correct
So I can evaluate the computer simulator
how complex is that simulation? like order of magnitude lines of code? and how long does it take to evaluate f(x) and c(x)
Well right now I am just running it on toy examples
so I actually do know f(x) and c(x)
sure, makes sense
and so evaluating them is trivial
So what I do is
i mean in the target application, after you're satisfied with the toy examples. how complex
I start with an initial set of points x and get back f(x) and c(x)
from these "inputs" (x) and "outputs" (f(x),c(x))
I build a surrogate model for f(x) and c(x) using a Gaussian Process
so now I have an approximation for f(x) and c(x) because in the black box world the assumption is that evaluating the true f(x) and c(x) is computationally costly
Gaussian Processes (GP's) are also a special case of a radial basis function if your more familiar with that
but in any event
I build teh surrogates because they are cheaper to evaluate and work with
and they give me prediction at new x values
yeah, that makes sense. you're just trying to make the absolute best use of the info you have, since querying new points is costly
but you also want some theoretical guarantees on convergence
and as of now I have empirical convergence
just not theoretical
but so after I build my GP surrogate models
the next thing we do is say
ok, I need more actual evaluations from the black box simulator, let's pick the next point that we think is best. And best is judged by will this value of x return a c(x) that meets the constraint and is smaller than my previous f(x)
so I am trying to pick new points, iteratively, that I think do better at minimizing f(x) while also satisfying c(x)
and so i do this, iterating until convergence
which really means I run the code as long as I can until I run out of computational budget
and so I am not too concerned about discovering the rate of convergence but just that it has convergent properties
be it locally or globally
yeah, all this makes sense. this is a textbook application of DFO in an engineering context.
and I have seen many papers out there on convergence proofs
just none that exactly fit my problem
and so what I was hoping to get out of my posting of the question
was kind of a checklist of criteria to need to ensure teh method convereges
and that's why I have also been vague about what f and c are
because as of now I am not really assuming anything about them
but am willing to if it helps makes a convergence argument
sure. the first thing i would say is, this problem is at the absolute frontier of theoretical analysis, possibly beyond. definitely manage expectations on what is provable.
I have kind of gotten that impression given that I haven't been able to find much
i believe that Michael Powell's UOBYQA algorithm has some theoretical convergence results, but that is for unconstrained optimization. He also did this COBYLA algorithm for nonlinear constrained optimization, but was not able to prove anything about it.
and he's the best, so you will probably not get much farther than he got, unless you take advantage of special knowledge about f and c.
now i'm not an expert on DFO but i can tell you how it probably works
we know how to prove convergence of gradient descent to a local optimum
and if we don't have derivatives, we can at least hope to construct a surrogate that has similar shape to the true function
especially when we're close to a local optimum, where f(x) has a locally quadratic shape.
here's how i would approach it
i would try to prove successively more general convergence results
start with unconstrained quadratic optimization
once you have that, you will be close to a proof of local convergence. that is, if you're close to the optimal point, you will get there, because in the neighborhood of the optimum the function is basically quadratic
then you can try adding in a simple constraint, such as a bound constraint (x>=0)
try to build up from very simple, not-ambitious results and see how far you can get. this stuff is hard and any proofs at all represent progress
especially since you are proposing a new algorithm (well there may be precedent but i'm not familiar with it)
also I expect that my constraints will be highly nonlinear, which sounds like that will be a problem?
yes. like i said, people have attempted theoretical results on DFO with general nonlinear constraints, and failed
however, you can again simply things using local arguments
well thanks for the discussion
I actually have to run
if c(x) is smooth it is locally linear
but this was very helpful
so you try to minimize f(x) under linear constraint, and if your algorithm can do that, a local convergence result is not far off
very glad to be of service! best of luck. you can get theoretical results. any results, even special case type results, will be a significant advance
just think: f(x) is locally quadratic, and c(x) is locally linear.
that's how you get off the ground.
good luck
in UOBYQA, i think the main idea is, you can reconstruct a multidimensional quadratic function via interpolation, and once you've done that, you can find the minimum in one step
so if a function is roughly quadratic you can approximate it via interpolation and find a rough minimum
i think most DFO theory must be based on a similar concept

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