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Three hours...
2 hours later…
Two-hour warning.
I wonder if I will know the results before I sleep tonight.
(I think it's 50-50.)
< hums theme from The Twighlight Zone >
Hello, @Chenmunka!
Good evening
@Chenmunka I was thinking more Jeopardy myself.
Well, one of those!
Also, hi guys ;)
I see a steady stream of votes still coming in.
Hah! Earlier today it was just 256 votes. Now we have 499 in total!
Just think, in only a few more hours we'll know whether we're getting any porbs.
@DamkerngT. Looks like 258 to me?
It is 258 votes. 499 visitors to the page.
I probably count it the wrong way. -- Ahh...
(next election things will get more annoying, but them's the breaks.)
A-ha! Thanks!
She who must be obeyed has just got home. Time to go and eat. Good luck all, talk again tomorrow.
@Chenmunka Me, I hear the shrieky strings from Pyscho!
Just about an hour left... Meep.
Well . . .
38 mins remaining
I believe at least 8 of the candidates deserve their moderator position, so this is going to be a disappointment anyway.
Yet at the same time, thanking the mods will be rewarding.
15 mins left.
Hey @Undo! :)
Let's see who'll post results sooner.
Vroom vroom!
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M What's your tactic?
@Undo Yeah, good question. Next.
Meh, I'm busy writing-typing something.
Well now it's a race. Assuming I'm still around interwebs in fifteen minutes (maybe not, we'll see), it's on :)
Pushes @Nathan in front of @Undo and runs away
I'm about to go nuts. Will it be posted right at 20:00 or do we have to wait?
it'll be posted somewhere between 6-240 minutes after 2000
@jimsug ... 6 minutes to 4 hours? Meh.
Law guys FTW.
@Cat it'll be available shortly.
That's based on actual real data.
or... idk
@Catija Either @inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M or I will get to it... very quickly :P
Note that I have the SF election to handle too, so...
is the data released immediately and the announcement post later?
Meh... it took three hours to get the post for Movies & TV.
@jimsug yep
well then
@Undo When is the Server Fault election ending?
@Catija At the exact same time
@Undo Ah. Nice.
Yeah, this'll be fun >:D
Any bets?
For suitable definitions of "fun". ;)
@Undo Oh, you're dealing with the San Francisco elections, too?
laffs at his own hilarity
30 seconds
@jimsug Sabotaged Francesco. You got it wrong.
Winners are J.R., Maulik V, and WendiKidd.
Forgot to give the bot access to the room
No disrespect but that's what happens with a democracy, I guess.
Unofficial results: Winners are J.R., Maulik V, and WendiKidd.
OpenSTV version 1.7 (OpenSTV.org)

Suggested donation for using OpenSTV for an election is $50.  Please go to
OpenSTV.org/donate to donate via PayPal, Google Checkout, or
Amazon Payments.

Certified election reports are also available.  Please go to
openstv.org/certified-reports for more information.

Loading ballots from file votes.blt.
Ballot file contains 10 candidates and 259 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 259 non-empty ballots.
And I gotta go, cya
Congrats! I think they'll do a good job.
Hey @Normal!
"Count of first choices. Candidate J.R. has reached the threshold and is elected." Heh.
2 hours later…
@NathanTuggy Did anyone really expect otherwise, though?
Probably not. That large bar of exhausted votes hurts, though.
What would've been surprising is if everyone took the attitude that Catija and I did, and not voted for J.R. :/
@NathanTuggy Well, the 2nd and 3rd preferences still get allocated, I think.
"Exhausted" means "we ran out of next preferences to transfer votes to"
So yeah, those aren't totally wasted, just not as efficiently allocated as possible.
I guess so.
Oh well.
I wish there were a few more choices available for each voter to fill in, but I suppose they're trying to avoid exhaustion.
If you make something even moderately more difficult, fewer people will do it.
> One of the things I’ve learned is that every time you offer a choice, you paralyze some people who can’t decide if that’s what they want to do or not. Now, that sounds really stupid and self-serving, but it is in fact true. -- Netflix CPO, Neil Hunt

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