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You know, someone mentioned Team Fortress 2 as a possible game, but... there's also the OTHER (free) Team Fortress game that uses the Source engine: Fortress Forever.
But anyway, I'm tweaking some settings on an HL2DM server now.
Another dumb question... since hl2dm apparently only has 8 maps, should we add custom maps to the server?
My test HL2DM server is running at password "stack"
16 is the max player count for hl2dm btw, which is why the server is set to that
Stupid steam update....
@KronoS I know there's a new Beta client, but I didn't think there was a normal Steam client update so far this month.
Well this shows when the last time I played was :) also I thought the orange box had hl2dm included guess not
@KronoS Yeah, for whatever reason it doesn't. There's a starred post with links to free copies of HL2:DM, though.
The second one that says "link..." in its short form is for ATI
Oh well too late I just bought it lol
Source Multiplayer Pack doesn't have TF2 in it? boggle
It was just 5 dollars
@KronoS It's the principle of the thing. When HL2:DM came out, it was given to owners of HL2 for free.
So, why is it $5 now?
Well that's what thought. I could've swore when I first got it that I could play hl2dm
Connecting now
I only have it because I bought the 2007/2008 pack that had all Source games, as I had all the GoldSrc Valve games already.
Of course, that pack went away as soon as Left 4 Dead came out
Oh dang no one is on
Yeah, sorry, I only just set it up, and I passworded it. :P
There's also the issue that this server is in Dallas, TX, which wouldn't be convenient for Europe.
Ya but I'm az :) and wil is in Europe which won't be good for us here
I have another server located in Scranton, PA, but it has other things running on it, whereas the Dallas machine is just a game server... and a few stats things for tf2stats.net.
Nice... What do you do?
The tf2stats.net thing isn't me, it's that the other main OCReMix TF2 admin is also the guy who created tf2stats.net.
The PA machine is the webserver for vgmusic.com... which isn't that big a site, and the server would normally have a lot of extra resources, but the site owner has the BOINC distributed system running from it. I know it messed Left 4 Dead 2 servers up.
Then again, L4D also tries to do some CPU statistics stuff when it starts.
There's a certain irony that the guy who runs tf2stats.net doesn't play TF2 any more... he only plays StarCraft 2 now.
That is pretty funny
13 hours later…
Sorry, missed all this talk last night... it was too early UK time :S ... Based on feedback ( spreadsheets.google.com/… ) we will have it between 6-8PM GMT time...
rule 1 - use your SE name in game...
rule 2 - have fun!
maps - whatever people want... I have no idea...
@ThomasMcDonald Yeah, I don't think anyone mentioned a date?
@Wil The thing about maps is that people need to download maps that aren't one of the 7 (yes, 7, I counted wrong yesterday when I said 8) that come with the game. The server also needs them installed.
Now, in addition to a game server, I run a map mirror, which eliminates the problem of clients needing to find the maps, as the game server will tell them where they can find a bz2 compressed copy.
Since bz2 is the only compression format Source games recognize...
files.ocrtf2.com/hl2mp/maps <-- but I haven't put any hl2dm maps up yet. Oh, and its referred to as hl2mp because that's what the Steam Dedicated Server Tool calls it for whatever reason. Likely because you can also run coop games from it.
@ThomasMcDonald I just thought weekend is best...
@Powerlord I just think that a game day is good for the community... As for maps, I am just not bothered in the slightest... the ones that come with it look good enough.... if you want to be in charge of that, feel free and just give a list of what people need to do/get to join.
Connected, it's fast and good! Thanks @Powerlord
@Wil you playin? dang I wish I wasn't in class... in an hour I'll be availabe to play
I was just seeing if I could connect... ended up getting 2 deaths and I was the only one there! (didn't see that orange can...)... I said I was bad... not sure why I thought a game would be a good idea!
@Wil Ha.
What's going to throw me off is the Gravity Gun.
disable it then (too many people kill me with it!!) seriously, the whole point is to have fun, whatever settings you think are best - or if there is something you are not sure about, we can run a poll.
Well, it's going to throw me off because I'm not used to an FPS that has it. :D
Oh yeah, flashlights defaulted to off, but I turned them on in the server config.
I figured "what can it hurt?"
(You can press F to turn on/off the flashlight)
@Wil wanna play in about a half hour?
I am working at the moment.... sorry... and... I SUCK...
I'm working at the moment too!
lame... that's fine though... I should be programming for my stats class
.... when you are ready, let me know... but, I really am rubbish...
Im starting to get a headache from reading... been doing it all day
lol ok... I haven't played HL2DM except for last night when I played against myself
so you're not competing against much lol
So, the subdomain I set up for the server should resolve now.
hl2.ocrtf2.com:27015 pass: "stack"
steam://connect/hl2.ocrtf2.com:27015 if you want it as a steam url. ;)
Bleah, apparently SE Chat won't let me include arbitrary protocol links
nice - but... I already added it as a favourite!... don't think I can add that/pin it as a url? :S
@Powerlord as you are doing so much to help out, do you want to be a mod for the room?
shrug Doesn't matter to me.
... ok, well I will do it - when I figure it out...
I know that normal users can see the rooms "owners" (what it calls mods) on the Info page's Access tab. No idea how you actually set them, though.
I've done it now
Now I'm abusing my powers to... pin the message with the server address.
... If anyone else wants to be a mod/help organise, just let me or now Powerlord know...
Oh yeah, Gaming.StackExchange has a Steam group, if anyone wants to join it... you can schedule games there, too.
Well, people with privileges can.
Which we probably don't have there.
... I really don't have that much time for games and am so rubbish... again, I just thought this was a good idea (and hope you game.se guys don't kick our ass!)... happy to join, but I doubt I will be that active!
... I just did something very basic quickly... to make it a little easier as that steam link doesn't work from chat...
what do you think?
It works. Otherwise, I could edit it into the motd, which is actually its own webpage.
That MOTD is ugly looking in HL2MP... it's meant to look like TF2's Chalkboard-style MOTD.
I should add some sort of comment about using a nick we'll recognize...
... do whatever you think is best - I will leave mine up... but do you want you want!
Hmm, I think I have an SFTP client here I can use to edit that MOTD remotely.
@Wil you ready?
Anyone here?
@Moshe I am... but about to play HL2DM... if @Wil will ever get on
I'm here, but stuck at work
Anyone here have an iPhone or other iOS device?
... im here...
just need to write on email.. then I will come on
@Moshe Nope, sorry.
I just released an iOS game, a remake of Dope Wars.
@powerlord - I will keep my page up, that can be the one people from here go to, and you keep your MOTD for in game only - update it as you see fit.
Okay, I'm out. Just shamelessly plugging my game. :-) I'm not a regular here, I'm usually in the MSO Tavern.
I'm surprised you're plugging it here and not on one of, say, Gaming's rooms.
... I have Ios... (Ipad)... I will take look...
@Powerlord I didn't realize this wasn't a gaming room. Where's a good room for that?
@Wil Thanks. I'm working on an update to make it Universal.
What's it called - I don't have itunes on this machine - so need to look on the device
@Wil It's called Nippon.
You can search for "Moshe Berman"
It's a turn based trading game in black and white, just like the original game.
@KronoS - Yep. ;-)
Based on Dope Wars.
As for this room, I just assume it's listed as one of SU's rooms because Wil's chat account has his SU account as its main account. :P
Looks ok from screenshots.... but sorry, I don't want to buy! dont have enough free time as it is!
Ya I'm not interested if I have to buy at the moment
Kronos, sent email, let me know when you are ready, I can't be more than about 5 minutes....
Kronos wants to play but there's no one there :(
And he has to download a map since he just installed the game on his lappy
@wil I will when I get the map downloaded
@KronoS Really? I haven't put any non-standard maps on the server.
Im in game!
@powerlird I think it's cuz I solely installed hl2dm so it still has to download all the hl2 stuff but I'm not sure
That's all i did and I have the map... And it just changed anyway, so try again
@KronoS Installing HL2DM forces you to download the shared sounds, materials, and models anyway.
Otherwise, HL2DM is only a 120MB or so download.
Looks like it's working /me crosses fingers
there we go!...
@wil that was fun! Now for hw
now for w!
now for w+m1!
yeah... fun :( wish I was more accurate... ended up killing myself a few times!
er... wait, that's "how to play TF2 Pyro"
took you with me on the last one!!!
It might be more interesting with more players, especially if we switch it to Team Deathmatch!
eventually, that would be cool... different SE sites against each other!... but for now... all enemies!
Lol it's be cool to have "clan" teams
Oh, I think I mentioned it before, but if you own any Source games (dunno if that includes HL2DM or not), you can get the Fortress Forever mod for free, which is a variation of Team Fortress 1.
One nice thing about Team Fortress games... you can still be useful even if you're not as good as the other players. :)
I'll have to check the list of Steam games that you can use to run HL2 mods when I get home.
I only have Team Fortress one, and Deathmatch/lost coast (and portal trial?) are the only source games I have access to, but I don't think they allow mods
although, from DM2, I can play a few other games :S
Well, I know the Garry's Mod Steam page should have a list of what Source games can be used with mods.
or rather, a link to the list
store.steampowered.com/app/4000 This is the Garry's Mod page, but I can't view it.
Please note that Portal: First Slice and the bundled Half-Life 2: Deathmatch do not fulfill this requirement.
@Wil Why am I not surprised?
worth a shot!
@Wil: I assume you didn't get the full version of Portal when it was free last year?
I played portal all the way through.... and I see Portal in my list (not portal first slice) but I don't remember buying it, or doing anything if/when it was free :S
how can I tell if it is a trial or the full thing?
@Wil Back in mid-2010, Valve made Portal free when the Mac version came out.
I just don't keep up with game news :( wish I had more spare time
If it was Portal: First Slice, it should tell you it's Portal: First Slice. :P
well, if it was first slice, then I have the full thing now... just says portal!
If you made it all the way to GLaDOS in Portal, its not First Slice.
@Powerlord That copy also didn't come with the SDK
@badp Didn't it? I'd have to check... I think I actually created a second Steam account on one of my unused email addresses with Portal attached to it.
@Powerlord It didn't. I hoped it did, as I didn't own any OB games back then.
Having said that, you don't need the SDK to install game mods.
To create them, or new game maps, then yes.
When finally Valve gave HL2 to me, I saw the mods weren't that good anyway.
@badp Well, in this case, I was referring to Fortress Forever, which is a free Team Fortress mod for Source.
so... what shall I try... can't see where to download mods from... :S ... do I install/download portal first?
@Powerlord gah, you make me want to try it, except I must work on this other thing right here.
@Wil You'll likely need it installed, yeah. Most mods are not on Steam themselves, other than the ones that you have to pay for (like Garry's Mod)
Having said that, some have pages on Steam despite their downloads being elsewhere. store.steampowered.com/app/900646 for Fortress Forever
fortress-forever.com is its main site, though
I was just about to get it from their site... 1.3GB :S wow
Well, it is all new models, materials, textures, and maps. HL2DM reuses HL2's models, materials, and textures... so you only have to download the maps if you have an HL2-based game installed.
The crazy part is... Portal and TF2 use a few sounds from HL2, and still need everything. :/
I am going to leave it downloading, but I need to get on with work... sorry :( just got an email and need to add two things to my todo list...
Im going to quickly advertise the game again on gamingSE and MSO... going to say 6:00GMT as that is what won on the survey... as for actual time to start... when everyone is ready!
@kyle @badp please re-register on the new event if you want to... it has the correct time.
@Wil fixed
I will start a Meta topic... Not really getting much of a reaction in chat!
Q: Stack Exchange wide gaming night!

WilHi everyone! By posting this, I feel like this will become one of those Facebook parties where the entire house gets trashed... Crossing my fingers that it will not be like that! Just for the fun of it, a few of us are trying to hold a gaming night - So far it looks like there are going to be q...

@powerlord - is there any way to see server stats without logging on? (that isn't too advanced/easy)
@Wil The Steam Server browser will show you how many people are currently on as well as the current map.
Can I do that without launching the game?
If Steam is running, click it then choose Servers, then click the Favorites tab.
@Wil Yes, although Steam itself has to be running.
I don't know if there's a website that can view this info too or not.
If steam can do it, thats fine
since Steam got reverse engineered there probably will be soon
Oh yeah, in addition to being able to see how many people are on, you can right-click a server name and choose View Server Info to see which people are on and what their scores are.
Right now, that would be Wil with 0 points.
I disconnected a while ago :S
@Wil Dunno why it says you're still on, then.
says 0/16 on mine :S
Now it's showing me 0/16
damn computers!
room topic changed to SE Game On!: Feel free to idle in here - announcements will be made!

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