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Is anyone else here?
@RedRiderX I am, trying to learn how to write MCEdit scripts.
@RonanForman This is the time for Game On, right?
Yeah, in 10 minutes.
There we go.
I haven't used mumble much yet, so this might be a dumb question. When I try to connect to the mumble.stackgaming.com server, it gives a scary "untrusted certificate" message. Should I be worried?
Game ON!
@RedRiderX It's saying the server doesn't trust your certificate, you need to make one.
So what is gameon today?
@Fredy31 We're killing the enderdragon on our survival server.
Thats gonna be a hard one to beat
@Fredy31 Sarcasm?
Are we getting equipment?
@Fredy31 I did say about 3 weeks ago you should get some, but I can lend you stuff if you need it.
So are you all getting in mumble?
My computer restarted, so I have just come back up now.
2 hours later…
Just so everyone knows. We killed the ender-dragon with bread.
@Fredy31 @RedRiderX I made the photo!

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