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08:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Just died because I tried to sprint jump a ravine and it didn't sprint :(
Was gunna win the whole thing too.
@MrSmooth How many are now left?
@James Two, @OrigamiRobot and @DanRasmussen.
Come on @OrigamiRobot!!!
Video is done, I wont make it public but if anyone wants to hear me ramble for 7min let me know.
Ah there
If I had just gone to the right to get to the cave I wanted to, I would never have run into you @MrSmooth :)
@RonanForman I would honestly not worry about the map being too big to make it too hard to find people
Man now I can't wait for next weekend, coz I really wanna win. Don't think I'm gunna be as lucky as this time though. 3 kills and 3 golden apples.
Ta da. Now what?
@DanRasmussen WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So who won?
Good game, all.
Sorry about your tree farm, @OrigamiRobot
Did you blow up on purpose at the end?
@DanRasmussen It was not good
It needed a dramatic end
I was like "WTF is that sound aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
@OrigamiRobot Yeah I'm glad I brought that bucket.
I wish I had a bow, tho.
I should have just hit you with my sword.......
My only foray with a spider ended poorly though.
Actually I realized you could have just dug out the block I was standing on and I would have fallen to my death...
Yea I panicked
I would've done the same had my base started filling with lava.
I found another base, but the wheat was not grown
Where was it?
The tunnel down ended at lava
Hmm. Mine ended at bedrock.
@James Why not?
All that jumping up the stairs was what did me in
@OrigamiRobot Ah, yeah, I actually built stairs to keep my hunger sated.
@DanRasmussen That was my next step
@RonanForman So, uh, what do I do with this 100gb of video I now have?
@RonanForman Thats the whole point of the game, if you want it to be a 3hr match then we can not start near each other :)
@OrigamiRobot Lol, pun..
@RonanForman You were very near me when you blew up
@OrigamiRobot Gratz @DanRasmussen!!!
Were you going towards a torch?
so who won?
@Dan If it's good you can upload it. But I doubt anyone else has enough footage to bother with theirs.
Stick a thing explaining what happened at the beginning.
@Tristan dan, if you can call it winning.
@Tristan Dan won
@RonanForman The best part was when I was chasing @OrigamiRobot around, dropping lava on him. The rest isn't terribly interesting.
@DanRasmussen did you just hang out in my base after you invaded?
No offence @dan
I think it went down to 3 people Very quickly
@RonanForman None taken.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I couldn't figure out how to get out.
@OrigamiRobot I was at 1 heart and didn't want to run into a skeleton.
@Dan Use your best interest.
How did you guys meet up in the end? Did you hunt @OrigamiRobot down??
@James He found me, I ran, I starved.
@RonanForman I'll have to listen back to what I said, but I think it would be interesting I put it in too.
It started raining and everything
@James Yeah - I tracked his nameplate till he stopped moving, then dug down and dropped lava on him.
@DanRasmussen Haha, Nice :)
I escaped the lava
Yeah but that is a flashy entrance :D
Unfortunately. Had I had a bow, I probably could have done better at that point.
But I like the flair of flushing you out to starve. =P
I do think bows are key
Hopefully next week will be way more fun.
@DanRasmussen I heard you digging, I was just alt+tabbed
Also, I stole your iron. ;-)
@OrigamiRobot I was wondering why you didn't run..
@DanRasmussen I had so much more
@RonanForman Make the map large man, even if it just ends up after the time limit we have to call for a gathering and a final show down :)
@DanRasmussen I came back as fast as I could. Just in time
@James We need a mod that slowly shaves chunks off the edge of the world, pushing everyone closer and closer...
There were no cows or pigs where I was.
@OrigamiRobot There were like 4 pigs right outside your base entrance when I came by...
I was living off a couple chickens and zombie meat
@DanRasmussen That honestly does not sound that fun
@DanRasmussen Dammit!
@James I didn't realise the size was exponential to length. 4x less size is about 20x shorter length.
Well you dont even know where my entrance was.
@james Depends on when it starts and how it does it.
@OrigamiRobot True... I assumed it was the cave with the torch. But I could be wrong.
@DanRasmussen It would very much screw the people who were started on the edge, their bases would just be gone
@DanRasmussen That was a fake base. A trap.
Who would put a torch there?
My plan was to wait around a corner for someone to come in
I had full iron armor within 10 minutes
So how fun was it?
@James You'd need some sort of warning. Start everyone in a circle around the world. People would either fight over the center for a secure base, or live like nomads around the edge.
@DanRasmussen However... What if everything sank or raised to a flat plane??
Again sorry for ruining everything.
@Tristan It was fun, lessons learned.
ie, Fill the world with lava from the bottom up to a flat land..
@OrigamiRobot Awesome
If only we could play more than weekly.
@James That would be cool..
@RonanForman Dude, stop saying that, you didnt ruin anything!
@RonanForman You didn't ruin anything at all.
I think the only person who didnt have fun was Nose... and with an attitide like his he didnt have a chance to have fun
@Tristan It was fun, in a heart-pounding "omg I'm going to die from this creeper" way.
Clearly we are all in here eagerly talking about next weeks and how we can add to the situation
@DanRasmussen Dude, I had to do a double take on a red flower and a shady corner... I thought it was @Fredy31 again :D
I can handle creepers with no problem. I lost all my hearts to skeletons
Next week is 100% guaranteed I'll be there.
Then there was a weird combination of a tree w/ snow on it and a black and white sheep that also looked like player name bars :D
Well, I didn't have blood on my shirt at the end. Except mine.
Even if there wasn't a ton of PvP, just the increased risk of losing was intense. You don't get that in single player. You can always just start again.
how many people turned up?
I enjoyed the time I played.
I opened up a hole in my ceiling to stab at a spider I heard and a creeper dropped in on me. >.<
@Tristan 9
@DanRasmussen Yup, that 'Oh god I need to live!' feeling sticks around longer knowing people are looking for you :)
@Tristan Were 9 of us :D
@DanRasmussen Haha, Murder Holes :D
Alllways go with a murder hole :D
I kinda screwed myself with wood...I ran out of picks and had to scramble to get more.
Now I'm super excited for next week.
I felt well prepared for everything but the PvP.
@James Of course the creeper blew my base wide open but didn't kill the spider, who took out more hearts.
@James I have never been good at getting food
I did play alot of practice 'find a good hiding spot, get the right saplings' games yesterday
Well there was more of that than I expected.
@James I think that if we don't increase the size, we should at least say no PvP for 5-10 minutes or something.
Cause I know some people couldn't even get a workbench.
@DanRasmussen The time basing wont work.. cause Ill just follow you for 5min :D
@James Then while you follow me, I can make a sword and whatnot.
Yeah I killed Fredy the first time while he had just placed his bench.. and I got John the second time just chopping down his second tree
If you want to waste your precious opening minutes just following me, go ahead.
@DanRasmussen Was there an issue with players spawning to close together?
@DanRasmussen So can I.. Just illustrating we need to not see each other at the get go
@Tristan @James Yeah
@Tristan I could see John on the hill besides me
And Mr_Smooth and NoseBleed were also close by us
@James At least you didn't start halfway under the ocean. =P
@DanRasmussen First time I started at a depth level of 18 :D
@James That's right... Yeah. Odd. Lol
It was a very nice cave with lava glow at the end :)
But we fixed all that up pretty quick :D
Who else recorded?
The map size did change my strat though.. I always spent the first day just looking for a good place for a base... This time I spent half the first day making sure to clear the area out :)
So what difficulty to play next time?
I did, but its 7min long, hehe
@RonanForman With out it being on hard we will not starve to death
Soo I am torn between going lower or not
@James I didn't think of that.
Medium takes us down to 1 health. So a breeze could kill us.
@RonanForman Only other thing I would say ot keep in mind is going to the nether with a smaller map cause its 1/8th the size of the overworld
@RonanForman I think I would be good with that honestly.. It still a huge thing and one sword stone or arrow does more than a heart of damage
@OrigamiRobot That was mine, the tunnel doesn't end at lava, you could turn to the right and continue on to the ravine I died at. I found enough gold for 3 golden apples down that tunnel.
... I suppose we -could- remove the scaling code from the server/client of the nether...
@MrSmooth Oh wow. Nice man! Glad I died to you :D
@James How?
@MrSmooth I didn't see any gold at all. =[
@MrSmooth I dug into the actual cave and backtracked to the stairs
@RonanForman Scaling I assume you mean? The world actually Isnt smaller, it just scales the coordiantes when you go to enter/exit it.. we turn that off (its a variable in the class that defines the nether) and it goes to a 1 to 1 ratio
Was fun messing around with it for Aether :)
@RonanForman I say 2. Starving is BS when you only get 1 life.
Food is hard enough to come by sometimes.
It'd be pretty anticlimactic for the recording.
Hell if we are going to edit the mod to make it so the nether doesnt scale
we could make you die of starvation on Normal
Only thing is it might be a real pain in the ass to do depending on what files the mod itself changes
(ive not worked on a mod in too long of a time to recognize the class file names)
2 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
@RonanForman I say 2. Starving is BS when you only get 1 life.
@OrigamiRobot I like the starving
It means the survival of me to try and win depends on more than dodging people's swords and arrows
Its not just the people I have to fight against
@James Going down to 1 heart is enough
I don't think we should do any editing, for the nether will clip to a existing overworld portal. So the getting out the map shouldnt happen.
Man, I know it musn't have been that fun for everyone else (except maybe @OrigamiRobot and @DanRasmussen) but I had a blast. Killed 3 people, and was down to one heart for a while, scared of death.
@RonanForman Its not out of the map that is a concern
@James Mobs and fall damage.
Haven't had that much fun in Minecraft in a while
Wish I could play it every day
Its that I can make a nether portal, hop into it and back out again and end up at YOUR portal
Also, fall damage death was BS.
@James That's a great mechanic
it was used in the Mindcrack series
@MrSmooth The bit I played was fun.
@MrSmooth I would like to get a GSE PvP server going.
it makes it good to ambush people
@MrSmooth Makes the nether VERY tricky
Yeah I need to finish watching season 6.. Guude didnt have all of his videos posted..ive swapped over to Vintage Beef
@James I still haven't watched past ep 4 or so yet, don't spoil it for me
er, seasone 3.
@James You should watch vintage beef part 3 of the mindcrack game.
Ive watched 5 Guude episodes and 1 VintageBeef
@James At one point in the game when there was just 3 of us, me and @DanRasmussen both had the same idea to ambush someone's nether portal, but no-one had made one yet
They've all finished now. Kurt's was the best.
@James I'm watching from all the perspectives, that's why I haven't caught up yet.
@MrSmooth Ahh nice.
@RonanForman Ill have to check it out then
I did that after part 3.
I am saving Etho for last
Seeing as I'm on holiday all week maybe we could play midweek. I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind if I went nocturnal.
He has such a calm quite voice I am interested what he might sound like in this game :)
All forghtnight in fact.
Id be down for an impromptu game.. Just I work so after that would be optimal for me
hell Id hop into one now just to try out map sizes and such :)
@RonanForman Hell yeah, I'm heaps up for it. Looks like I'm going to be moving sleeping back till at least about 8 in the morning so I don't have to wake up early, I can just play before I go to bed.
afk a min or three, Making RL food so I dont starve :)
I am on mumble, feel free to scare the crap out of me there
I think everyone can fit in at 0000UTC. tell me if I'm wrong.
@James I did that to @Origami he was sleeping.
@RonanForman You and @Wipqozn
And by play I meant isn't working.
@RonanForman I think thats 1pm for me..
I will not be able to play until 6PM PST
@RonanForman @James @MrSmooth I'd be in for another if I'm free.
I can't right now.
Maybe its 4pm?
@DanRasmussen If I could get the server to work on my server Id host one
You could just use a standard map an say no going past 512 in any direction.
@James I have a server I can use.
Okay how about 0700UTC? I'd just need to get up early.
@RonanForman We'll need to be careful, though. It'd be hard to keep track of.
If I am counting on my fingers right thats 11pm my time and should be easily doable
@DanRasmussen Good connection?
@RonanForman This is a difficult rule, it's not very obvious you've broken it unless you check a lot, and by the time you check you may be way out of bounds.
@James It's over WiFi, unfortunately, but I've never had a problem with it personally. The internet itself is fast enough, as is the PC
@RonanForman 0700UTC is a little late for me. I'd prefer 0500UTC or earlier.
@DanRasmussen Ill give it a go.. Only thing we need is a way to spawn randomly
@James I've got a small survival server set up atm. you can jump on if you want to test your lag.
@OrigamiRobot That was pretty funny.
@DanRasmussen 5 bars :)
@Wipqozn Did you see what I said about that "The Friendship Express" dvd?
was it random I spawned in an NPC village? :D
@James Awesome!
@Tristan No.
I've been afk
Be leaving again in a moment too.
@James And no, it wasn't. You also get to guinea-pig my permissions system... Lol
@Wipqozn Oh. Well the DVD has the unaltered "The Last Round-up" on it... So if you wanna own the episode in which Derpy speaks, it's only $10
@Tristan oh okay. cool.
returns to being afk
@DanRasmussen Disconnected.. Do we have anyone else interested? I do not mind 1 on 1 but 1 on 1 on 1 on 1 would be more fun :)
@James You broke my server....
@DanRasmussen What?? how?
Okay green to times you can easily do. Yellow to ones you can and red to ones you can't for reasons like work.
@James Idk... Lol. But you crashed it.
@RonanForman How do we do yellow..?
@DanRasmussen I only logged off man :)
@DanRasmussen Go to Calendar View
@Dan Maybe there's no yellow then.
@RonanForman I am, I only can check yes or no.
I'll need the new G.SE Intro for my video
Use greens for now. I'll try and find an option to turn them on.
@RonanForman Are we marking when we can start or when we can play?
Shirt I've closed it.
Okay, open again.
@Dan play.
@RonanForman Alright.
Why can't I save my file as HD in WMM? =/
Whew, 240 clicks later, I am done :)
Haha, looks like we are all free this evening :)
Dammit, the ifneedbe option isn't editable.
Thats Yellow?
Watching my own video. It's alright, but I speak a bit softly, and there are parts where I don't speak for a while.
I really wanna see @OrigamiRobot and @DanRasmussen perspectives.
@RonanForman Bah. I filled it out, THEN made an account.
@MrSmooth I would love to see yours and mine :)
LIke what you were saying when you were eyeing me on the hill :D
Hopefully we'll get a better game when we play again.
@RonanForman Is the server running? Is it up? Is the server up? Is it?
@James For me there were 3 chunk errors in that area, but you just ran over them like you were flying, so I was worried that if I tried to fight you I would fall.
@MrSmooth LOL I could have just run backwards and been ok!?!?
@MrSmooth WMM is not cooperating.
@James You ran to the wrong side. You went left, when if you had have gone right I would have been too scared to follow you.
@MrSmooth drat :)
Truth be told I wasnt looking for you.. I meant that is the same area I killed John in. I was running back to an area around there that had a good place for a cave entrance :)
Easter should help us quite a bit with this.
@Tristan @John @Wipqozn @OrigamiRobot @IanPugsley Can you fill this in? doodle.com/7kyyr43c53pmx37m
We honestly seem to be free 6pm to midnight PST every day, 4 to midnight tonight
I need to do some tests to see why recording was breaking.
@DanRasmussen Still around?
@James Yeah, I had to restart. WMM. >=/
If you're going to upload it please mark it as a test game.
@James Hardcore?
@DanRasmussen Aye
Test ping though and such
@RonanForman Lol, with pleasure. I may just upload a lower quality version.
@James "Outdated server"
Should be 1.2.4 hard core..
@RonanForman I would need that new intro. For my video
Oddness, everything tells me its 1.2.4
Youre doing a new game?
@Fredy31 I dont think we are putting the intros on them, just marking em as test videos
That was not the true game?
@Fredy31 It was a game, we had fun, but we all hope the next one will last a bit longer for more of us :)
And I am testing to see how my server handles people right now
Yer wlcome to log in as well, info is up top
Wont have time for the game
We're pretedeng they're tests so we don't feel like such failures.
I'll post it... Still as unlisted?
Hey I took out a guy and knocked down Mr Smooth a bit, I call that a win :)
Basically, this games come back on who has a gank on who
Told you I wouldnt be able to play the full game
So if I come, it will be spectating
Its not the full game, Its just me floating in the air trying to wonder why Dan cant log in
No, with only 2 vids post public as it's not to much spam.
@James Oops. Forgot the port.
@James I don't like my spawn. Big empty desert. Lol
Rendering the intro for you now.
Really? it put me in the jungle on the edge of the desert.
I won't post a ME3 vid today if you're going to be uploading these now.
ok yeah we will do that
I'm ready to render
I don't mind either way.
Only the game or I try to fit your intro in?
Don't bother, just put a link to the mod thread in the description.
Dan and I just tried out a duel, very interacticve no laggy lag
Laggy Lag? Is there any other kind?
Unfortunately my schedule changed. I'm busy for the next 5 hours or so. So feel free to go without me, or test another setup, but if you'd like to play when I'm back that'd work.
@RonanForman Awesome
I think we need to get one of SE's servers for 'community building excercises'.
@RonanForman We totally should... With all the money they pump into Gaming.SE in prizes and whatnot I'm sure something could be worked out.
@Dan what's your email?
@Dan Okay you can delete it now.
@RonanForman It's not letting me. =/
...or not. Either way.
Cause you responded to it I guess. Can you delete your comment with my name tagged>
It's probably cause it's too late.
Ask a mod.
@RonanForman What was that info for?
YouTube account.
Ah, gotcha
Hey Ronan, Dan and Smooth and I so far seem to have prtty good ping on this server
@RonanForman "Confirm my recovery email address: w•••••••[email protected]"
And I don't know the favorite past time of the dutch...
That's good. Do you have the mod installed?
Care to join us and check it out?
well me, Mr Smooth is heading out :)
@Dan That's the right email and kidnapping children.
Gah. Windows Movie Maker crashes and Lightworks can't read my .avi's.
@Dan Are you into the account?
If so I can sleep.
@RonanForman Yeah I'm in. Still fighting with the videos tho.
That can be annoying.
It shouldn't be this hard. =[
@RonanForman I'm not sure about my availability this week yet - I know Wednesday and Thursday are probably out
@RonanForman How big was the map for the Ultra-Hardcore alerady?
Making the description for the video
@Fredy31 512x512 supposedly
How are you doing your editing?
felt smaller
Already uploading
and not all of us had enough footage to edit :)
Alright all - I'm out for a few hours. See you then.
It's been a pleasure.
08:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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