@James You'd need some sort of warning. Start everyone in a circle around the world. People would either fight over the center for a secure base, or live like nomads around the edge.
Even if there wasn't a ton of PvP, just the increased risk of losing was intense. You don't get that in single player. You can always just start again.
The map size did change my strat though.. I always spent the first day just looking for a good place for a base... This time I spent half the first day making sure to clear the area out :)
@OrigamiRobot That was mine, the tunnel doesn't end at lava, you could turn to the right and continue on to the ravine I died at. I found enough gold for 3 golden apples down that tunnel.
@RonanForman Scaling I assume you mean? The world actually Isnt smaller, it just scales the coordiantes when you go to enter/exit it.. we turn that off (its a variable in the class that defines the nether) and it goes to a 1 to 1 ratio
Man, I know it musn't have been that fun for everyone else (except maybe @OrigamiRobot and @DanRasmussen) but I had a blast. Killed 3 people, and was down to one heart for a while, scared of death.
@James At one point in the game when there was just 3 of us, me and @DanRasmussen both had the same idea to ambush someone's nether portal, but no-one had made one yet
@RonanForman Hell yeah, I'm heaps up for it. Looks like I'm going to be moving sleeping back till at least about 8 in the morning so I don't have to wake up early, I can just play before I go to bed.
@RonanForman This is a difficult rule, it's not very obvious you've broken it unless you check a lot, and by the time you check you may be way out of bounds.
@James For me there were 3 chunk errors in that area, but you just ran over them like you were flying, so I was worried that if I tried to fight you I would fall.
Truth be told I wasnt looking for you.. I meant that is the same area I killed John in. I was running back to an area around there that had a good place for a cave entrance :)
Unfortunately my schedule changed. I'm busy for the next 5 hours or so. So feel free to go without me, or test another setup, but if you'd like to play when I'm back that'd work.