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@Wipqozn If people want to send me footage I'd be happy to edit it, although hopefully there wont be as much as in RfW.
Could I suggest a G.SE YouTube account to upload to, we could also have all the videos for the blog there.
If we have anyone who could make music for them that would be good too. I'm supposed to be musician but I'm not very good.
Also could we get some grant money to buy regular game on-ers copys of fraps or something to so we have more footage to use. We could also use CamStudio but that doesn't record directly from the game I don't think.
@RonanForman that's a good idea
We should talk to David Fullerton once we get Game on! going again.
I was setting up a youtube account
but my browser crashed
I'm going to upload the rest of RfW to my personal account anyway just so it's all in one place.
@Wipqozn Don't make the YouTube account just for game on! Have it for all of gaming.
@RonanForman I was
the password and secret questions were inside jokes and everything!
Nice that way you can tell people the password without giving it away!
Also what email are you using? If you're using yours you get spam for comments uploads etc.
@RonanForman I'm making a new account
11 hours later…
Are we allowed to do all this?
8 hours later…
is there a game on goin' on?
@RonanForman I don't see why not.
@RonanForman Why not?
Having a single youtube account will make it easy to tie it into the facebook page as well.
@oraclecertifiedprofessional Probably not. No one is really around. Game on! hasn't been going on for awhile. We are planning to get it going again soon though.
I mean the email and everything, aren't we sort of impersonating the SE team?
@RonanForman Not really, but we can just ask.
I'm just going to go ahead and make the account when I have time.
If you're concerned though, just ask David Fullerton.
However, if people wish to play Game on!...
Team Fortress 2 is this weeks Game on!
Not even sure if the server is up though
@Wip When we start the best of things I think it'd be more practical to to one every two months rather than monthly
@RonanForman SOunds good.
@Wipqozn didn't we have race for wool in 20 mins?
Honestly, I have no experience with video editing at all. so I'm going to be differing to the judgement of others for that.
@badp oh, right. I was thinking 9pm my time
@Wipqozn oh? what's 9pm your time?
@badp 9pm my time would be in 5 and a half hours
I doubt we'd have enough for a video each month.
@Wipqozn uh. What's your timezone?
@badp Atlantic Canada
okay, 1:30 here. Fine.
-4 UTC
@badp 9utc is in 1:20 minutes.
@Wipqozn I can't put either of that in time.is :P
@badp I meant I forgot to convert the time for race for wool to my time zone
so is the thing starting in 80 minutes or 5 hours?
80 minutes.
okay then. Later
So @badp is still filling in for @Wipqon ?
I would like to go on record as being in favor of changing the game from 3v3vElements to 6vElements
@RonanForman Because it seems impossibly difficult the way it currently is, and they said they were stuck on their side without more people also.
But if y'all want to keep it how it is, that's fine too.
Just stating my preference.
@John We did keep running in uncoordinated with no armour or plan.
@RonanForman Which brings me to request 2: if we leave it how it is, I would like to meet you and @FallenAngelEyes in Mumble 15 minutes early to strategize.
Sure, but I'll try and be on in 15, latest 25.
@RonanForman Alrighty.
Computer crash. I sure hope it doesn't do this while we're playing...
@Wipqozn ok, ta
You guys can go ahead and replace me if you want, I have plans with my guildmates tonight
@FallenAngelEyes It's funny since they already replaced me
I'm working on a project with my group right now.
They'd asked if I'd join them for stuff this weekend but I told them I had Minecraft, and when Minecraft was canceled, I let them know I could join them
so I'm kind of busy in that stuff atm, I didn't expect we were going to be doing it at all this weekend with subs or anything
We might as well cancel, I don't really want to kick 2 people out.
well it's a shame to cancel, but to be entirely honest, I've some work I really need to get done. And I've at least stopped playing Skyrim for a moment to get ready for this, so if it's cancelled I might actually use the time to be productive... well... possibly maybe
@John what is "elements"?
@badp Giant lava pools with ghast spawners overhead for one.
With many many mob spawners incased in obsidian spread all through this field.
Then there's this total nightmare of a forest.
@badp I think he's meaning we play "players vs world"
@DMA57361 Yeah, that.
Which would make it possible to play without @FallenAngelEyes, coincidentally.
I feel bad about substituting for people, but if we don't, it's starting to look like we may never finish this.
It's already been like a month.
Looks like this is going to be much harder than what I thought
@badp You have no idea.
The core idea is still getting the colored wool pieces right?
My team hasn't even gotten to the obsidian monster fortress that the other team is stuck at.
@badp Yes, it is.
How many are there?
@badp 3.
per team.
also this thing should be starting in 2 minutes
1 now.
so, uh, server? mumble?
So do we play without @FallenAngelEyes or not?
@badp Room description. :)
That doesn't answer 'what server we're playing on'
I am in favor of having our 5 players join forces against the world.
@badp Um, it says right there "mine.stackgaming.com".
Unless @MarcoCeppi backed out too?
@John It would but I can't read
@badp Oh....um....ok....
knowing @badp is lying because he's reading this room
One second, starting it up
So we're all doing 1 team?
I say yes.
@John tsk. Like 90% of the internet, I'm in write only mode
@RonanForman I'd be up for that
@badp :P
Okay fine.
I'm starting from zero anyway
Which side should we play on?
at this stage I'd rather get the damn thing finished than worry about which side is winning
We have 1 piece of wool, and Wip said you guys have none.
@DMA57361 Haha yeah.
@John correct
@DMA57361 So, our side or yours?
We're further.
@RonanForman No we're not.
They're past the lava pool.
I think left was furthest
We were at the giant wall
with all the mobs
We have 2 wool.
Let's start over \o/
@RonanForman Seriously!? When did we get the second one?
@badp glares
gets bashed on the head with a sledgehammer
@badp :D
I also suspect you guys were more organised and have more supplies that us
I am really getting rate limited suddenly here....
@John We haven't got it to the monument yet.
Am I typing too fast?
@RonanForman I didn't think we had gotten either to the monument yet.
I'm closing chrome now, so can we get into mumble?
@DMA57361 I dunno, we're kinda ragtag ATM.
@RonanForman aren't we all already?
server's down
going up I imagine
what version of MC do we need again?
This minecraft session brought to you by Juju!
@MarcoCeppi Can you hop in mumble?
@RonanForman Afraid not, I don't have mumble or a mic on this machine
@MarcoCeppi Oh.
@MarcoCeppi Something's up with the server.
What is it?
What version is running?
@MarcoCeppi I'm spamming TF2 voicechats on mumble
although I'm not sure they're going through
oh well
That's probably what's wrong
We can all switch to 1.8 if @MarcoCeppi and @badp have jars
I can do that
but I don't have the 1.8 server libs
just updated the server
Try now
We're in.
Are you coming?
Minecraft is not responding
oh it's back
2 hours later…
finally finished! hurrah etc
@DMA57361 I feel bad about cheating though... :(
@John meh, officially we gave up, really
@DMA57361 :(
it would have been nice to finish, but we were at a total of what 4.5hrs?
what happened?
@DMA57361 Yeah about there.
@FallenAngelEyes we died
@FallenAngelEyes We majorly cheated.
I have 4:45 of footage.
The end was insane.
@FallenAngelEyes and then after giving up subtly bypassed the end zone :/
Lava traps down sheer vertical bedrock drops.
We just dug round and got the wool.
We built a bridge in the middle.
we did however get rid of the ghast spawners without cheating, I think
@DMA57361 Most of them, anyway...
Anyways, when are we going to finish RAce for Wool?
And then we got a screenshots that I can edit to have a camera and stuff.
@Wipqozn IDK, go schedule us another Minecraft game.
The map I was talking about is calling "Sea Of Flame"
@RonanForman you need to photoshop in everyone that's missing :P
I played a little, and it was much easier.
Should we play RfW2 or Sea of Flame?
What I'm thinking is I write race for wool and the a stamp saying failed on it.
@RonanForman :(
@RonanForman lol, sounds like a plan
Actually if I could do a ghost face thing of FAE Marco and Wip in the background.
@RonanForman LOL!
"Killed in Action"
Also @badp you're looking at the floor in the photo.
@RonanForman lol
at least I wasn't blinking
@Wipqozn Go ahead and schedule us another map! :D
@John perhaps we won't upload it on youtube then :P
t'was fun
@badp And miss out on the publicity?
lets do it again sometime but with a less painful map :P
Well, we can't say we were awesome and finished it without cheating, but we can say we had a good excuse.
what publicity? that we had to cheat? :P
and I'm off; cya all later
@DMA57361 From what I played, Sea of Flame is far easier.
Despite the name.
@DMA57361 Goodnight!
@badp The publicity that we get from posting videos to Youtube! :P
(People do still get publicity for that, right?)
We waited so long to finish that the next open slot in the schedule is in only about 3 weeks..
Anyway the first video is now up!
It is up right?
@Ronan looks good to me.
You could view it before remember.
@RonanForman I can view it.
@badp You had to have the HUD up.
I'll post mine tomorrow, I've shutdown my PC.

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