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Tyberius has unfrozen this room.
Thanks @Tyberius !!
Q: Preview is different from the post

Dmitryhttps://cs.stackexchange.com/a/139329/114966 Seems like lists and equations are not friendly with each other. Preview: Result:

@Discretelizard Any idea why this room has been so inactive?
@D.W. How is the review queue doing here at CS? It seems it's taking forever for my edit to take effect, is there a huge number of reviews in the backlog?
@NikeDattani Getting enough eyes on the review queue has been a challenge for a while. See e.g. cs.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1742/755.
I've cleared the edit review queue. Thank you for your edit, and sorry for the delay.
@D.W. Interesting! I'd help with the review queue but I think I need to earn some more rep first. I do see that the following question did not make it into the HNQ list due to having MathJax in the title:
Q: Is it true that $ 2^{O(3k)} = 2^{O(k)} $?

John19Is it true that $ 2^{O(3k)} = 2^{O(k)} $? But It should be different from $ O(2^{k}) = 2^{O(k)} $ ? I will be happy for simple explanation. Thanks.

Would a title like: "Do constants matter in Big O notation?" be a better fit? The present title only covers half of the cases presented in the actual question anyway.
@NikeDattani I don't have an opinion, perhaps others will be. I'm not sure that would be an ideal question for HNQ.
@D.W. Okay. Seems the chat room has been a bit inactive lately though!

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