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Q: Finding reductions

AnonymousI am taking a complexity course and I am having trouble with coming up with reductions between NPC problems. How can I find reductions between problems? Is there a general trick that I can use? How should I approach a problem that asks me to prove a problem is NPC?

2 hours later…

CharIs it not possible to view FACTOR as a special case of KNAPSACK? When I see the knapsack problem, or subset sum for that matter, I see a factoring problem. If the language for factoring is: FACTOR = {(N,r) there is a g, 1 < g < r, such that f(g) = 0 ∑xi = g, xi⊆ {1, . . . , n}, f(g) = ...

2 hours later…
Q: What is meant by "solvable by non deterministic algorithm in polynomial time"

user5507In many text books NP problems are defined as: Set of all decision problems solvable by non deterministic algorithms in polynomial time I couldn't understand the part "solvable by non deterministic algorithms". Anyone please explain that

Q: Where can I find good study material on Role Mining?

siddharthI need to cover these topics in Role Mining. If anyone knows good site which well summarizes the topics and concepts are well explained please help out. Basic role mining problem • Delta-approx RMP • Min-noise RMP • Nature of the RMP problems • Mapping RMP to database tiling problem • Minimum ti...

Q: Add short reference for Latex commands

Ran G.Some users are not familiar with the LaTeX notations, which is perfectly fine, but it would be better if we could refer them to some FAQ/help page that explain the basic commands, in a similar way to the markdown edit-help. I suggest to add to the editing help page a short summary of basic Latex...

10 hours later…
Q: An efficient algorithm for finding optimal parallel decompositions

Patrick87Imagine a completely sequential program $P$ written as a sequence of instructions $(i_1, i_2, ..., i_n)$. Define a class of relations over the set $I$ of all possible instructions as follows: $S_P$, where $i S_P j$ if and only if $i$ must be executed before $j$ in order to guarantee an executio...

2 hours later…
Q: Ordering elements so that some elements don't come between others

Patrick87Given a set of elements $$\Sigma = \{\sigma_1, \sigma_2, ..., \sigma_n\}$$ and a set of triplets $$S = \{(\sigma_i, \sigma_j, \sigma_k) | \sigma_i, \sigma_j, \sigma_k \in \Sigma, i \neq j, j \neq k, i \neq k\}$$ find an algorithm which either constructs an ordering $\rho_S = (\sigma_{m_1}, \sigma...

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Q: Plain English explanation of Big O

Arec BarrwinWhat is a plain English explanation of Big O? With as little formal definition as possible and simple mathematics.

1 hour later…
Q: algorithm for finding best connections between uneven Knots (Chinese Postman Problem)

SimI am writing a Program, solving the "Chinese Postman Problem" in an undirected Graph and currently facing the problem to find the best "additional" Edges to connect the uneven knots. So I can compute an Euler-Tour. There might be (considering the size of the Graph that wants to be solved) an eno...

1 hour later…
A: What is meant by "solvable by non deterministic algorithm in polynomial time"

Mohammad Al-TurkistanyHere is an equivalent and more natural interpretation: A problem $L$ is said to be in $NP$ if there is a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm for all $x\in L$ which verifies the membership of $x$ in $L$ using a short certificate $y$ ($|y| \lt |x|^c$).

@Gilles this is actually the answer that leaves my intuition the coldest by far
@ComputerScience @Patrick87 Why did you delete this question?
Admittedly, your model looks odd (but then I know nothing about compilers), because it seems to assume a sequential processor
Q: coq question about syntax of definitions

Mayer GoldbergWhile examining the package Library ZFC.Sets, I found the following definition: Definition Paire : forall E E' : Ens, Ens. intros. apply (sup bool). simple induction 1. exact E. exact E'. Defined. I don't care, for the moment what is actually defined. What I do care about is that I don't unders...

@Gilles is this Stack Overflow material or Computer Science material?
@Gilles I decided to look into the question just a little more before putting it up, in light of discussion with Dave Clarke.
1 hour later…
@ComputerScience (Q.1242) What's going on there? what is the f()? Does anyone see why this is factoring?? It makes no sense to me at all
I don't know what he's on about either

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