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The perfect response to the lazy asker is the way too comprehensive answer. Huzza, @Juho! :D
@Raphael Oh well... I'm happy if more people become aware of ISGCI :-) It's easy to just link to it pretty much
(btw I guess I wasn't sure if you were being sarcastic or not :p)
Does anyone know how I could go about finding a good RCA to USB converter with developer API? I'd like to find one for developing my own application for streaming RCA compatible consoles to PC.
Also if this is the wrong forum to ask on, which would be the more appropriate one?
@FatalSleep This is so the wrong chat. We do computer science, not hardware support. I'm not sure where to send you; Super User maybe? You can hit their chat. The answer is probably, Google + "you'll need a license".
@Jim Why do you keep bugging people? You got a devent amount of feedback, which you chose to ignore. If nobody answered till now, it's unlikely they will. I suggest you take the feedback to heart and improve your question.
@Juho Sure -- quick question, quick answer. They got what they asked for! (No, not sarcastic at all. At least not in your direction. :D)
Okay, yep :)
I love how you were able to give an absolutely correct answer that is unlikely to be of any use to them. (Which of these 123 classes is relevant to them?) In a way, your answer proves that the question was too broad, doesn't it?
Well, I'd assume the OP can browse the classes and their relationships and decide what is useful for him/her
But I suppose you are also correct in that the question is quite broad: there are a lot of classes for which coloring is easy (and hard)
But why do you think it's unlikely it will be of use to the OP? For instance, perhaps the OP didn't know chordal graphs are perfect, and form a larger class of easily colorable graphs
@Juho Not useful in the sense that they probably wanted a quick answer they could use immediately, not one that would require them so spend hours of work on. Sure, if the answer ot their original issue exists, it's probably on that site. But will they find it?
They should have given more detail in the question, in order to facilitate more focused answers.
Perhaps the OP was just curious, and is happy to do a little exploring? :p But yes, I agree more details = a better, more focused answer
@Juho True, that may also be possible. Let's assume this, it's the more hopeful scenario.
@Raphael , you should not use the word "bugging" =D , unnecessary , the message was a consequence of "Rick Decker
Jun 23, 1:05
Not at present. I may delve deeper into it if I can find the time" . Also,It got a bit feedback from VZN, nobody else has said anything. About improving, i changed according to feedback as much as I could ( changed 2nd assumption according to your objection ). So , not thoughtful words from our beloved moderator .
@Jim Allowing an exponential-time oracle for solving a problem that is in NP seems ... boring.
@Raphael, we were discussing about "bugging" not "boring", it would be a little inconvenient for me if you change the subject. are satisfied with my answer regarding "bugging"?
I am not good at english, still, I think "Allowing an exponential-time oracle for solving a problem that is in NP seems ... boring." is quit offensive
anyway, sorry could not entertain you.
@Jim You said you changed the condition, so I checked an re-feedbacked.
@Jim It's only offensive if you think it insulting if somebody tells you that the problem you study is trivial. (I'm not 100% certain that is the case with yours.).
For instance, solving problems in P while allowing polynomial-time oracles is boring. Just use a solver for the problem as oracle, done.
It seems you are doing that. (Before you seemed to be assuming an oracle that may not exist. Similarly boring (maybe), but on the other end of the spectrum.)
@Raphael, that 2 assumption(related to matrices D,Q) has nothing to do with the original question , i am tiered saying this over and over. the question was " does there exist a polynomial time algorithm to sort C so that B=A? I.e., is there a polynomial f ?" , why it is so hard to comprehend?
that was written explicitly in "Question" paragraph, you are busy over something which is not the focus of the post, do you realizie that?
@Jim Apparently not. I don't see why it's fair to assume an oracle for GI when writing an algorithm for GI. You have not gone into detail rejecting David's reference, either.
Anyway, I won't spend more time on your question. Just trying to tell you why/how you have to clarify if you want to get more help.
@Raphael it will not require hours of work if they knew how to use the tool & are only looking for a few cases that fit their criteria. the tool looks very powerful but also somewhat under-documented.
@Raphael i wish I could tell you the whole story which is not appropriate on SE. Anyway , it seems you are nitpicking rather than trying to help but I could be wrong.If you are honestly trying to help, thanks.
@Jim youve gotten a lot of feedback from a lot of ppl in chat & comments on the post.
incl two se (cs) mods etc!
@vzn, hmm, 1 person post an answer, 1 wish to look in future, 3 commented , total 5 person and 2 from them in chat...."a lot"
@Jim I give you my honest opinion. Which may be wrong, of course, in which case there is no need for you to get offended; either ignore me or try to explain why I'm wrong. If I'm right, however, your question/project has serious issues, so you may want to make very sure I'm wrong.
@Jim yes. by se stds that is a lot. maybe you hadnt noticed but many Qs get few votes & little feedback, no answers etc
it seems clear to most of us that you are not "incorporating feedback"....
would like to see you advance! but you seem to have narrow, preconceived ideas of precisely how that would happen. ("fair enough!")
fyi as previously indicated se may not actually be well suited to the type of work you seem to be attempting (alas)...
@Raphael, i think you are not interested to look into the post, it seems you are disturbed and the evident bias you have is showing, you are stuck at a point which is not relevant at the moment. But you keep saying the same thing over and over . You have forgotten that you are not the OP, i am the OP here, and you trying to say something..... , it is not that easy to explain , especially from a person who is not a hotshot academic.
@vzn , i am fed up with you comments like "magical thinking" , "se stds that is a lot", lets drop these , i request you. I have got a little from you,(most of them I knew before I posted), nothing else. what I got is no where near. I understand you are not interested on this post , i will try to remeber that.
@Jim apparently am more interested than almost anyone else & you devalue that. you contradict my stated interest. your attitude seems impatient/ off. think you will not get far fixating on a single question & not taking anyones advice.
@vzn yes you were interested, not now. and you are wrong saying I devalued , I appreciated whenever I could (upvoting, comments). you advised to visit 2 sites for what?? you never said that. to edit/write more efficiently?? how that becomes a good advise where i am asking a specific question from you to explain myself. Atleast raphael asked a specific question, you.. did not.
yes i am impatient now, thanks for mentioning that.
"not taking anyones advice" what advice ??? please write in plain english, english is not my native language .
"you will not get far fixating on a single question" spot on!! No contradiction on this!!
@Jim plz do not dictate/ 2nd guess my interests. am interested in this line of research but you seem not to realize you are attempting research. research cannot be done in individual se questions. they may get votes but they will not get (direct) answers. regrettably! learned that the hard way myself over several yrs/ many Qs on this site!
@Jim advised you to write up the ideas outside of se, you continue to reject/ ignore that.
@vzn understood.I 'll remember .
@vzn I dont reject it , i just dont understand what it will do ? would you like to have latex document ?
@Jim seriously consider that what you want/ expect from other se users/ "experts" may not be possible/ available at this time!
@Jim to describe your research you would have to write like a researcher eg the intro part of a scientific paper. such intros are typically a dozen or few paragraphs long at a minimum.
they are very carefully constructed, every sentence has a purpose, every sentence builds on the prior one in a step-by-step fashion.
So that was your point(advising 2 sites) , making a complete latex document?
@Jim am advising you to reformulate the way you define the problem in a clearer way and a scratch-pad latex site will help with that
also, to attempt to tie it in with related research.
you think you have already clearly stated the problem, you insist that, but your feedback is uniformly stating the opposite, that its not clearly stated ... "yet"
there is more than 1 way to state a problem, equivalently, there is great value in finding the most understandable statement...
that also can help substantially in tying it in with existing research.
@vzn you will be glad to know that i have started using latex software. i have made a draft/ overview of the whole idea in latex, but doubt that draft will be considered as "clear"
@vzn it is not possible at the moment. i tried .
@vzn If one says the post is unclear , i can not argue on that saying it is clear but that vagueness could have been resolved if asker communicates with me. I am willing to change the content according to reader .
@Jim there is a lot of nearby research to what you are working on.
GI is a highly studied problem esp wrt regular graphs as "hard cases"
the approach is different in my case, does not look similar.
@Jim everyone says/ thinks that but the claim is sometimes made naively without much depth of investigation into prior/ "nearby" research.
if you point me to your draft, will read it/ give you feedback line by line
that drat is as good as this post though it gives the complete story. how can i show /send you the draft ??
@Jim the software has links to display the draft. which one are you using? it is documented
if it is no different than your post, then rework/ redo it
i have installed a latex software and made a latex pdf.
@Jim ok. just share the pdf on a google drive site or open a blog (etc), afaik eg wordpress allows pdfs
give me 5 mins
@Jim pdf is fine dont know the easiest site, use wordpress myself, a lot of ppl use google drive etc
@vzn i can give you an academia.edu link , that will do?
@Jim prob ok may have to get to it later
@vzn i warn you , that document is much concentrated/ less elaborated. It has no tie with existing research. that document would be less clear than the post, i reckon (seeing the feedback i got from you). but It is the summary/overview of the complete story. the problem is I dont know how elaborate like "a dozen or few paragraphs long at a minimum." but I ensure you " every sentence has a purpose, every sentence builds on the prior one in a step-by-step fashion.".
@Jim ok. do you realize you are working on longterm & not shortterm research? do you want to/ have enough interest to sustain work on it for weeks, months? are you open to changing the presentation significantly to improve readability? if you really are committed to this lets open a separate room at some pt & continue the ongoing discussion there
@vzn yes to all that.
have not heard much about academia.edu but just was browsing the site, it looks promising, they have a lot of papers, specializing in open access etc
@vzn what i do now, open a new chat room and invite you?then give you the link? I have the link at the moment. room chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/25373/room-for-jim-and-vzn
3 hours later…
Hello!! Is the language $L={w∈∑* | |w|_a=|w|_b, |w|_c = 2*|w|_a}$ contexfree?
To see this we have to check if there is a CFG that generates this language, right?
If we would have the language $L'={w∈∑* | |w|_a=|w|_b}$ the language would be contextfree, and a CFG that generates the language would be:
S -> aSb | bSa | ab | ba
@babou do you maybe have an idea?
Do we maybe have to use the pumping lemma?
I tried the following:
We suppose that $L$ is context-free.

Let $s$ be a word of the language, $s=a^pb^pc^{2p}$, where $p$ is the pumping length.

Then from the pumping lemma, we can write $s=uvwxy$ such that $|vwx| \leq p$, $|vx| \geq 1$ and $uv^iwx^iy, \forall i \geq 0$.

There are the following cases:

1. $vwx = a^j$ for some $j \leq p$.
2. $vwx = a^jb^k$ for some $j$ and $k$ with $j+k \leq p$.
3. $vwx = b^j$ for some $j \leq p$.
4. $vwx = b^jc^k$ for some $j$ and $k$ with $j+k \leq p$.
5. $vwx = c^j$ for some $j \leq p$.
@MaryStar which "pumping lemma"? the "pumping lemma" is typically for RLs. it looks maybe CFL to me.

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