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I think the down vote on election should be removed. Assume 25 peoples up vote for a candidate. 26th Person down vote, it means the down vote hurts one among the 25. Sorry if I am wrong.
@version.beta You are wrong. You have 3 options when voting for one person. Up vote: the person is right for the job, Down vote: the person is wrong for the job, No vote: You're not sure about it. If the down vote is removed how would you differentiate between the people that are wrong for the job and the ones that you are not sure about?
@Marius some what okay. but if one is not right for the position of course he will not get up votes too I believe
1 hour later…
@version.beta In this case, if the person is not right for the position, what's the problem if he/she gets downvotes anyway? But anyway, this is the voting process imposed by StackExchange and it has been working like this for year. I don't think there is a way to alter it just for this election.
@Marius Your point is also valid, I noticed few persons vote difference is very closer with neighbors, someone should not use his down vote to make big difference. Here eligibility doesn't play any role other than the voters personal like/dislike. Thats what I mean. Anyway SE's process is process..
@version.beta This is a preliminary vote anyway. It's just a way to filter out 10 people that will go in the real election. In the real election there is no downvote. You only have to make 3 choices and the votes are hidden until the end of the election.
@Marius This make sense. I am new to SE.. I am not aware of the process.. Thanks for the clarification

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