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@FallenAngelEyes I'm not sure. From the maintenance perspective, we still have a lot of not-an-answer and related noise, and I'd like to find a better way to prevent them. From the strategic aspect, we need to creep into more games which are dominated by other communities :)
Alright, we're out of time for questions, now.
Good luck to all the candidates, I'm not part of the nominations this time due to my lack of activity. Should focus on a single community (Super User) and stop trying to help out everywhere.
@Noctrine @Oak @agent86 @Wipqozn
Thanks for participating, candidates and spectators. Best of luck to the candidates! ♪
@John Snap
@FallenAngelEyes ... and as a mod, I guess my main contribution will be in cleaning up; but I will also do my best to think in the more strategic way.
@GraceNote I cannot hold a candle to some of this competition, but it was great to see how I would deal with the issues that this community cares about. I will use this to become a better candidate for the next election. As I said in my nomination, I think I have the potential to be a great mod, but there are some obviously better choices here. If there is anything else you want to ask me, please do so.
As mentioned, if you missed a question or couldn't attend, just post it in this room later and it'll be caught in @TimStone's digest.
@John Wait...you're always saying how you'll leave the site if he gets elected. :P
@GraceNote you mean digestive system?
Thanks to all the candidates for fielding the hectic question rush!
@NickT Not at all. Their is more to games than just "How do I beat level X?"
@OrigamiRobot @TimStone, devourer of stars.
@FallenAngelEyes I probably missed 5 questions for every one I was answering. I am a slow typist.
@GraceNote Also, I do take bribes if you want me to slip in something embarrassingly innuendo-ish into one of your competitor's responses. Preferably bribes of food, as it's now time for dinner.
@OrigamiRobot Go back and reply to any you think you missed. :) You have time now.
@NickT first, I will stop and re-think my position, and try to understand where that user is coming from. Yes, I know it's not easy to do when things get heated up, but I do believe I decently good at that :) if I'm still sure of my opinion, I will try my best to explain it. If I am a mod I represent the entire community, so I need to convince that user this is what the community decided, not just me.
Ack, Code Year meetup!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'll gather my fellow bronies, and storm the offices of Stack Exchange! I'll claim the land as my own, and then I'll force them to implement lazers, and also declare gaming the king site of STack EXchange!
@Wipqozn ಠ_ಠ
@badp in general I'm pretty pleased with our team. I do think occasionally Raven closes a question too quickly :) other than that I can't recall any specific problem I've had. Except perhaps that you should respond to flags faster :)
@ThomasMcDonald :D
@FallenAngelEyes Another problem is not being able to put my thoughts into text. Everything will be out of context now. I can't respond to objection.
Is this still going?
@GnomeSlice Only answers. No further questions.
@GnomeSlice Candidates are doing catch-up to questions they missed.
I see. =[
@OrigamiRobot Aye, but 'tis better than no answers at all. I type very quickly, but I like to put a lot of thought into questions, so I was reeeeally slow in the first THC.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm gonna use my powers-of-inducing-guilt in Jin until he capitulates. I do believe once we get to 100 upvotes, we could legally mount some protest through downtown New York, or something along these lines.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm not sure a ban on anything is a good idea. There could always be outlying exceptions that willb e hard to defend if such a ban is in place. Some of these (piracy) obviously do not belong here, but they should be aggressively closed based on policy not a ban.
@Noctrine I'm still unsure, there are many good candidates. I think Mark is a very good choice. And once agent86 will convince me of his undying love (see my future question to him), he might also get my vote :)
@NickT nope.
@LessPop_MoreFizz To be honest, I've been thinking about this, and I'm really not sure. I have a few ideas of how our tagging system should be implemented, but they all have their flaws. I simply wouldn't be able to make this decision without further discussion with other users of the site in order to help me reach what I believe would be the ideal tagging system.
@OrigamiRobot I'm not sure I understand the distinction you're drawing here. If the word 'ban' is uncomfortable to you, substitute it with 'blanket ruling that these subjects are off-topic'.
@TomWijsman contact a stackexchange employee as soon as I can and raise the issue in the mod chat.
@Ullallulloo No, I said I'd leave chat. :P
@Wipqozn In the interest of not-punting, how about laying down a few guiding principles for what you would set forward as a proposal?
@Gilles talk, talk and talk some more :) also ask feedback from other users, through chat or meta. Mods do not live in an isolated world.
@Gilles Assuming we really can't work it out, I would ask another mod(s) to intervene or I would post on Meta.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I lean more towards yes on this one, since I don't think questions which let users violate the law/EULA should be allowed. However, when it comes to those borderline questions I would need to judge it on a case-by-case basis. There will always be exception to every rule, so absolutes rarely work.
@GraceNote perhaps we need to find a better mechanism :) those are a lot of questions to quickly answer and I had zero time to read anything which isn't a question, even if it was in reply to me :(
@TomWijsman Go behind them cleaning up. IP changing or not, they cannot be allowed to stain our site with nonsense posts.
@Oak Heh
@agent86 looking at your actions actions and history, I have to say I think you are really awesome - not only in the meteoric reputation gain, but also active in flagging, voting, editing, and meta and chat participation. But I'm a little concerned with the fact you have been a member for only a few months - it is my experience that some people really invest in something at start, but their enthusiasm dies out with time, and very high-participation users tend to "burn themselves out".
@LessPop_MoreFizz Bans and blanket rulings imply (to me) that you make a judgement at a glance. They encourage unwillingness to reconsider. Decisions based on policy can be explained with reasoning other than "because that's what we to with questions on X topic"
However, you have mentioned this is not the first online community you have been a part of, so it's not like the first time you invest in something. Still, is there some more concrete way you can convince me your high level of participation won't quickly fade?
@GraceNote posted
@OrigamiRobot You're mincing words here. I'm asking if you would be in favor of a policy that explicitly considers those subject areas off topic.
That was grace
Grace is like an Agent in the matrix.
@GnomeSlice This was a special exemption for @Oak that we arranged early.
@NickT Long term, I would favor getting rid of ITG, but I see no problem with plot questions, provided there is an answer (which, admittedly, is sometimes hard to determine. And then we're led into "What if there's no answer? Is "You can't" acceptable?" Hm, maybe I do see a problem. This warrants further debate).
It's directed even specifically at an individual who wasn't in the current Town Hall. That's why it isn't in the normal hour slot.
@Oak This is my main (only?) concern about him being elected.
@GraceNote So I can ask @Arda whatever I want?
I'm just whining to be annoying, anyway.
If you had pre-arranged it with me and Arda about 2 hours ago, yes.
@GnomeSlice I'm just that awesome :)
Hey wait a second
you were there!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nag Jin. Nag Jin more. And even more.
You even interrupted me!
Yes, to ask if I was wearing pants.
@LessPop_MoreFizz A good rule to follow is "Would anyone be willing to follow this tag?". I would talk more about how we should not allow general tags, and use more specific tags instead, but this is really just a continuation of my already mentioned rule. The problem with general tags is no one is going to follow them since you only care about the tag when it realtes to certain games.
@Oak My internet got blocked immediately after posting my message.
I just had enough time to see "Oh whoops, I interrupted @Oak".
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes, I would be in favor of such policies. I know I'm mincing words, but words are important. Ban vs. Policy may have different implications to some people (as evidenced by my replies). I simply want to make it clear that making decisions without willingness to accept exceptions can lead to trouble.
@GnomeSlice So you didn't get the note about skirts and such?
@GraceNote No. Skirts?
Oh, the one about the kilt?
I saw it later.
I said naught about kilts
And now... to read the transcripts, see what went on here :)
I hope I didn't miss anything
@badp You (existing mods) seem to be a bit rash sometimes. I would try to reach a consensus with someone (at least another mod, if not the occupants of the Bridge) before closing/deleting things that weren't clearly cut and dried.
Let's bring that back to the Bridge, though, @Gnome
Right, sorry.
@NickT Explain myself, what I did, why I did it, with as many references as possible, let the community decide if I did wrong, and if so, I would do my best to undo it.
badp has fucked around with room ownerships, see here
Darn, is there any way I can edit my old answers. Saying "most" vs "some" can make a huge difference
@OrigamiRobot Flag it for mod attention
@badp Roger that.
Or he could, just, poke us right here
No flag needed. Just poke us and tell us which message to fix.
@FallenAngelEyes I don't think we have one "biggest" issue, I think we have many mediocre problem such as tagging, nonsense posts, controversial questions, as a mod, I would have better access to the collective wisdom of many other mods for guidance, I would be able to close/delete/reopen faster once a consensus had been reached.
Oh, noice work, @badp.
@NickT If it seems salvageable, I would edit it to be within our bounds. If the OP objects, I would let the community make it's decision and ask the more on-topic form of the question myself.
Now we'll never get a new Arfenhouse...
@OrigamiRobot As a follow-up on that, is that just because of unfamiliarity with the game in question, or just general ambiguity on whether or not it's a case warranting a flag?
@GraceNote www.newgrounds.com/collection/arfenhouse gives me a 500 indeed
so I'll just silently nod in default agreement
@badp You looked that up speedier than I expected, though I still don't expect you to get the first reference
(Yes, I merged two completely separate references. I'm witchy like that)
@LessPop_MoreFizz If it's merely incorrect, it should be downvoted. Actively harmful and pure nonsense are where I would start to take more extreme action.
@John Apparently you type slowly. How do you feel would affect you if you were made moderator?
@Ullallulloo I don't type slowly, but I was cooking during this.
I don't think my typing speed or my eating habits would negatively effect my abilities as a moderator. :P
@John Ooh
@John Oh, no mods are allowed to eat anymore IIRC.
@Ullallulloo In that case, I'm not sure I want the job. :P
Aren't they made robots generally?
OR's beating you at that.
@John um, your cooking speed will. If you're too busy COOKING and EATING how can we expect you to properly mod the site?!?! HMMM??
@badp I would use the rest of the internet to learn more about borderline posts, but most posts worthy of removal should be obvious regardless of the game it's talking about.
@FallenAngelEyes The latter. I am still learning what is flag worthy and I shy away from flagging in unsure circumstances. I feel like the mods have enough flags to worry about without me making mistakes. Optimally, I should ask a mod.
@NickT No one has the answers to everything. Sometimes a little interpretation is a good thing.
@GraceNote I don't think I've done anything too horrible. I don't expect the pressure of a diamond to change much for me.
@GraceNote You mean "noice"? All I know is it's some kind of intoxicated version of "nice", just like "sammich" is to "sandwitch"
@Noctrine I would go to even greater lengths to ensure I was correct before voting.
@badp It's a specific Homestar Runner reference, but somewhat low-key.
@JohnoBoy That would depend on the quality of the contributions. If the user is spamming bad edits, I would try to talk to them, but if they're improving the quality of the site, I would let them be.
@AshleyNunn I always hate to downvote or VTC a new user that obviously has good intentions. I try to remember to leave an encouraging comment explaining my action and usually inviting them to join us in chat when they get the rep. This get into the subject of "How to make the site friendlier to new users?" I rack my brain on a regular basis trying to come up with something good.
@badp When writing a question about a game on is familiar with, it is hard not to write in jargon and acronyms. They are there for a reason, and that reason is to get your point across quickly. That works fine when everyone understand the meaning of said jargon. This cannot be assumed here.
@OrigamiRobot Every effort should be made to clean up unclear questions either by spelling things out in the terms the game actually uses, or defining jargon the first time it is used in the post. Jargon can be a good thing if it can help people find the question through search engines.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I wasn't criticizing the use of jargon.
Man, chat is hard
okay, here goes. STAND BY FOR SPAM.
@MichaelMrozek Treating comments like a discussion forum is counter to the stack exchange format. The comment system even tells you that you should take it to chat if you wish to have a discussion. Someone who has steadily provided valuable answers should be aware of the SE model, so hopefully a small nudge would be enough to make them understand what is and what is not appropriate.
@StrixVaria I think we have the opportunity to expand into some of these areas, but we're going to need to 'jumpstart' the feedback loop here. I think we need to use our resources wisely on things that are likely to cause the greatest return on investment for the site.
@TimStone This is kind of what I was getting at when I said in my nomination that we're in the big leagues now - we need to be aware that although video games are fun, we've also got a responsibility to live up to the SE brand. I don't want this to go to the extreme of becoming a boring and bland place to be, but I think we should be aware of our responsibility.
@GraceNote I feel like as I gained in reputation, all of my posts were already viewed and held to a different standard than other users. Plus, all of this is google indexed, and despite my desire for anonymity I'm certain someday this will be tracked back to me. I've tried to always post responsibly and recognize that what I post is a matter of public record.
@Noctrine I try to only vote on a question if I feel like I could justify my vote on meta at a later date. I think I'd want to keep this in mind no matter how significant or insignificant my moderation actions are.
@JohnoBoy I think it can sometimes be problematic, which is why I don't have some of these badges already. On the scale of offenses, however, I feel like it's probably more on the "mild annoyance" end of the scale. I want to believe these people are interested and investing in the long term health of the site.
@badp DOTA games are this way for me. The questions and answers read like absolute gibberish. Things that require immediate attention are generally obvious regardless of the context, and in these instances in the past I've asked for help on chat from people who are more familiar with the terminology.
@NickT As much as I'd love this, I don't think it's possible. So much of this site operates in a gray area that is neither black or white. However, we all have a little bit of moderator power in us to make calls about these gray areas, and that's what makes the site great. As a "big M" Moderator, I'd want to explore what can be codified and make sure that it is clear.
@LessPop_MoreFizz New users are always going to be an issue - this is actually a good problem to have! New users don't tend to read first before they jump in to participate, so we have to be gentle in our reminders so as not to scare them off. We also have to remember that things that are obvious to us as "power users" are often completely oblique and nonsensical to outsiders.
@Resorath The moderator's job is to intervene in exceptional situations. Most of us 'non-mods' have a limited moderation ability however, and that means that we need to communicate clearly and work together. I abhor close/open and comment fighting, since I think it sends a bad message to the community at large.
@GraceNote I'm a very logical person, and I like to look at issues from different perspectives. I think I'd bring a calm presence and a balancing force to the moderator team.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Infra-red.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Downvoting is what happens to bad questions here. However, I think we need to be careful to make sure we explain clearly how to properly participate in the site. Downvoting is an anonymous process, and should be accompanied by suggestions for improvement wherever possible.
@StrixVaria Sometimes fun crutches require reevaluation.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I see many downvoted questions and answers in a given day, so I'm not sure what is meant by "downvote-phobia." Many of the flags I've personally sent up were answers that should have been comments instead. I think this is mostly because of new users who are unaccustomed to the SE model. This is a new concept for the gaming community, and we should expect a learning curve.
@NickT I think closing it, but commenting on the question about how it could be improved is a good first step. If the asker abandons the question, depending on how different the "good" question is, I would either edit it or ask a new question.
@AshleyNunn I don't think every flag needs a comment - when it's clear that the person meant to be offensive, there's no need to engage them directly. In most cases though, I feel like when we give anonymous feedback about something, we should be following that up with a suggestion to the person in order to help them be a better contributor.
@StrixVaria Incent people to play these games, and ask questions, and more questions and answers will appear. There are many ways of doing this, and I think the current and past promotions are evidence of that. I think we can reach out as "G.SE ambassadors" to these communities to an extent as well, although this can be tricky, as this type of activity is often viewed as spam.
@spugsley I think when a question sparks a discussion on Meta, that meta thread should be linked from the question's comments. This brings the asker into the discussion, and gets them involved in determining the question's fate.
@Noctrine Tags. Tags are a big, fat, nasty mess. I do my part to try and bring them to everyone's attention whenever I can. I still think we're quite far from a comprehensive policy on them, however. Our efforts thus far have been taking a squirt bottle to a house fire. I don't know that we (as a community) are "ready" to call the fire trucks though :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think some questions regarding emulation are not legally problematic. DOSBox, for instance, is perfectly legal. As far as a blanket "NO EMULATION" policy, I'd have to disagree. However, wherever we start to cross into morally or legally gray area, I say we stay away from that. (I've said as much on meta)
@badp In general, I believe moderators can do many of the things normal users can do, but without as much required oversight and without reputation requirements.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Tagging policy is the problem - we really have only vague guidelines. If I was in charge, I'd probably come up with a list of "meta tag exceptions" (which must have a justification for survival) and game tags, and then burninate the rest. I don't think we can make progress on tags without a) a policy that makes it easy for everyone to understand if a tag is "good" in most cases, and b) a mass tag burnination to remove the bad tags that already exist.
@NickT The community owns the post (everything's creative commons here) but I do think we have a responsibility to honor the owner's intent to an extent. This means we have to balance the responsibility of making the information useful and relevant to future visitors with damaging the effort put into the post in the first place.
@FallenAngelEyes I put together a list of three things that are our major challenges going forward. I'd say the biggest of the three is building our community and making it a welcoming place for new members. Without this core community, or if it becomes an exclusive club, we'll stagnate and die out. I want to focus more on cooperation for shared success than competition for individual success.
@NickT This happened, so you don't have to wonder! You can read about it on my nomination, or in this meta post where I responded. I don't like to fight for fighting's sake. I'd usually rather apologize and try to understand the other person's point of view.
@badp I'd have to say that I don't always see a unified front from the moderation team, and I'd like to get us all on the same page. I think as moderators, we're acting independently, but we should demonstrate a unified front towards the userbase at large, if possible. I'd like us to agree on things whenever possible, or at least hash out our differences on meta, before making important decisions.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I've actually been experimenting with doing this via userscripts, but I suck at the "firing lazers" art :) If someone wants to help, at least us "in the know" types could get our lazers. Wouldn't help new users, but maybe if we demonstrated feasibility and awesomeness we could get this picked up by the StackExchange overlords.
@Noctrine Oak I think is a shoo-in. Wipq. is polling very well and I've been impressed by his calls of late. Mark and I have been at odds a bit lately, but I think he'd do right by the site.
@NickT I think there are some good, interesting questions in the plot/lore department that are interesting to people and a good fit for the site. However, there's a lot of bad. I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but I do think we need to be careful with these types of questions.
@GraceNote SO MUCH TYPING, holy moly. I think as with any new job, becoming moderator would yield a period of time wherein I get "trained" on my new responsibilities. I expect to go into this in "learn and absorb" mode. I've always been pretty fast at this sort of thing though, so I hope you guys elect me so that I can start helping even more.
@TomWijsman If there's something that can be done at a higher level (ie, something an employee can do) then notifying them is probably the first step. Beyond that, you just have to be vigilant and remove any offensive material, which is generally pretty easy with the sophisticated tools at our disposal, and the number of eyes we have on the site.
@Gilles As I said before, I think the moderation team needs to have a unified front whenever possible. I'm willing to put aside my personal feelings if the consensus among the mods or the community is that I'm incorrect on a subject. Taking a step backwards and considering the issue on a larger scale usually convinces me that most disagreements are pretty trivial, and not worth being divisive over.
@Oak The short answer is "this site keeps me sane." I am a passionate gamer, and if I had my way I'd spend all day playing games. But, I can't, for several reasons that I could mention. I get perhaps 2 hours a day to play these days. This site fills that void. I can spend just a little bit of time here and think about, research, or answer a quick question and blow off some steam. It's a way for me to pursue my hobby without neglecting my other responsibilities.
@Oak This network "clicks" for me, as I'm a big proponent of open content, helping people with their issues, and a huge gamer nerd. I love the SE model, because I think it makes it possible for the "right answers" to be heard and kept relevant. I've jumped on every opportunity to contribute more, and I don't think I'm near full output potential yet.
@Oak .... plus, I mean, they give me free games. How cool is that?!? Kidding aside, I feel like I'm getting to know people better every day, and you guys make me smile and laugh, and I enjoy spending time discussing things with all of you. As long as the lazers need charging, I'll help turn the crank.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand stop! That's a world record ladies and gentlemen! Please bring in the peppy music and the awardy stuffs!
That was impressive.
@badp THANK YOU, thank you everyone. I couldn't have done this without my mom, my dad, the guy who lives next door, the mailman, my boss, and 20 taco bell burritos.
@agent86 You typed that one-handedly?
@badp I have a shoulder-mounted burrito dispenser... doesn't everyone?
Oh dear I'm afraid we don't have a world record category for that.
@agent86: Did you ate the 20 taco bell burritos before answering, or during the act? Do you eat them too when you are moderating?
@TomWijsman I actually hate taco bell. I ate some food before participating. I don't plan on favoring any particular fast food brand while moderating.
I actually did all of that in a text editor beforehand, and then just copy/pasted it.
Anyhow, I applaud to your wall of mass pings! :)
I just hope I got all the references right. things were scrolling kind of fast there.
5 hours later…
Time to answer questions!
@MichaelMrozek I would contact them (most likely via chat) to bring their attention to the flags and such that their comments were attracting, and help remedy the behavior.
@StrixVaria Certain questions are phrased in ways that answers are simple to Google, and because of this the answers to the questions are Googled content. The best way to get more questions about strategic games would be to have them more available to users, which promotional grants and Game On! would both help with.
@TimStone Of course questions and answers can have a sense of humour, but it's more important for them to have informative content.
@GraceNote I see nothing wrong with it.
@Noctrine My voting behavior would change since I can't, say, cast a close vote and see if four other users agree. For very clearly off-topic/NARQ/other questions I would cast my binding vote, but generally I would see what the rest of the community first.
@JohnoBoy In most situations, I see nothing wrong with not-so-significant edits – all increases in the quality of content on the site are good. However, if it is clear that the user is, for example, editing solely for the badge (potentially making many edits on one question/answer that could be accomplished in one edit), I would contact the user in chat/through comments and ask them to change their behavior.
@badp Our own chat and community is a great resource in itself, so a simple "I don't play FooBar Adventure, is this answer correct/does it make sense?" should solve the issue most of the time.
@NickT Nope. Especially for a site like Gaming, it's hard to make a set of strictly black and white rules that resolve all cases. The democratic community of Stack Exchange websites is the best weapon against content in the grey-area.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Like I do already, for new users who ask off-topic questions or other content that isn't appropriate for G.SE, instead of just casting a close vote or flagging, I leave a comment indicating what is wrong with the question/answer/comment, pointing them to the FAQ, and (if it's appropriate) giving suggestions on how to improve their question/answer to make it not off-topic/etc.
@Resorath If I closed a question that got reopened by the community (and it wasn't some sort of community rebellion), I would trust the community's judgement over my own (in nearly all scenarios, all situations have exceptions).
@GraceNote I'm not completely sure to be honest. Even though I haven't been many posting questions or answers lately, I always have G.SE and meta.G.SE open in my browser, so I see flags quite early on in their life.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Orange! (because orange is clearly the best colour)
@AshleyNunn A question should be acted on appropriately regardless of the user asking it. If they learn from their mistake and stick around, all the better for our community – we gain another valuable user! If they take it poorly and get driven away, they would likely have caused lots of trouble in the future.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Most of the time, rather than receiving incorrect answers, we get answers that, well, aren't answers – these should be removed from the site. I personally don't find downvotes necessary most of the time, but they are there for cases where content is incorrect (but not necessarily wrong for the site).
@NickT If the question already has answers or lots of comments, a new question should be asked (essentially if editing the content of the question would result in more confusion). Otherwise, editing would suffice.
@AshleyNunn Yes. Flagging and downvoting are results of content being not fit for the site, or wrong. The user who created the content should be made aware of how they could improve for future cases.
@StrixVaria Promotional grants to get more content about said games on our site, to draw attention to G.SE.
@spugsley Comments on the question(s)/answer(s) in question indicating that they are currently being discussed on Meta should draw attention to it. I find that the red (new) blog post indicator draws quite a bit of attention to the link to the blog, so there isn't much issue with the blog. As users participate more on Stack Exchange websites, they will eventually learn of Meta (and the concept of Meta), so I feel it's something that will happen over time.
@Noctrine I think the Stack Exchange engine works wonderfully for what it is, a Q&A site, and I don't see anything major that needs revamping.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I wouldn't agree with a ban, but questions that don't fall under the on-topic category of our FAQ should definitely be closed.
@badp I feel I have a pretty good idea.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Due to the overlap of concepts of many video games, having tags with the game name as a prefix would likely remove the ambiguity of our current tagging system.
@NickT Questions shouldn't be edited to change the general message of the content (alterations to the connotation of words used, for example), but if a question requires significant editing then editing is appropriate. If the original poster doesn't approve of the edits made, they can always roll it back or come to the consensus with the editor in chat/comments.
@FallenAngelEyes The quality of new users' content. In many cases, new users contribute great content to the site, but, as a side-effect of us being a video game site, we attract users who think of G.SE as a forum, asking poorly-formatted one-line pseudo-questions with improper grammar (this was made clearer with the influx of Skyrim questions that accompanied our Skyrim vs. MW3 promotion). Flagging, editing, and commenting are what needs to happen.
@NickT Explain why I did what I did (and point to the FAQ in case points outlined by the FAQ are the cause for the objection).
@badp There aren't few (if any) times where I have disagreed with the actions our moderators have taken. Our current mods do a wonderful job moderating the site.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'll leave that to @fredley since, after all, it's one of the points he's made in his nomination.
@Noctrine In no particular order: @Oak, because he did an amazing job as a pro-tem mod. @agent86, because he has made great contributions to Gaming content-wise and understands our site very well. @Wipqozn, because his avatar was previously an alot, and because he spends a lot of time on the site and understands our community and the site well. Oh, and @ronnie because he so pro.
@NickT I think plot-related and ITG questions are fine for the site.
@TomWijsman They'll eventually let up, and the moderator tools will assist in cleaning up their mess.
@Gilles Speak with them in chat and resolve said issue.
Yay, #operationwallofpostandpingmultipleusers is finally complete!
6 hours later…
@Noctrine @agent86, due to his high activity and good understanding of how our site works; @John since he has a good understanding of the site and I think he would handle situations well. I've never seen him lose his temper, or show any sort of malice towards another user. Very important for a mod who will be dealing with a lot of difficult situations; @arda, since he always handles situations logical and with reason. He doesn't let his emotions or opinion get in the way or cloud his judgement.

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