It seems like a hidden gem to me. There is quite a few occasions where I read something in the lines of "Yes, I would have voted to move it to XY but there is no option for it so I decided to vote for close.". But then again it is perhaps that way for a reason.
Migrations are fairly disruptive to the asker and the answerers, so they're not always the better option. If you're sure the question would do better elsewhere, flag it. If enough are migrated, we can potentially enable the community-driven migration path (if the site has graduated from beta already)
Yes. Thant makes sense. As the questions also reside on the original page it becomes a double up. I'm only trying to mold some guidelines for my own conduct when it comes to voting, closing, etc. In a split on e.g this:
@Sukminder FWIW my personal standard is "If it's the best question I've ever seen made out of 100% pure unicorn fluff with rainbow whipped topping I'll consider migrating it"
@voretaq7: By all means ;) I advocate tough love – both for the quality of the site as well as sanity of the frequent users. My question is however how to treat ambiguous cases, and, in part, leniency for newcomers – if there is such a concept.
@Sukminder Flip the cattle prod to low voltage before using it on the newcomers :-)
For the borderline questions I usually post something like "This question might do better on [othersite.SE] but please make sure to read their [FAQ](...) and search for similar questions before posting there"
for the lousy questions I tell them where to go, and what I personally would want to see in their question before they re-ask it
Yes, guess my biggest issue is down votes or closes without comments when there is no clear meaning of why. If someone asks how to compile glibc on LaTeX – it is no comment needed, only if one want to be really nice. But in many cases I miss a clarification. Thats the blues of the game I imagine.
There is also the "we want new users – so be nice to 1 pointers" angle. But again, all in favor of quality.
<- jaded because we're mopping up low quality shit on SF
nothing wrong with a close and a comment saying "This doesn't meet our quality standards. go to [helpful meta post] for information on how to improve your question so it can be reopened."