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Q: xkcd-style graphs

Amatya I received an email to which I wanted to respond with a xkcd-style graph, but I couldn't manage it. Everything I drew looked perfect, and I don't have enough command over Plot Legends to have these pieces of text floating around. Any tips on how one can create xkcd-style graphs? Where things lo...

And another one. Why was it all the rage in the last 23 hours?
10 hours later…
if there's any SE community mods on:
Q: Moderator: profanity on blog.stackoverflow.com

Marc AlffNot a real question, but I have to ask one to flag it, to get moderator attention. This blog: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2012/10/join-the-stack-exchange-team-were-hiring/?cb=1 contains a comment dated Oct 2, 2012 that surely should be removed (profanity).

cc @RebeccaChernoff
2 hours later…
In today's assembly we're going to do the various-objects-in-liquid-nitrogen thing...
someone bring me some liquid nitrogen.
@voretaq7 last time I played with LN was in Physics 3 lab in college. Super conductors :)
@waxeagle we made superconductor racetracks
it was fun :-)
@voretaq7 mag lev?
we had a pretty low budget physics dept :(
good education, but the labs were pretty simple
@waxeagle so did we - it was like a 5 foot track and some spare magnets from Physics-I
@voretaq7 lol nice
I liked this one:
@tombull89 yeah that one is particularly awesome
liquid nitrogen, in a sealed container, placed in a bin of water, with 1500 ping pong balls on top. The results are...impressive.
@tombull89 that's pretty awesome
7 hours later…

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