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@JonEricson So, next week? :P
Are you planning to launch Puzzling and DS at the same time?
@Doorknob ohh, did Puzzling reach the commit threshold?
Yep :-D
@AJHenderson oooh - hadn't spotted that one...
I realized I'm a bit to in to puzzles when I figured out "petals around the rose" on the very first dice roll
@AJHenderson I have always loved them. Was the 2nd reason I joined Mensa. (The first being to annoy my smart-alec brother)
@RoryAlsop I've thought about doing that, but just never bothered
too easy to get in
@AJHenderson yep, and too many weirdos in it
I discovered
my father in law is a member and my wife was a member
I'll need to send you the link to a much more challenging set of puzzles
no time limit on them - I've been working on them for a year or so.
Think I need to find it when I get home
have you heard of project Euler?
I've thought about joining Triple Nine, not sure if I'd quite make Promethius
I generally place in around 4 9s, but 1 in 30,000 might be pushing it a bit
@AJHenderson yes - that one requires too much compute, not so much intelligence, and it has been a long time since I was a programmer
@AJHenderson Yeah - that was the level I went for when I sat my Serebriakoff. I get around 4 - 5 nines
but what is interesting is what changes over time
My current role had a 45 minute modified Cattell B as part of the entry interview
which was fun
@RoryAlsop I still think the best ones are when you are given a test you aren't familiar with, you end up thinking it was a personality test and it was actually an intelligence test and you just never even thought it was mildly challenging
I didn't find out until I got my third job that apparently the entry test requirements for my first job were known for being hard
meanwhile, I got the best score they'd ever seen and didn't even realize it was supposed to be hard
@AJHenderson yup. For this one the interviewer was a bit taken aback when I pointed out that one question did not have 1 unique answer :-)
I still maintain that the reason that I didn't get an 800 on the verbal SAT was that I simply found analogies that I thought had more merit than the "official" answer
I got a total of 9 answers wrong on my verbal SAT of which 5 of them were analogies
which was half of the analogies
and I could give clear reasons for every one of them

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