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@LukeMathieson Thanks for nominating yourself!
3 hours later…
Has anyone coaxed @babou into running?
Or Andrej Bauer?
@Jake Apparently not, since neither has nominated themselves.
I doubt babou would, to be honest, since he has repeatedly expressed dislike of the SE model. But by all means, ask him! He should by @-pingable in the main room.
Andreij Bauer is barely active in terms of community moderation. What makes you think of him?
@Raphael Well, I just nominated myself too :-)
Awesome! I was feeling like we only had 3 good candidates which rather bothered me.
As for why I thought of Andreij, I've always found his answers extremely helpful. Perhaps I am conflating helpfulness with moderation ability however.
@Juho Thanks! :)
38 messages moved from Computer Science
31 messages moved from Computer Science
@Jake That's an easy trap to fall into. FWIW, you can check out every users profile to see how often they visit and how much they vote, edit and flag.
2 hours later…
@Raphael @Juho and thanks to both of you as well (and @D.W. of course). I was surprised at the lack of nominations. I wonder if everyone is still on holiday...
@LukeMathieson Me too, but thanks for nominating yourself as well!
4 hours later…
@Jake 2nd that. B.s criticism of SE is nuanced. B. has complained a lot about voting in the chat room, but not nec/ exactly SE-specific (he seems at times not to be a big fan of democracy or mass opinion in general). re "SE model", in fact a mod is sometimes like the "ultimate voter". having veto power over other all voters of any rep (except other mods).
@Raphael Raphael is right. Since I am using the system, I do contribute to maintenance as far as compatible with my grudges against it. But I would be a poor choice for enforcing policies.
@vzn Well, democracy is as we all know the worst system, all others excepted. But that is not the point. Science is not a matter of democracy. My main problem with SE is that it makes believe that science could be democratic. My other problem is that I do feel that some ethical issues are not enough taken into consideration. But I will not go into more details.
Thanks to the candidates for offering to serve.
BTW, another reason not to run is that I feel my technical abilities and views are somewhat dated.
3 hours later…
@babou why?
a moderator is someone who feels its important to take some ethical issues into consideration.
have not noticed myselft anything "dated" about your technical abilities & views. experience/ background is an asset.

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