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Q: error code 0x80190194 in wsus windowsupdate.log

user3201911My client doenst show itself in the wsus service. how is this possible? I set everything correct following the microsoft guides. now i got the following warnings in my windowsupdate.log file: 2015-07-30 10:00:58:492 900 11bc Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.8.9200.16...

Usually this is a IIS problem. Are you sure that you set the correct ports (8530 is default for an extra site in IIS), the virtual directories in IIS are fine and the client connects at all? (try wuauclt /detectnow and wuauclt /reportnow). Btw.: you'll find tons of examples by searching for this errorcode.
wuauclt /detectnow and wuauclt /reportnow in cmd are not working @Lenniey And i set my wsus server on the clients as: WSUSCONET not as WSUSCONET:8530
Please elaborate about your configuration. IIS with extra site? Default web-page? default ports? Your client tries to connect to port 80, is that correct in your configuration? How did you assign the client to WSUS? GPO?
@Lenniey I followed this guide:…
Well, you should have used this guide: for Server 2012, some things have changed from 2003 to 2012, especially the port, try port 8530 in your client configuration
the port number fixed some warning in the log file, i updated the question with my new log file
I fixed that error by this: Net stop wuauserv rd /s %windir%\softwaredistribution\ Net start wuauserv Now I only see my server as unassigned computer but not my client. any ideas? @Lenniey
Again: did you use GPOs to map the client to WSUS? If so, wait for some time or use gpupdate /force and try wuauclt /detectnow and /reportnow from your client.
@Lenniey i did the gpupdate /force already. but when tpying wuauclt /detectnow and wuauclt /reportnow nothing is happening, where does the report go to?
Could you check the error log again? Also the WSUS log on the server. /detectnow checks for WSUS availability, /reportnow orders the client to report to WSUS, so that the server can check the client for updates etc.
first of all thanks for helping me out
latest log:
2015-07-30 10:08:56:751 900 106c AU ########### AU: Uninitializing Automatic Updates ###########
2015-07-30 10:08:56:829 900 106c WuTask Uninit WU Task Manager
2015-07-30 10:08:59:806 900 11d8 PT WARNING: PopulateDataStore failed: 0x8024000b
2015-07-30 10:08:59:869 900 11d8 PT WARNING: Sync of Updates: 0x8024000b
2015-07-30 10:08:59:869 900 11d8 PT WARNING: SyncServerUpdatesInternal failed: 0x8024000b
2015-07-30 10:08:59:869 900 11d8 Agent * WARNING: Failed to synchronize, error = 0x8024000B
also this just came:
2015-07-30 10:25:24:480 900 10e0 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing extended update info +++++++++++
2015-07-30 10:25:24:496 900 10e0 PT + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://CONETWSUS:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx
2015-07-30 10:26:27:224 900 10e0 Agent * Found 0 updates and 68 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 609 out of 987 deployed entities
2015-07-30 10:26:27:302 900 10e0 Agent Reporting status event with 189 installable, 2 installed, 0 installed pending, 0 failed and 0 downloaded updates
this all looks quite promising, nothing on the WSUS server yet? If not: try to restart the WSUS service on the server and the "automatic updates" service on the client IN THAT ORDER
i restarted the update services
no computers added yet besides my server itself
try this:
ren %systemroot%\System32\Spupdsvc.exe Spupdsvc.old
and restart automatic updates
on the server?
and: WSUS client reports are sometimes very slow, as is the WSUS itself
no, client
system cannot find the file specified
check the client log again please
and paste it in chat
the WHOLE log
i put this in the run: Cmd /c ren %WinDir%\System32\Spupdsvc.exe Spupdsvc.old
think it worked
where can i find the client log? on the server and type windowsupdate.log, right?
no no, on the client!
okay got it
its large
yeah wait
just checked mine, it's huge
try renaming the log and restart updates on the client and look into the log again
restart updates? what do you mean by this exactly?
check for updates ?
sorry, restart the windows update service
net stop wuauserv
net stop wuauserv
net start wuauserv
on my server, right?
in cmd
in cmd
i think it worked
lenniey i wanna thank you very much
my pleasure :)
you are the best
im gonna test another client
can you bare with me for a moment?
no problem
so, to add a client i just put it in the domain?
and does it matter if its another windows version?
windows 8 instead of windows 7
i see the computer in my active directory administrice center already
should i run gpupdate /force?
on the client
because this didnt help
should i configure the regedit by hand in the client?
sorry, colleague was here
no problem at all
well, it SHOUDLN'T matter what version, and as you are running server 2012 WSUS, everything from XP up should work.
dont edit the registry manually
okay :)
you have to be sure that the GPO works on the second PC
how can i check this?
just move the PC into the same group as your first client, run gpupdate /force and then gpupdate /R to see the results
you know now that the server works correctly (the connection, at least), that said, it depends on your clients now
yes indeed
i tried gpupdate /R but its not working
gpresult /r
no problem
applied group policy object: N/A
did you move your 2nd client into the same group as the 1st?
how do i do this?
just drag and drop in AD users and computers
its in the same thing as the others
all the computers are in the map "Computers"
ah alright
does gpupdate /force on the 2nd client show any errors?
no its doenst show any errors
update log on 2nd client?
you mean the windowsupdate.log ?
the large text file?/
see any errors?
yes i see some errors
1moment im setting msts
2015-07-30 10:41:48:086 916 740 Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe
2015-07-30 10:41:48:086 916 740 Misc = Module: c:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll
2015-07-30 10:41:48:086 916 740 Service *************
2015-07-30 10:41:48:086 916 740 Service ** START ** Service: Service startup
2015-07-30 10:41:48:086 916 740 Service *********
2015-07-30 10:41:48:086 916 740 IdleTmr Non-AoAc machine. Aoac operations will be ignored.
2015-07-30 10:41:48:086 916 740 Agent * WU client version 7.9.9600.17930
i runned again the gpresult /r
applied group policy objects
default domain policy
defailt domain controllers policy
so it changed
restarted the wsus but still only 2 computers
should i try this: Cmd /c ren %WinDir%\System32\Spupdsvc.exe Spupdsvc.old ?
in which GPO did you put the WSUS-options?
local computer policy > computer configuration > administrative templated > windows components > windows update
do you mean this?
yeah, but in which GPObject?
default domain policy?
euhm i dont really get this?
local computer policy
which group policy did you edit to change the options
the local computer policy
on the client?!
you should distribute the options via a domain GPO
where can i see this?
like, on your domain controller create a new GPO and name it WSUS, or something like that, edit the options you need and link the GPO to the OU the computers are in
check this if you need any help:
i think i already did this
you think? :)
i created a WSUS in the conetwsus.local
now in this WSUS i have to set the correct policies, right?
check this:
work that through and change the options to suit your needs
what does enforced mean?
i dont get it why the first client works while the second doenst
it enforces the GPO even if other GPOs want to change the same settings
let's try this: rename the windowsupdate.log on client 2, restart the automatic updates on client 2, upload the full log
my first client is now also in the GPO of WSUS
and the second client too
im restarting wsus services
was pretty easy
just have to add a gpo and set the policies
and the computers will get automatic to that gpo
i get it now i guess
thanks for helping me out
Lenniey u are the men
haha thank you
glad it worked
but remember: WSUS is slow, if nothing happens, let it rest for some time (like 30 minutes sometimes)
saved my day
i will
thanks for the tips
some things just "repair itself" :)
no matter, glad i could help
have a great day sir
you too, byebye

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