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<Lumien> It's fun, for sure.
<HelkaHomba> WOO!
<HelkaHomba> all 5 hoops and the hole
<Lumien> \o/
<ElectroRedstoner> up the elevator?
<HelkaHomba> Hmm, but flying back fo the tower base may be tricky
<HelkaHomba> yes
<Lumien> I actually don't think it's possible.
<Lumien> Don't jump without Elytra equipped. :P
<daavko> Oh really?
<Lumien> Oh, Helka, about end cities.
<HelkaHomba> there is water below
<Lumien> We can build towers and fly in search of islands.
<Lumien> And eat the chorus fruit if need be, I think.
<daavko> And fly to the void...
<Lumien> Is there a limit on teleportation distance?
<HelkaHomba> Not sure
<daavko> Wait a few seconds...
<HelkaHomba> But I'd be too afraid of losing elytra I already have
<Lumien> hah, yeah
<Lumien> That's the risk.
<Lumien> But it would mean exploring a lot faster.
<HelkaHomba> true
<HelkaHomba> using pearls also could help
<daavko> 8 blocks limit
<Lumien> yeah maybe
<daavko> on all three axes
<Lumien> wat
<daavko> all directions
<Lumien> Only eight blocks?! >_<
<daavko> Yep
<Lumien> There goes that idea.
<daavko> Wiki says so
<HelkaHomba> almost dies just then >.<
<HelkaHomba> died*
<Lumien> I can get back to about, uh, 100-200 blocks of the tower.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> hai
<HelkaHomba> Hey
<Lumien> hallo
<daavko> Yo
<ElectroRedstoner> helo
<brikerw> hai to all
<brikerw> is much people on
<HelkaHomba> press tab
<brikerw> am doing so
<brikerw> just stopped to type
<Lumien> Riker, got wings?
<brikerw> no
<Lumien> aw bummer
<brikerw> IKR?
<Lumien> Helka and I set up a sweet course.
<brikerw> will trade emeralds for wings
<Lumien> Oh, Helka, I made it all the way through a second time.
<HelkaHomba> cool
<ElectroRedstoner> btw, anyone have slimeballs?
<brikerw> no
<HelkaHomba> We have a slime farm
<daavko> Where?
<brikerw> ^
<ElectroRedstoner> ^
<HelkaHomba> look for a hole near spawn portal
<Lumien> I've got a few slimeballs, but the slime farm would be a better bet.
<daavko> A hole...?
<HelkaHomba> bordered in cobbls - says "Slime farm"
<HelkaHomba> its a dug out slime chunk
<daavko> Oh...
<daavko> Sweet
<ElectroRedstoner> just killed a zombie, got chain chest and boots \o/
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<daavko> I should go get my Looting III sword!
<brikerw> can you repair chain like you can iron armor/tools?
<HelkaHomba> You can craft them together, not sure about material repairs
<ElectroRedstoner> material I believe is iron, not 100% sure
<HelkaHomba> You may need to come out of farm for a sec to allow more slimes to spawn
KennyTheCool left the game.
<brikerw> where is the farm?
KennyTheCool joined the game
<daavko> On spawn
<HelkaHomba> -113 238
<KennyTheCool> by
KennyTheCool left the game.
<brikerw> bai
<Lumien> Jeez, my elytra is half broken already.
<brikerw> need leather?
<brikerw> i have 3
<HelkaHomba> So is mine, with unbreaking III :(
<ElectroRedstoner> I found a way to get under one block tall gaps with elytra
brikerw fell from a high place
<ElectroRedstoner> rip
<brikerw> omw
<Lumien> Yeah, your height becomes 0.8 when you're gliding.
<ElectroRedstoner> and when you're under a block, it doesn't change back
<Lumien> ooh
<Lumien> You can't really move, though, right?
<ElectroRedstoner> you kinda can
<daavko> brikerw your items are here...
<daavko> Or I think they are yours
<ElectroRedstoner> if the block above you is solid, it tries to push you out
<brikerw> yeah pls don't take my xp
<daavko> Will try
<ElectroRedstoner> @Lumien if the block above you is glass of some other transparent block, you get to move freely.
<Lumien> woah, weird
<daavko> @Helka, how did you find the slimechunk?
<HelkaHomba> chunkbase website
<Lumien> cheating :P
<HelkaHomba> we already chose the seed because we liked it :P
<ElectroRedstoner> igtg, bye guys
<brikerw> bai
<daavko> Bye
<HelkaHomba> Bye
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
<Lumien> Why the heck are people breeding chickens in the sheep farm? <disapproval face>
<Lumien> I don't have an axe with me, otherwise I would definitely be killing the chickens.
<brikerw> do snow golems melt in savvan?
<brikerw> Lumien will help
<brikerw> *savanna
<brikerw> oh Lumien need some leather to repair the elytra?
<Lumien> I will, but the greater cost is the enchantment cost.
<Lumien> gracias
<brikerw> don't need it
<brikerw> you is welcome
<Lumien> :)
<daavko> Is there some path to buildings north from spawn?
<HelkaHomba> No
<HelkaHomba> you can make one
<daavko> Okay
<brikerw> will spawn snow golem in iron farm, pls no kill
<brikerw> one has a face, one doesn
<brikerw> t
<daavko> Faceless man
<brikerw> he looks cool
<brikerw> :P
<brikerw> does he not?
<daavko> Dunno, does he?
<brikerw> yes
<brikerw> should i start a snow farm?
<HelkaHomba> ok
<brikerw> thx
<brikerw> will be fun. :P
<HelkaHomba> theres my mule :o
<brikerw> :o
<brikerw> wait what?
<HelkaHomba> No pumpkin?
<HelkaHomba> Howd you do that?
<daavko> Nope
<brikerw> shears
<brikerw> is epic, no?
<HelkaHomba> wow
<brikerw> one has pumpkin one doesn't
<brikerw> don't discriminate
<daavko> Of course, of course
<daavko> Hey, stop moving on your own, you darn snowman!
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> are you abusing him?
<daavko> Nope
<brikerw> pls no
<daavko> Creating snow
<brikerw> oh good
<daavko> I only abuse my animals
<brikerw> DL
<brikerw> D:
<HelkaHomba> Why wont this one make snow?
<daavko> I place 150 of them in 9x9 blocks space
<brikerw> wtf did you do to him
<brikerw> is he mine?
<daavko> Nah
<daavko> Both of them are inside
<daavko> "Snow golem dies",,,
<daavko> Interesting subtitles
<Lumien> What else would you expect? :P
<daavko> I don't know
<HelkaHomba> ahh, briker, align your fence better! :P
<brikerw> what?
<HelkaHomba> 2 blocks in in each side
<brikerw> okai
<daavko> I've picked up a cobblestone wall. Who wants it?
<daavko> Doesn't he need space to move?
<HelkaHomba> still confised why this guy not making snow
<daavko> Or sunlight?
<HelkaHomba> this worked in 1.8
<HelkaHomba> maybe things changed
<daavko> Yeah, I remember it worked
<daavko> Maybe 2 blocks wide will work?
<daavko> And somehow make him move...or something like that
<HelkaHomba> Was this for snow golems briker?
<HelkaHomba> ok
<brikerw> yeah
<HelkaHomba> This should work at least
<brikerw> only worried about skeletons
<daavko> Make it taller
<brikerw> don't want them or creepers killing him
<HelkaHomba> carpet here?
<brikerw> had extra
<HelkaHomba> can I have
<brikerw> yes
<brikerw> maybe make house out of snow
<daavko> You can't have torches then...can you?
<brikerw> bad snowdude
<brikerw> NOOOOOOOO
<HelkaHomba> golems are cheap :P
<brikerw> no kill snowdude
<daavko> Is there any light source that doesn't melt snow?
<HelkaHomba> there, made you a new friend
<brikerw> end rods?
<brikerw> HelkaHomba :D
<HelkaHomba> I doubt it
<brikerw> FRIENDS!!!
<Lumien> I was thinking end rods too.
<HelkaHomba> But it's all the same "light", no?
<Lumien> mmm, true
<daavko> Yeah, might be
<HelkaHomba> Could make this circular like igloo
<brikerw> sure
<brikerw> i suck at building tho, just making a frame first
<HelkaHomba> @daavko, north path here ok?
<daavko> Alright
<HelkaHomba> or could go to left of phases thing
<daavko> Your choice
<daavko> My house can connect either way
<brikerw> HelkaHomba want more carpet?
<HelkaHomba> nah
<HelkaHomba> akward steps here
<HelkaHomba> oh well\
<daavko> Hm...
<Lumien> ?
<HelkaHomba> could flatten a bit
<HelkaHomba> @Lum making path north out of community area
<Lumien> ahhh, okay
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> anyone have ice to trade?
<Lumien> I ain't got no ice. :(
<brikerw> THEN GIVE ME
<daavko> Why are there no dirt half slabs??
<brikerw> they were taken out
<daavko> @Helka brb, going for food
<HelkaHomba> were these carpets on the outside spare?
<brikerw> yes
<daavko> And I got my food
<daavko> briker got any nametags? You should name one of the snowmen Joe
<brikerw> no.
<brikerw> i was literally thinking the same thing earlier
<HelkaHomba> I may have harmed the golem that was here..
<daavko> lol
<daavko> May have "accidentally"
<brikerw> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOnot all dams are power generating!! (buzz kill, I know)not all dams are poOOOOOO
<brikerw> wait wat
<brikerw> brb killing helka
<daavko> lol
<brikerw> \o/
<brikerw> sowee for flaming you
<HelkaHomba> they like eachother
<HelkaHomba> its ok
<brikerw> :D
<HelkaHomba> now they're doing the replenish thing
<daavko> Snowball fight!
<brikerw> gimme a mo
<Lumien> yay, now I have a minecart ladder at my base :D
<daavko> "Something tripped"
<daavko> briker, you're officially "Something"
<HelkaHomba> darn, too far
<HelkaHomba> ow
<Lumien> o.O
<Lumien> What happened?
<brikerw> ^
<HelkaHomba> that backfired
<HelkaHomba> I threw a snowball at lumien on his tower but somehow I fell off...
<Lumien> Maybe it's the same sort of recoil as eggs.
<HelkaHomba> bleh, dirt
<Lumien> lawl
<Lumien> I knew people would be like "ew dirt" :P
<brikerw> TIL snow golems can carry stuff
<Lumien> ...can't break the ladder without the minecart falling...
<brikerw> dude lag?
brikerw left the game.
brikerw joined the game
<brikerw> wtf
<HelkaHomba> scuse me
<HelkaHomba> trying to sleep
<daavko> It's snowing...
<Lumien> Fantastic...I can fly right to the base of the elevator from my own minecart ladder.
<HelkaHomba> ow
<Lumien> o.O
<brikerw> no flaming arrers pls
<brikerw> is snow day
<daavko> Why u fire arrows at yourself? :D
<HelkaHomba> I ran out of snow
<brikerw> here is eom
<brikerw> *some
<Lumien> oh hey snow
<brikerw> birch door?
<daavko> Snowball fights are happening
<HelkaHomba> sure
<HelkaHomba> can I make floor cobble?
<brikerw> need birch wood >.<
<brikerw> sure
<brikerw> that helps collect the snow without busting the floor
<Lumien> Where are you using the snow?
<brikerw> just for a snow farm
<brikerw> nothing else really
<daavko> Snowball fights
<brikerw> no birch door pls
<HelkaHomba> hm?
<HelkaHomba> I used dark oak cus I had it
<brikerw> wait nm
<daavko> I win the KotH
<brikerw> :D
<brikerw> FINISHED!!!
<brikerw> i gtg now, bai
<daavko> Bye
brikerw left the game.
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
ElectroRedstoner joined the game
<HelkaHomba> briker will never know
<daavko> Haha
<daavko> I'll tell him :D
brikerw joined the game
<daavko> You wanna break your armor or what? :D
<brikerw> I READ CHAT RELAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<brikerw> DIE HelkaHomba
<daavko> LOL
<brikerw> wait what you do?
<brikerw> Don't shave them pls.
<HelkaHomba> I moved the golems from the farm to here
<brikerw> or you can.
<HelkaHomba> "shave", lol
<brikerw> HelkaHomba YOU KLLE THEM
<HelkaHomba> Don't believe daavko
<daavko> Yes, that's me
<brikerw> I WILL KILL YOU
<brikerw> I cant decide.
<brikerw> do I trust daavko or you?
<daavko> Tip: don't trust anyone
<HelkaHomba> I have the power to ban you ;)
<brikerw> you look funny with a arrow sticking out of you
<brikerw> you did kill one at least
<brikerw> 5 + 2 !=
<brikerw> 6
<daavko> Well...if you put it that way...
<brikerw> WHERE IS HE
<daavko> Did I hit you?
<brikerw> no
<HelkaHomba> yes
<daavko> Not you briker...lol
<daavko> Tried to hit Helka while not seeing him directly
<Lumien> Alright, gonna log off for a while.
<brikerw> bai
<daavko> Bye
<ElectroRedstoner> bye
<Lumien> seeya!
<HelkaHomba> bye
Lumien left the game.
HelkaHomba was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting daavko
<daavko> wat
<brikerw> thank you
<ElectroRedstoner> lol
<daavko> No that's not funny
<brikerw> i will leave your stuff for you
<brikerw> daavko not you
HelkaHomba left the game.
<brikerw> I feel content.
<ElectroRedstoner> oh.
<brikerw> sorry tho helka
<ElectroRedstoner> now I feel bad
HelkaHomba joined the game
<brikerw> wait what?
<daavko> No that's actually not funny at all
<brikerw> and ^^^
<HelkaHomba> :(
<brikerw> :(
<brikerw> sorry dude
<daavko> I only hit with snowballs, I'm innocent
<brikerw> you can has sword?
<HelkaHomba> It's ok, but no more :P
<HelkaHomba> I have better sword
<brikerw> as apaolgy
<brikerw> you can has pie
<HelkaHomba> ok
<HelkaHomba> I guess my pants broke
<daavko> Eeeeeek, he got no pants on!
<brikerw> ^
<brikerw> HelkaHomba seriously what happened to the snowmen?
<brikerw> daavko has you gone crazy?
<HelkaHomba> I moved them from the iron farm since now they have a proper place
<brikerw> okai
<daavko> Nah, I'm always crazy
<brikerw> but can i keeps snowmen in iron farm for fun?
<HelkaHomba> But then it gets all messy :/
<brikerw> upstairs
<HelkaHomba> ok
<daavko> Won't they falls down?
<brikerw> nah
<HelkaHomba> not sure
<daavko> Huh...
<brikerw> what?
<brikerw> they don't fit down the ladder?
<daavko> No, nothing
<brikerw> hai guys
<brikerw> how you doing?
<daavko> You should name this one Bob
<daavko> And this one Alice
<brikerw> you has tag?
<daavko> Nah
<brikerw> lel
DogetorHue joined the game
<brikerw> hai
<DogetorHue> hey
<daavko> Bob should try to send Alice a message
<daavko> But he can't, because Minecraft doesn't have public-key crypto implemented in-game
<DogetorHue> what lol
<ElectroRedstoner> lol
<HelkaHomba> do it in redstone
<brikerw> daavko and eve the iron golem steals it and gives the message to HelkaHomba the snowman mover
<daavko> Helka no no no no no
<daavko> Not doing that
<brikerw> what?
<HelkaHomba> You can borrow a stack of mine, should be about enough
<daavko> Implementing crypto in redstone...nah
<DogetorHue> yes
<brikerw> ^
<brikerw> bai for now guys
brikerw left the game.
<DogetorHue> brb
DogetorHue left the game.
DogetorHue joined the game
<daavko> Btw Helka, why is your house on 2 places?
<HelkaHomba> MagentaField rebuilt it on the northside as a prank
<daavko> Oh...
<HelkaHomba> The upper part is copying your house I believe
<daavko> Yeah, it is
<daavko> Exactly bottom of my house
<daavko> This guy does some pretty elaborate pranks
<HelkaHomba> afk for a while
<DogetorHue> there is way too much grass around my house
<ElectroRedstoner> bbl, bye
ElectroRedstoner left the game.
<DogetorHue> do you know how many shovels i've been through today?
MagentaField joined the game
<daavko> Yo
<MagentaField> hi
<DogetorHue> woof
<daavko> Meow?
MagentaField left the game.
<DogetorHue> and another shovel bites the dust

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